Tillerson called Russia’s actions in Eastern Ukraine an obstacle to improving relations with the United States

Tillerson called Russia’s actions in Eastern Ukraine an obstacle to improving relations with the United States Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. is interested in improving relations with Russia, however, believe that Moscow’s actions in Eastern Ukraine to prevent it, said U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson in a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, according to the state Department. As noted in the distributed report of the state Department, the conversation took place on Sunday at the initiative of the American side. “The Secretary of state Tillerson called the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to discuss it (Tillerson — if) recent trip to Moscow and a message to the Russian leadership that, though the U.S. is interested in improving relations with Russia, Russia’s actions in Eastern Ukraine to prevent it”, — the document says. In addition, according to the report, Tillerson accepted the condolences of Poroshenko

The United States urged Russia to help investigate the death of their citizen in the East of Ukraine

The United States urged Russia to help investigate the death of their citizen in the East of Ukraine The US state Department said that “shocked and deeply saddened” by the death of an employee of the OSCE mission. Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU — the United States urged Russia to use its influence in the East of Ukraine to the OSCE was allowed to investigate the death of a US citizen, employee of the OSCE mission. “US calls on Russia to use its influence among the separatists to allow OSCE to conduct a full, transparent and timely investigation”, — said in a statement, acting state Department spokesman Mark Toner released on Sunday. As noted in the document, “the United States is shocked and deeply saddened by the death of a U.S. citizen who had served as a nurse in the Special monitoring mission of the OSCE, the explosion of his car

Published final results of the first round of presidential elections in France

Published final results of the first round of presidential elections in France The French interior Ministry released the final results of the first round of the presidential election, which was held on Sunday, April 23, reports Reuters. According to the Agency, the leader of movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron has received 23.75 percent of the votes, in second place — the representative of the “National front” marine Le Pen from 21.53 percent. The representative of the right wing “Republicans” françois Fillon received 19.91% of the votes, the fourth place candidate from the extreme left movement “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon from 19.64 percent. Earlier in support of the Macron in favor of the highest officials of France and its former rivals, the candidate of the socialist party, Benoit Hamon and françois Fillon.

Zyuganov urged citizens to participate in the actions of the Communist party for the birthday of Lenin

Photo: RIA Novosti Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov called for Russian citizens to respond to “disgusting” initiative on the reburial of the body of Vladimir Lenin’s participation in the events dedicated to the day of Lenin’s birth and the 100th anniversary of the October revolution. On Thursday in the state Duma was introduced the bill for the burial of the body of Vladimir Lenin. The project was made by representatives of LDPR and “United Russia” United Russia but later withdrew their signatures. However, more than 60% of Russians, according to VTSIOM, said the need to bury Lenin’s body, which is in the Mausoleum on red square in Moscow, with half of them believes that this should be done immediately, the other half offers to wait for some time. “We appeal to the citizens of Russia with an appeal to respond to this blatant anti-Communist attack of the massive participation in

SK said the Deputy Rashkin asked to check the property Medvedev

Photo: RIA Novosti The investigative Committee of Russia said Duma Deputy Valery Rashkin, who asked the office to check messages “on the palaces and villas of the” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Response of SK to the MP published in Twitter. The Deputy Chairman of SK Igor Lazuta reported to the Deputy that the supervision of non-profit foundations in Russia is the responsibility of the Prosecutor General, in connection with which the request was forwarded to this office. “Issues related to the competence of the IC of Russia, currently not available”, – said in response. Previously Rashkin has sent a request to the Investigation Committee “concerning the palaces and villas of Dmitry Medvedev”.

The vote on the election of 2018 can be e

The vote on the election of 2018 can be e During the voting of the classic “paper” form may be duplicated digitally. Business Ombudsman Boris Titov appealed to the head of the Central election Commission (CEC), Ella Pamfilova, a range of duplication on the election of 2018 “paper” form of the usual ballot electronic form. In CEC, the initiative caused as the interest and clarification. In March Titov met with Pamfilova, then proposed the idea of using the blockchain for voting. The CEC declares its readiness to implement the proposal in a test mode and only in case, if you do not have to change the law on elections. — While we are about to carry out in one or two regions of the experiment: to replicate the classic paper voting ballot voting using the blockchain-the platform, — told “Izvestia” Boris Titov. According to him, this platform still need to

In Paris ended the protest on the day of presidential elections

In Paris ended the protest on the day of presidential elections PARIS, April 24 — RIA Novosti. Protests in Paris on the day of the first round of presidential elections in France ended late in the night, injured at least two people, was also burnt vehicles, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from the event. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, which refers to the police, three people were detained. It’s after midnight at the Republic square in Paris, the police pushed protesters in the subway, they broke up. An hour earlier between them, clashes, police used tear gas and stun grenades. Demonstrators threw guards, the flares and other items. Earlier, RIA Novosti became the witness of how in the North of the station was burned three parked car, at the scene worked firefighters. A few hours earlier at the place de La Bastille, police in clashes with demonstrators also used

Trump drew attention to the fact that almost all Americans do not regret voting for him

Trump drew attention to the fact that almost all Americans do not regret voting for him So the US President commented on the results of a survey which showed that he was in the first 100 days of the presidency became the most unpopular leader for 65 years. WASHINGTON, April 23. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. The President of the United States Donald trump welcomed the results of a public opinion poll conducted jointly by broadcaster ABC and The Washington Post, noting that almost all US citizens, who gave him a voice, not sorry about your choice. His opinion of the President shared on the official page in social network Twitter. New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE and almost always negative. Would still beat Hillary in ….. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2017 …popular vote. ABC News/Washington Post Poll (wrong

The state Duma rejected the draft law on compensation for the costs of fitness club

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma rejected a bill which provides for a mechanism of compensation of expenses of citizens for sports, including in sports complexes and fitness clubs. The document was submitted in may of last year. The initiators of the document was initiated by deputies from “Fair Russia”, headed by faction leader Sergei Mironov. The bill provides for the introduction of a mechanism of compensation to the citizens of the funds they spent on physical education in physical culture and sports organizations, at the expense of employers and means of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. With 50% of the cost of annual maintenance paid by the employee for the services of physical culture and sports organizations are subject to compensation by the employer and 25% — at the expense of the Federal budget. The total amount of monthly compensation may not exceed 25% of the minimum

Vladimir Putin congratulates Anatoly Bibilov with the inauguration

Photo: RIA Novosti Vladimir Putin once again congratulated Anatoly Bibilov on the occasion of the convincing victory in the election and the inauguration of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia. The President noted a significant positive potential accumulated in the relations with South Ossetia. Russia is interested in development of these relations based on the principles of friendship, Alliance and integration. Moscow intends to continue to help partners in solving socio-economic issues and national security. The first priority on the bilateral agenda Vladimir Putin called the systematic implementation of the provisions of the Treaty of 18 March 2015, in particular the signing of “sectoral” agreements. “We attach great importance to the implementation of projects of the Investment program to promote socio-economic development of South Ossetia for 2015-2017, as well as provide necessary assistance in the formation of budget revenues of the Republic”, – said in a congratulatory telegram.