The Agency requests to allow him to give the seized animals, not kill them

Photo: RIA Novosti The government has to exhibit or to destroy confiscated from poachers of animals that do not fall under environmental legislation. The Agency offers to allow him to donate the animals, seized from poachers, environmental and scientific organizations, the head of Rosimuschestvo Dmitry Pristanskov. Now the mammals, which are not included in the Red book and are protected by international conventions, the confiscation from poachers come onto the balance sheet of the Agency. For example, these animals are aquatic mammals such as walrus, seals, whales. This Agency may not transfer them free of charge to any organization in the conservation, scientific and educational purposes. “Today caught these mammals are subject exclusively to the implementation (at the auction — ed.) or destroyed, if no one at the auction did not work, and the forces or powers of Rosimushchestvo,” said Pristanskov at the Committee meeting on holding the Year of

Putin: Kiev’s refusal from PTS helped to create a whole new industry in Russia

The gap of cooperation with Moscow in the field of military-industrial production has led to the emergence in Russia of a new industry. This statement was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin. His words TASS reports. “We were forced to engage in import substitution and, frankly, it’s useful for us from a technological point of view, because during this time — from December 2014 and today — we created virtually a new branch of science and a new branch of production”, — said Putin. His statement Putin made during a meeting of the Military-industrial Commission. The head of state noted that before 2014, Russia was buying engines for military vehicles in Ukraine, but then the cooperation stopped. According to the President, the authorities of the country had the choice to look for import, combine, or develop industry in the country. “We made a decision to develop these sectors and, apparently,

Valentina Matvienko has charged to consider the extension of the powers of prosecutors

Valentina Matvienko has charged to consider the extension of the powers of prosecutors The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has charged to profile committees of the upper house to consider the proposals for legislative expansion of the powers of prosecutors. She stated after a speech in the Federation Council of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika with a report on the state of law and order in the country. Mr. Chaika in his speech said that over the past two and a half years revealed 6.7 thousand illegal criminal cases, with 6.3 thousand people were taken into custody. “And no one before them has not apologized, no one was held accountable for it,” — said the Prosecutor General. According to him, “it is abnormal”. He also said that “the Prosecutor shall perform the function of criminal prosecution, and not the investigator”. The investigator — as a working

The Federation Council approved a ban on ridiculous and weird names for kids

The Federation Council approved a ban on ridiculous and weird names for kids The Federation Council approved a law prohibiting naming children names, using swear words, numerals and titles, reports TASS. According to the document, prohibits “the use in the name of numbers, alphanumeric symbols, numerals, symbols and non-letters characters (except for the character “hyphen”), or any combination”. However, it provided an opportunity for the parents to give the child a hyphenated surname. If the parents have different surnames according to their agreement, the child can obtain the father’s name, mother’s surname or a hyphenated surname, formed by the joining of the surnames of the father and mother to each other in any sequence, At present, a double surname may be formed only in the marriage: spouses can combine their names in General.

In Paris, police went on a “March of anger”

In Paris, police went on a “March of anger” In Paris took place many thousands demonstration police called a “March of anger”. It is reported by Le Figaro. The action began with a minute of silence in memory of Xavier Gugele, police, killed during the attack on the Champs Elysees on April 20. “Today is the manifestation of the guards, the sentinels of the Republic, laborers National police”, — said the leader of the trade Union of law enforcement officers of Yves Lefebvre. According to him, the protesters demand that the problems of police drew the attention of both candidates in presidents of the country. Une quarantaine de #policiers de la #Marne participent à la “marche de la colère policière” ce mercredi à Paris > — France3-ChampArdenne (@France3CA) 26 APR 2017 Fin de la #manifestation, début de la marche silencieuse jusqu au 102 avenue des Champs-Élysées. #policiers @sudradio

The exercises in the Crimea missile system

Photo: RIA Novosti Coastal missile complex (BRC) Utes during tactical exercises of the Russian black sea fleet in the Crimea was struck by a cruise missile sea target at a distance of about 170 kilometers, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday in Department of information support BSF. Readiness division BRK Utes silo-based, located in the Crimean mountains at the height of 500-600 meters above sea level, was restored at the end of 2016. Earlier DBK was part of the armed forces of Ukraine not exploited. “Today, as part of the scoring tactical exercises separate coastal missile brigade “the Rock” off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula has completed the launch of a cruise missile on Maritime targets. A few minutes later a cruise missile P-35 successfully hit the ship’s shield floating in the sea at a distance of about 170 kilometers,” — said the representative of the BSF. For security and

Mizulina told about the dangers from imposing a tax on childlessness

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction, Yelena Mizulina, criticized the proposal to introduce a tax on childlessness. This was reported on the website of the Senator. According to Mizulina, the initiative is reckless and unfair. “It has the potential to cause more harm than to have any positive effects: it to brand and transform into second-class people will be indiscriminately. A person, for example, may not have children for health reasons, because of infertility. Man, and so unhappy in this situation, but it is also imposing a tax,” she said. The Senator also added that today’s youth takes a balanced approach to creating a family and having children after the “get back on my feet”, so the marriages began to register at a later age. “To punish people for what they are either unhealthy or are committed to responsible

Pamfilova: the abolition of absentee in the election may relate to from 5 to 20 million citizens

The head of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. The cancellation of absentee ballots in the election may relate to from 5 to 20 million citizens. This was stated by the head of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova at the CEC session, where we discuss possible mechanisms for the implementation of amendments to the law on presidential elections of the Russian Federation, providing for the inclusion of voters in the list at the location of the personal statement and the cancellation of absentee ballots.

Putin discussed with the Cabinet the reform of rural clubs, jokingly surprised some ideas

Putin discussed with the Cabinet the reform of rural clubs, jokingly surprised some ideas One question, the Russian President made a joke, giving an instruction to the Prime Minister to carry out educational work with the Minister of culture. MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the Cabinet the question of improving the work of cultural houses in the village. A number of ideas have interested the head of state, and the one question he jokingly instructed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to carry out educational work with the Minister of culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky. The head of the Ministry of culture reported that it considers it important that rural DK become a venue for family entertainment. “It seemed to us that it is very important to culture at large village was a place where you can spend family leisure time, cultural time with the whole family.