The white house announced the proposals trump on tax reform

The white house announced the proposals trump on tax reform In the previously announced reform of the U.S. tax system Donald trump offered to reduce the top rate of corporate tax to 15%. About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of the representative of the White house. Their profit is made as the personal income of the partners or owners of a legal entity. This allows you to avoid double taxation when income distribution between the shareholders of the company. In addition, according to the proposals of trump, multinational companies will have to pay tax on profits earned abroad at the rate of 10% instead of 35%. The night before in Washington held a debate on proposed reforms between the representatives of the administration, among whom was the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin and representatives of Congress. After the publication of the plan of tax reform, it must be

Lavrov: in the contemporary politics

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov interview with Esquire magazine said that in modern politics there are no rules, and the situation in international relations is harder than during the “cold war”, RIA Novosti reported. “Of course, harder now… Then two empires: Western and Soviet, each of which fueled the conflict with the opponents on the territory of third countries. But never on its borders and never directly. Even public rhetoric was softer. Then both camps did not cross the borderline. Today there are no rules anymore,” said Lavrov. According to him, relations between Russia and the USA at the moment “developed by inertia”, as in the White house still had people from the ex-President of the country Barack Obama. Lavrov also a story that he “managed to build a relationship” with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. The

Lavrov: in the contemporary politics

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov interview with Esquire magazine said that in modern politics there are no rules, and the situation in international relations is harder than during the “cold war”, RIA Novosti reported. “Of course, harder now… Then two empires: Western and Soviet, each of which fueled the conflict with the opponents on the territory of third countries. But never on its borders and never directly. Even public rhetoric was softer. Then both camps did not cross the borderline. Today there are no rules anymore,” said Lavrov. According to him, relations between Russia and the USA at the moment “developed by inertia”, as in the White house still had people from the ex-President of the country Barack Obama. Lavrov also a story that he “managed to build a relationship” with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. The

The government is preparing to cleaning

The Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin Monday, April 24, announced the reorganization of its Department. Innovations are promised to take place before the end of 2017. The experience of economic development can probably be extended to all government reports “gazety”. The Minister promised rapid career growth of officials to 35. “Currently, most of the employees are aged below 35 years… De facto our Ministry be called a Ministry for a new generation,” said Oreshkin. In addition, according to the Minister of economic development, the trainees who came to the office this year, can also achieve great success in 10-15 years of service. However, Oreshkin said the prospects of those officials who are older than 35. He also noted that to date the Ministry has a structure that meets the obsolete tasks. “It is impossible to implement large-scale plans change, you can only maintain the status quo,” said Oreshkin. According

The freed prisoner offer to give 50 000 roubles

Photo: RIA Novosti Former inmates when they are released I propose to give not less than 50 000 rubles, which they must earn themselves. All prisoners it is planned to provide jobs — with the business community. The appropriate economic model was developed by a member of the Public Council under the Federal penitentiary service, head of the Association of trade unions of law enforcement bodies, Alexey Lobarev. Association of trade unions of law enforcement offers to give inmates when they are released from prison at least 50 thousand rubles, which they must earn themselves. About it, he told RT the head of the Association, a member of the Public Council under the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) Alexey Lobarev. He believes that the money to get former prisoners, is not enough to arrange your life in a “transition” period. Therefore, they often start to get money the

China launched its first aircraft carrier in their own facilities

China launched its first aircraft carrier in their own facilities In China, the ceremony of launching the first aircraft carrier designed. Previous in service with the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier Beijing bought from Ukraine in 1998. China launched its first aircraft carrier in their own facilities, reports Reuters. The Agency notes that this event took place amid rising tensions in the Korean Peninsula. As the portal to build own aircraft carrier Beijing has started in 2013. The launching of the aircraft carrier was made after the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the naval forces of China. At the same time, its final commissioning is expected not earlier than 2020. Have a look of China’s 2nd aircraft #carrier, also 1st domestically-built one, launched in Liaoning, NE #China — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) 26 APR 2017 Plans to float an aircraft carrier, which was given the type

Theresa may made a reservation and called for the suppression of tourism

Theresa may made a reservation and called for the suppression of tourism The Prime Minister during a speech in Wales made a mistake and confused terrorism and tourism. MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Prime Minister Theresa may made an unfortunate clause in the course of his speech, a speech in Wales on Tuesday. According to the portal Business Insider, the British government said that the country is ready to lead the world struggle with tourism. “…we want to conclude trade deals around the world for exporting British goods and services. We want to lead the world in the prevention of tourism,” said Mae. Following this, the Prime Minister mentioned the problem of slavery in the modern world and a matter of national security, which gave the British media a reason to assume that Mei still misspoke and actually meant terrorism. According to the newspaper the Mirror, the head of the Cabinet

China launched its first aircraft carrier in their own facilities

China launched its first aircraft carrier in their own facilities In China, the ceremony of launching the first aircraft carrier designed. Previous in service with the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier Beijing bought from Ukraine in 1998. China launched its first aircraft carrier in their own facilities, reports Reuters. The Agency notes that this event took place amid rising tensions in the Korean Peninsula. As the portal to build own aircraft carrier Beijing has started in 2013. The launching of the aircraft carrier was made after the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the naval forces of China. At the same time, its final commissioning is expected not earlier than 2020. Have a look of China’s 2nd aircraft #carrier, also 1st domestically-built one, launched in Liaoning, NE #China — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) 26 APR 2017 Plans to float an aircraft carrier, which was given the type

Media: the United States received a notice from Turkey an hour before operation in Syria and Iraq

Media: the United States received a notice from Turkey an hour before operation in Syria and Iraq MOSCOW, 26 APR — RIA Novosti. The United States received notification from the Turkish military one hour before the beginning of their operations against Kurdish rebels in Iraq and Syria, reports CNN, citing a senior official in the defense sphere. Earlier, the representative of US state Department mark Toner said the concerns over the application of Turkey’s strikes in the North of Syria and Iraq. He stressed that they were made “without coordination with the United States” and with the coalition against terrorist group “Islamic state.”* Later, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview with the Reuters news Agency that he had informed the partners, including Russia, the US and the Northern Iraqi Kurdistan prior to the operation. According to the source channel, the U.S. advisors and the international coalition were not

Theresa may made a reservation and called for the suppression of tourism

Theresa may made a reservation and called for the suppression of tourism The Prime Minister during a speech in Wales made a mistake and confused terrorism and tourism. MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Prime Minister Theresa may made an unfortunate clause in the course of his speech, a speech in Wales on Tuesday. According to the portal Business Insider, the British government said that the country is ready to lead the world struggle with tourism. “…we want to conclude trade deals around the world for exporting British goods and services. We want to lead the world in the prevention of tourism,” said Mae. Following this, the Prime Minister mentioned the problem of slavery in the modern world and a matter of national security, which gave the British media a reason to assume that Mei still misspoke and actually meant terrorism. According to the newspaper the Mirror, the head of the Cabinet