“Avant-garde” experienced on the orders of Putin

“Avant-garde” experienced on the orders of Putin Russian military on the orders of President Vladimir Putin tested the complex “Avangard” with a hypersonic glide winged warheads, reports TASS with reference to the press service of the Kremlin. The launch was carried out successfully: launched from the Orenburg missile successfully hit its target on the Kura test site in Kamchatka. It is specified that in the course of the flight of the winged unit made of vertical and horizontal managed maneuvering. This week the Russian military, according to sources TASS, began underwater testing strategic unmanned “Poseidon.” In addition, CNBC, citing sources in American intelligence reported successful flight tests of hypersonic missiles “Zircon”. According to Vladimir Putin, the latest weapons developed in Russia, ensuring the country’s security for decades to come. This, according to the President, will force to think the adherents of a militaristic rhetoric. About the creation in Russia of

Patriarch Kirill said of a possible “bloody conflicts” because of the churches in Ukraine

Patriarch Kirill said of a possible “bloody conflicts” because of the churches in Ukraine The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill has accused the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in an “unprecedented interference” in the religious life of the country. He stated that the name change of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) of the Moscow Patriarchate, which insists the Ukrainian authorities, will entail large-scale action to seize churches of the UOC. “Everything that can occur around the temples, has the risk to turn into bloody conflicts,” he said in Moscow, summing up the year at the meeting of the Supreme Church Council (quoted by “Interfax”). Patriarch Kirill reminded that the separation of the Church and of religion from the state is one of the fundamental European values: So, in violation of this fundamental European values of the state in the person of the President directly interferes in Church governance,

The Russians have proposed to rename the ballot box in izbirkom or glasner

The Russians have proposed to rename the ballot box in izbirkom or glasner MOSCOW, 26 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Central election Commission of Russia has received a large number of proposals for renaming voting, among them was the capacity of the trust, ibberson, the electoral altar, spam and depot of the ballots, told reporters the head of the CEC of the Russian Federation, Ella Pamfilova, summing up the humorous contest. Pamfilova recalled that in late October, she jokingly offered to hold a competition to rename the polling box: Didn’t think so well go… This is my playful suggestion… We, the hotline began to ring… a Lot of interesting names, our staff has compiled all of this. In particular, according to her, the proposal to rename the ballot box in the chest, basket, drive, box, box, vybornik: Glasner, spam, safe-Deposit box-ballots, the electoral altar, election Cup, stele of the elections,

Head of anti-extremism of the MIA resigned

Head of anti-extremism of the MIA resigned Moscow. 26 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — a petition for the resignation of the chief anti-extremism of the MIA Timur Valiulin, reported “Interfax” on Wednesday, interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. “This is a purely staff matters, which are now in practical execution,” said the Minister, commenting on the resignation Valiulina. Valiulin served in bodies of internal Affairs since 1988. From 1992 to 2001, he served in Management on economic crimes of the Moscow Central Board of police. In 2002 he headed the Department for combating economic crimes Department of internal Affairs on the Central administrative district of Moscow. From 2007 to 2008 headed the Department for combating organized crime of the Metropolitan police. From 2008 to 2012 — head of the Centre to combat extremism of the Moscow Central Directorate of police. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 4 September 2012

The Kremlin reacted to the idea of Volodina to rethink the Constitution

The Kremlin reacted to the idea of Volodina to rethink the Constitution The Kremlin has not yet formed a position on the initiative of the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, who proposed to analyze the relevance and effectiveness of the Russian Constitution, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “These different expert points of view, including the point of view Volodin, they really voiced, but any position on this matter has not yet been formulated and any works in this context is not possible,” the official said, his words leads to “RIA Novosti”. Himself Peskov said that the Kremlin does not find constitutional provisions that require rethinking. In his opinion in General, Russian law, which in 2018 was 25 years old, did not need to change. Volodin proposed to analyze the effectiveness of the provisions of the Constitution at the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with

Ukraine takes military position

Ukraine takes military position In Ukraine at 14:00 local time (15:00 MSK) expires martial law. Recall, November 26, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the decree on introduction of martial law for 30 days in the ten regions of the country. It happened after a collision off the coast of Crimea on 25 November, the Russian and Ukrainian warships. Under martial law on 30 November it was announced that Ukraine will no longer be flowing into its territory of Russians male, aged from 16 to 60 years. Exceptions may be made for humanitarian reasons, for example, if a person goes to a funeral of a relative. Secretary of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov in interview to the Ukrainian service bi-Bi-si stated that the duration of the ban may be extended. News“the War with Ukraine, we will not, I promise you” That the action of the martial law

Beglov has accepted the resignation of Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Albina and mokretsova

Beglov has accepted the resignation of Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Albina and mokretsova Moscow. 26 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the acting Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov has accepted the resignation of Vice-Governor Igor Albin and Michael mokretsova, reported the press service of the Smolny. Last week Vice-Governor Albin was accused of lying and self-promotion representative defrauded investors Alla Andreeva, who mentioned it during his annual press conference Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I take this opportunity to say that working with Alla Andreeva on the troubled objects of shared construction, neither I nor Eugene Baranovsky (Deputy Chairman of the construction Committee — if) or Aleksey Zolotov (head of staff has been relaxed — if) will not. Ready to suffer for his intransigence punishment and even to retire. Affected the honor and dignity of myself and my colleagues,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday. Vice-Governor noted that Andrews is “a dubious journalist”

The Kremlin did not link the resignation of Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg with a complaint against him to Putin

The Kremlin did not link the resignation of Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg with a complaint against him to Putin The resignation of the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin is not connected with the complaint against him at a big press conference President Vladimir Putin. This was stated by the radio station “Moscow Says” press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “No. Has nothing to do. This is a question only of the mayoralty of St.-Petersburg”, — he told, answering an appropriate question. Dec 26, acting Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov has accepted the resignation of Albin, as well as another Vice-Governor Mikhail Mokretsov. NewsDeceived FSO fish, the businessman told about life after a conversation with Putin At the big press conference Putin Albina complained the activist community of the deceived shareholders Alla Andreeva. According to her, in 2017 he and Viktor Minenko, who then held the position of

Navy commander told the capacity at the borders of the Russian Federation strategic high-precision weapons

Navy commander told the capacity at the borders of the Russian Federation strategic high-precision weapons Commander of the Navy of the Russian Federation Vladimir Korolev told about the capacity of the United States strategic non-nuclear systems precision weapons in areas adjacent to Russian waters. He stressed that in 2019 the number of presence of the Russian Navy in the oceans in 2019 would “eliminate any threat from sea and ocean areas.” “In the coming year 2019, the efforts of the General command of the Navy will focus on the further creation and development of qualitatively new, balanced in its composition and combat capabilities of the Navy, is capable in conjunction with other types and kinds of troops to provide strategic nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence and the protection of national interests”, — quotes the words of Mr. Queen “Red star”. The military explained that the need for the presence of the

Volodin proposed to discuss the relevance of the Russian Constitution

Volodin proposed to discuss the relevance of the Russian Constitution Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has offered on Tuesday, December 25, to review the effectiveness of the norms of the Russian Constitution. He said that this year the basic law of the Russian Federation, 25 years old, and added that it would be possible to answer the questions that arise in society. “In any case, do not strike at the fundamental situation, but perhaps (need — ed) to find the format with the participation of judges of the constitutional court, leading scientists in the field of constitutional law and experts”, — quotes the speaker of the Agency “RIA Novosti”. According to him, even the Constitution is not dogma. Need to think about how the law works, and how effective its use, concluded Volodin. The Constitution is the fundamental law of Russia and has the highest legal force. The