The defense Ministry suspends operation of the hotline communication with the Pentagon on Syria

The defense Ministry suspends operation of the hotline communication with the Pentagon on Syria MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The defense Ministry informed the Pentagon about the termination of the channels “hot line” communications on Syria, said the official representative of Department major General Igor Konashenkov. “On military-to diplomatic channels to the Pentagon sent a diplomatic note of the Ministry of defense of Russia on the termination of work under the Memorandum of channels “hot line” communication,” he said. Memorandum on safety in Syria between the military of Russia and the USA acted in October 2015. Parties regularly held videoconferences of the working group on implementation issues. The last such conference was held on March 24. As stated in the Kremlin, the Memorandum has lost its meaning after the missile strike the US on the Syrian air base In the night of Friday, the US President Donald trump ordered

The USA are investigating the possible complicity of Russia in himatake in Syria

The USA are investigating the possible complicity of Russia in himatake in Syria High-ranking sources in the Pentagon reported that the United States are investigating the possible complicity of Russia in the chemical attack in Syria. Earlier, Washington was blamed for the attack on the forces of Bashar al-Assad. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The United States study the question of possible Russia’s involvement in chemical attack in Syria that Washington imposes on the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. It is reported Associated Press with reference to high-ranking officials of the Pentagon. According to the source, wished to remain unknown, there is a version that Russia was unable to control the use by the Syrian government of chemical weapons The interlocutors said that after the use of chemical weapons above the place that was attacked, there was a drone that belonged to either Russia or Syria. The drone came back towards the end of

Dmitry Medvedev said a lack of independence of the US administration

Dmitry Medvedev said a lack of independence of the US administration The actions of the administration of U.S. President Donald trump may demonstrate its dependence on the opinions of the “Washington establishment”, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on his page in Facebook. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий According to him, “the existing machine of government,” “broke” campaign installation of the President for two and a half months. Mr. Medvedev also stated “publicized thesis on the joint fight against the main enemy — the ISIS (Islamic state)”, as Washington has “proved that will fiercely fight the legitimate government of Syria.” According to Dmitry Medvedev, a missile attack on a military base in HOMS was made “in violation of … procedures, establishes the need for prior notice to Congress” and “on the verge of military confrontation with Russia” The actions of the us armed forces, the Prime Minister called “encouraging terrorists” and that “it is sad

Tillerson during his visit to Russia to discuss the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg

Photo: A senior state Department official said that U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson during his visit to Russia on April 11-12 to discuss the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, which Washington condemned. In addition, he intends to raise the issue of “Russia’s intervention in U.S. elections”. “The Secretary believes this is one area where Russia or violates international norms or creates tension, which without the need of undermines confidence,” said the spokesman. In addition, he reported that the meeting with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Tillerson confirmed, but if the invitation comes from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, U.S. Secretary of state “will do so”. The state Department added that chemical attack in Idlib will color the debate in Moscow about cooperation on the settlement in Syria. “We are considering the possibility to cooperate with Russian, but no decisions have been made at this point to

Lukashenko said that Russia is not ready for full-fledged Union state

Lukashenko said that Russia is not ready for full-fledged Union state MINSK, 7 APR — RIA Novosti. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that Russia is not yet ready to build full-fledged Union state, and urged Moscow to work together to solve the issue of equal conditions in the economy. “Treaty on the Union state… But we moved away from it. And we had to hold a referendum to create the common law — the common Constitution of our future Union state. But at the time we didn’t, took it and yanked the individual questions and began to address them”, — said Lukashenko in interview to TV channel “Mir”. The transcript of the interview posted on the official website of the President of Belarus. Lukashenka noted that Minsk and Moscow “solved all the problems for people — for the free movement of people, labor,” there are difficulties in the economy,

The defense Ministry has said it is “extremely low” effectiveness of a US strike in Syria

The defense Ministry has said it is “extremely low” effectiveness of a US strike in Syria The defense Ministry estimated the combat effectiveness of the missile strike on the United States airbase in Syria as “very low”. According to the Russian Ministry, the purposes have reached only 23 of the 59 cruise missiles fired from American destroyers. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The combat effectiveness of the missile strike, the US air base in Syria, was “extremely low.” This was during the briefing said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to the Russian means of objective control, to the Syrian air base flew only 23 rockets. The place of fall of the remaining 36 cruise missiles neizvestnogo Contenciosului the representative of the Russian defense Ministry He said that the missile strike had destroyed a logistics property, academic building, dining room, six were in the

Russia suspends the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in Syria

Russia suspends the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in Syria Also, the Russian foreign Ministry urged the UN security Council to hold an emergency meeting after the attacks U.S. base in Syria. MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Moscow suspends the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring the safety of aviation in Syria concluded with the United States. This is stated in a special statement the Russian foreign Ministry. “The Russian side is suspending the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring the safety of aviation operations in Syria concluded with the United States, the document says. — Urge the UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting to discuss the situation”. On the night of 7 April, the United States dealt a blow to Syrian government forces, using as pretext the situation of highincidence in Idlib province. “Obviously, the impact of U.S. cruise missiles preparing in advance, noted

MP: the former head of the Mari El Markelov will be a Senator

Photo: RIA Novosti The former head of the Mari El Republic Leonid Markelov can continue to work in the Republic, becoming a Deputy of the regional state Assembly, or go to the Federation Council, told RIA Novosti Secretary of the Mari Republican Committee of the Communist party, head of the Communist party faction in the Republican Parliament Gennady Zubkov. On Thursday the President of Russia Vladimir Putin dismissed the head of Mari El Leonid Markelov, who had earlier resigned voluntarily. Acting head of the region appointed Alexander Evstifeev. “The thirty-first of March and 1st of April, we received documents from the state Assembly that the planned session, which will consider two issues — is the early resignation of the Deputy Leukhina and the introduction of a second post of the first Deputy Chairman of the state Assembly… immediately became Clear to many that this is done in order to Markelov

Russia is outraged by the statements of Scaparotti about support for the Taliban, said Grushko

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow is outraged by the statements of the commander of NATO forces in Europe Curtis Scaparotti about possible Russian support for the Taliban, said on Thursday Russia’s envoy to NATO Alexander Grushko. “It is necessary to ask those who makes such statements. Of course, we were outraged, and very surprised by the statements of the commander of the NATO forces in Europe General Scaparotti at the hearings in Congress (USA), when he talked about the fact that we (Russia) almost support the Taliban,” said Grushko in broadcast television channel “Russia 24”.

Poltavchenko: the terrorists are unable to sow fear in St. Petersburg

Photo: TASS The terrorists failed to sow fear among the residents of St. Petersburg, a city United in common misfortune, said Thursday the Governor of the Northern capital Georgy Poltavchenko at the evening of memory of victims of the terrorist attack in the subway. “Three days ago, cowardly terrorists attacked our city. Killed and injured citizens and guests of our city from other regions of Russia and foreign countries, innocent people of different ages, professions. Terrorists do not care who to kill, their goal is to sow fear, uncertainty and disunity, but they miscalculated. The General grief has rallied Petersburg, we mourn together for the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the victims and do everything for that,” he said. The Governor noted that only together we can confront the “global evil”. “Only together can we fight back this terrible evil, because we are citizens of Russia, which not