Media revealed the secret of the “red button” on the table trump

Media revealed the secret of the “red button” on the table trump The President of the United States Donald trump uses the “red button” in the oval office of the White house to order a soda, reports Yahoo News. “Members of the Democratic party worried about the fact that Donald trump will hold your finger over the button. MOSCOW, 26 APR — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump uses the “red button” in the oval office of the White house to order a soda, reports Yahoo News. “Members of the Democratic party worried about the fact that Donald trump will hold your finger over the button. But maybe they were worried in vain”, — stated in the article. According to the publication, the American President found the button unusual use — he uses it to summon the Butler, who brings a glass of soda. Wooden stand

In the state Duma introduced a bill on the right of servicemen to receive gifts

In the state Duma introduced a bill on the right of servicemen to receive gifts In the state Duma a draft law proposing to do for the military exception, associated with receiving a gift at Protocol events, business trips and other official events. The initiative is placed on Wednesday in base of legislative activities of the lower chamber. The author acted as a member of the Federation Council Alexander Bashkin. Now civil servants and military personnel are forbidden to receive in connection with the performance of official duties remuneration (presents, monetary remuneration, loans, services, payment of entertainments, rest, transport expenses and the like). However, for civil servants with the exception of gifts received for Protocol events, business trips and other official events. Such gifts are recognized, respectively, Federal property and property of the subject of Russia and transferred civil servants to act in the public authority, in which it replaces

Lavrov: Russia is interested in stabilization of situation in Afghanistan

Photo: Flickr / US Embassy Kabul Afghanistan Russia is interested that Afghanistan has overcome the period of instability, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, opening the meeting with the former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai. “Russia is sincerely interested in the fact that such a friendly country overcome a period of instability and focused on the prosperity of its people”, — said Lavrov. According to him, the Russian side promotes “support to the national dialogue.” “We are ready to use any formats in order to support external players in this process”, — said the head of the foreign Ministry.

In the Russian Orthodox Church has warned of a “terrible death” opponents of Church building

Metropolitan Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk Panteleimon saw the extremism put forward by the residents of Krasnoyarsk the idea to hold a referendum about the construction of an Orthodox Church in the city centre. The words of the Church Hierarch leads the Agency FlashSiberia. “All who broke the crosses, temples, horribly finished. I’m not threatening: as if it didn’t had and those who require a referendum,” warned the Bishop. He recalled that the land is already handed over to the diocese and protested the fact that the residents do not collect a similar plebiscite regarding the construction near the shopping center. “This is a provocation, dividing the society, extremism,” concluded the Holy. In March the Krasnoyarsk diocese, announced reached with the authorities of the city and the region agreement on the allocation of the Church plot for the restoration of the lost during the Soviet years, the Nativity Cathedral, built in the

The defense intends to appeal the verdict Demushkin

Photo: RIA Novosti Protection of the nationalist Dmitry Demushkin intends to appeal the sentence of Nagatinsky court of Moscow appointed him to 2.5 years in prison for two published in social networks pictures, reported RIA Novosti his lawyer Oleg Kolesnikov. On Tuesday, judge Anton Filatov admitted Demushkin guilty of posting on his page in the social network of two symbols, recognized by experts as extremist, and has appointed to it punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of two years and six months in a General regime colony. Exactly the same term for the nationalist sought on Tuesday the state Prosecutor. “We will appeal this verdict,” the lawyer told the Agency. According to the lawyer Kolesnikov, one of the images recognized as extremist, is the announcement of the “Russian March”. “It’s a humorous image,” the lawyer explained. The second picture posted Demushkin in the social network and later

The head of the constitutional court, called for the creation of the UN Tribunal for the prosecution of terrorists

The Chairman of the constitutional court Valery Zorkin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. The President of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin called for the creation under the auspices of the United Nations special Tribunal to prosecute not only the rank and file of terrorists and insurgents, but the ideologists and organizers of terror. About it he writes in the article, which will be released in “the Russian newspaper” on April 27. “International terrorism – especially the ideologues and organizers of the terrorist groups and movements. For criminal prosecution of such persons there is a need to establish a special international Tribunal under UN auspices as those that were created for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda”, said Zorkin.

The US tested an Intercontinental missile Minuteman III

The US tested an Intercontinental missile Minuteman III USA had successfully tested an Intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III. On Wednesday, April 26, reports The National Interest, citing the statement of the air force. The launch was made from Vandenberg base (California). The rocket, which flew approximately 6440 kilometres (400 miles), did not carry a nuclear warhead. As a result of the launch was struck conditional target on the Marshall Islands. “These launches [rocket] Minuteman is necessary in order to check the status of our nuclear weapons and demonstrate its abilities,” said Colonel John moss. The military statement also States that this test is used to ensure that the United States is able to maintain the level of “a strong and effective nuclear deterrent” as an important part of national security. Earlier on April 26 reported on the impending launch and it was noted that the tests were planned a year

Brazilian Indians with bows and arrows staged a fight with police

Brazilian Indians with bows and arrows staged a fight with police Thousands of indigenous residents of Brazil gathered to protest in Brasilia, the capital of the country. When they got to Congress, clashes with the police. On Wednesday, April 26, BBC News reports, videos posted on YouTube. Protesters unhappy with the fact that the woodcutters and farmers encroach on their land. According to them, 2016 is in conflict over territory killed 13 Indians.

The Prosecutor General declared “Open Russia” junk organization

The Prosecutor General declared “Open Russia” junk organization The office concluded that the organization had been working to discredit the Russian elections. Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU — Russian Prosecutor General’s office decided on the recognition of the undesirable on the territory of Russia activities of several foreign NGOs told “Interfax” the official representative of the Supervisory Department Alexander Kurennoy. “The results of the study of the material received in the state office of public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation on 26 April a decision on the recognition of the undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation activities of foreign non-governmental organizations: “Open Russia” (UK), “Institute of contemporary Russia” (USA) and the social network movement “Open Russia” (Britain),” said Kurennoy. These organizations, he said, “carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, special programs and projects in order to discredit the results held in Russia elections, recognition of their

Putin gave start to the production of ship gas turbine engines

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday during a visit to NPO “Saturn” — one of the leading enterprises “United engine Corporation” — launched a large-scale project in the field of import substitution production in Russia of ship gas turbine engines, which are designed to replace previously purchased from the Ukrainian enterprises of the power plant. In the presence of the President of the company has started testing gas-turbine units of M-35P-1 engine M-70ФРУ-2 for marine programs. Putin from the control room gave the command for the technical commissioning of gas turbine unit. Its tests are conducted in a unique Assembly and test complex built in the enterprise. The head of state thanked the employees of NPO “Saturn”, noting that the President is present at a historical for the Russian economy. Putin reminded that the roots of today’s events in 2014, “when some partners refused to supply to