Inspectors of the United States and Italy 24-28 April will make observation flight over Belarus and Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti A joint mission of the United States and Italy from 24 to 28 April, will perform an observation flight over the territory of Russia and Belarus under the international open skies Treaty. This was reported in the press service of the defense Ministry. “In the framework of the implementation of the international Treaty on open skies during the period from 24 to 28 April, the joint mission of Italy and the United States will perform an observation flight over the territory of the group of States parties to the Treaty, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation to the Romanian observation aircraft An-30”, – stated in the message. As explained in the press service of the Russian specialists on Board the plane will monitor strict observance of the agreed flight parameters and application of the Treaty sensors. The Department also noted that the An-30 belongs to

On the election of 2018 can receive electronic newsletters

Photo: TASS During the presidential election in 2018 classic “paper” election procedure can duplicate the electronic. The proposal to the head of the Central election Commission (CEC) Ella Pamfilova appealed to business Ombudsman Boris Titov about what “news” told the Commissioner. The CEC announced that the proposal can be implemented in test mode, but only if you do not have to change the law. To use the blockchain for voting Boris Titov suggested at a meeting with Ella Pamfilova in March. — While we are about to carry out in one or two regions of the experiment: to replicate the classic paper voting ballot voting using the blockchain-the platform, — told “Izvestia” Boris Titov. — This platform has yet to develop — to combine the Constitution the principle of the secret ballot with verification of each particular voice. Now the Party of growth, led by Titov, tested internal electronic voting

The Prosecutor General’s office proposed to introduce the concept of non-material bribes

The Prosecutor General’s office proposed to introduce the concept of non-material bribes The Prosecutor General’s office asked lawmakers to support the introduction of the concept of non-material bribes in the penal code. Until that Russian legislation does not meet the requirements of the European Group of States against corruption. The Prosecutor General’s office appealed to the lawmakers to support the introduction in the criminal code the concept of non-material bribes. This was at a meeting of the Council of legislators under Federal Assembly addressed the first Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Alexander Buksman, reports TASS. In particular, the prosecution proposes to include the instruction “receive services non-material nature” in article 204 (“Commercial bribery”) and item 290 of the criminal code (“Receiving bribe”). According to Buksman, the draft amendments to the criminal code were prepared according to the recommendations of the Group of States against corruption (GRECO). The project is already

The US imposed sanctions against 271 scientist in Syria

The US imposed sanctions against 271 scientist in Syria WASHINGTON, April 24 — RIA Novosti. On Monday, the US announced the imposition of sanctions against a large group of employees of the Syrian scientific research, charged with developing chemical weapons, according to the U.S. Treasury. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Today’s decision, one of the largest in its history, the Office of foreign assets control (U.S. Treasury) makes (list of sanctions) 271 employee of the Syrian scientific research center — the Agency of the Syrian government, responsible for the development of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery,” — said in a press release. According to the American side, the staff sanctioned in the development of chemical weapons since at least 2012. The press release notes that the sanctions imposed in response to the “sarin attack in Khan Sheyhun in Syria against innocent civilians carried out by the regime at the head

Reuters: presenter Heather Nauert appointed as the new head of the press service of the U.S. Department of state

Reuters: presenter Heather Nauert appointed as the new head of the press service of the U.S. Department of state WASHINGTON, April 24. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. The leading news programs of Fox News channel Heather Nauert became the new head of the press service of US state Department Mark Toner instead. This information was confirmed by the foreign Ministry. “The Department of state is pleased to welcome Heather Nauert as the new head of the press service of the Ministry. Nauert came to the state Department with more than 15 years of experience as a presenter and reporter, covering both foreign and domestic events, including the September 11 attacks, the war in Iraq and genocide in Darfur (Sudan). Experience in the media by Heather and her longtime interest in international Affairs will be invaluable in conveying to the Americans and the world foreign policy priorities of the US administration,” —

Former adviser to trump responded to statements about “relations with Russia”

Photo: RIA Novosti Former adviser on international relations of the election headquarters of the electoral campaign of Donald trump Carter Paige commented on reports of alleged links with Russian intelligence services. “It’s really news, I was thrilled after reading it. “Russia was trying to use trump’s advisors for the implementation of the campaign”. Remember the headlines of recent months: “a Campaign trump in cahoots”, there was something vile. Now say the word “tried,” said Paige on CNN. The former adviser noted that in recent time, the media repeatedly tried to spread false reports. “Nothing of what I spoke with someone from the Russian officials, is not beyond public, inconsequential information,” said Paige. Earlier, CNN reported that the FBI suspects Russian special services, who allegedly tried to infiltrate the presidential campaign of Donald trump through his advisers, among whom Carter Paige. In late March, Carter Paige has already denied reports of

Sands: the question of peacekeepers in the Donbass need to discuss with all parties

ST. PETERSBURG, April 24. /TASS/. The initiative of Kiev on the introduction of the peacekeeping contingent in the conflict zone in the Donbass need to discuss with all stakeholders, including Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on a proposal of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. “If the initiative moves forward, it is subject to discussion directly with the parties to the conflict and parties to the conflict are Kiev on one side and the breakaway Republic of Donbass on the other hand,” – said Peskov, noting that Russia “long ago advocated the establishment of a direct dialogue between Kiev and representatives of these republics in order to find a solution to this crisis.” “In addition, it is also necessary to understand the attitude to this initiative, UN – to the extent possible, to the extent considered

Francois Hollande: “Le Pen is a threat to France”

Francois Hollande: “Le Pen is a threat to France” The current President of France Francois Hollande, speaking on television, said he would vote in the upcoming second round of presidential elections in the centrist of Emmanuel Macron, and named it the competitor — the leader of the right “National front” marine Le Pen is a threat to France. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “Emmanuel macron today — the one who will protect the values that unite the people of France in such a serious moment, serious for France, Europe and the world. […] At stake is our French idea, our unity, our partnership with Europe and our place in the world,” said Hollande. “As for me, I will vote for Emmanuel Macron”, he added. Emmanuel macron and marine Le Pen passed to the second round of presidential elections on the last Sunday of the first round. In the first round, the candidates are with

Donald trump called on the ISS

Donald trump called on the ISS The US President Donald trump called on the International space station, the Associated Press reports. Trump congratulated Peggy Whitson, first female ISS commander, with the record for the longest stay in space for American astronauts. Reportedly, Whitson broke the previous record of his colleague Jeffrey Williams, who have been to space 534 days 2 hours 48 minutes. According to the President of the United States, he admires U.S. astronauts, more than any politician in Washington. In the course of the conversation with trump, Whitson stressed that it is a great honour to set a new record. An absolute record on duration of stay in space is Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, who decided to leave the cosmonaut corps. He stayed in space for 879 days.

Putin criticized the slogans against corruption

Putin criticized the slogans against corruption Slogans on anti-corruption are used as a tool of political struggle, they were used in Ukraine during the Arab spring and has led to tragic results, said President Vladimir Putin at the Council of legislators in St. Petersburg on Tuesday. Putin is convinced that we need to distinguish between those who really want to fight corruption and indeed to strengthen the state, and those who are trying to use it as a tool in their own political struggle and for self-promotion, was quoted by TASS. He also stressed that the Council of legislators should step up efforts to curb inappropriate, incorrect or excessive legislative initiatives. “I believe that this work should be repeatedly reinforced,” said Putin. “Of course, everybody wants to look decent. Everyone wants to make decisions that tomorrow’s manna will fall. But she doesn’t wallow. This miracle will not happen. Decisions must