The US military said that Russia will have to “make a choice” in Syria

The US military said that Russia will have to “make a choice” in Syria The decision of the President of the United States Donald trump to withdraw American troops from Syria — it is extremely logical and at the same time, subtle move, which is sure to drive a wedge between Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran. This opinion was expressed by Colonel US army retired Douglas McGregor aired on Fox News channel. “After leaving Syria, we have eliminated solder the various partners factor. For the cooperation of the Russians, the Turks and the Iranians there is no reason in principle — and it is good”, — quotes RT. As explained by the military, that the United States has created for Russia a “huge problem.” “Russia will have to make a choice. If she let the Turks into Syria, then it will lose influence on the Syrians and Iranians,” he added.

In the Bundestag predicted the deterioration of relations with Russia in 2019

In the Bundestag predicted the deterioration of relations with Russia in 2019 MOSCOW, 4 Jan — RIA Novosti. In 2019, the relationship between Russia and Germany expects a sharp deterioration, said the representative of the German government for relations with Russia Dirk Wiese in an interview with the Pfälzische Merkur. In his opinion, due to the fact that in 2018, Russia has demonstrated extremely unpredictable policy. With regard to global problems in relations with Russia, here I’m skeptical. We are faced with a sharp deterioration.Dirk Wiese Commissioner of the German government for relations with Russia In addition, the politician believes that this is due to “Russia’s responsibility for a series of incidents in 2018 around the world.” “We dealt with the poisoning of former spy Skripal. Moscow then spun the spiral of the arms race — the INF Treaty can be terminated. And on this issue we have intensively engaged

Pompeo said that the United States has begun withdrawing troops from Syria

Pompeo said that the United States has begun withdrawing troops from Syria The United States has begun to withdraw its troops from Syria, said in an interview with Newsmax, the American Secretary of state Michael Pompeo. According to him, the US President Donald trump remains committed to “stability in the middle East”. “Our troops out (of Syria.— “Kommersant”). They will go from there,” said Mr. Pompeo. He added that the US will continue to campaign against the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia), as well as countering “terrorist activities of Iran.” “The President also made it clear that we need to continue the campaign against ISIS. We will continue to achieve results. We will do this at a time when American troops leave Syria,” — said U.S. Secretary of state. While Michael Pompeo declined to give a specific timeline for withdrawal of troops. “I don’t want opponents to

Escape from North Korea: diplomats and ordinary North Koreans seek asylum abroad

Escape from North Korea: diplomats and ordinary North Koreans seek asylum abroad Two months have passed since Italy went missing North Korean diplomat. Where he’s at, is still unknown. What consequences can wait for the diplomat and how many people every year are fleeing from North Korea? Two months have passed since the day when Italy disappeared, the acting Ambassador of the DPRK. Unconfirmed reports of this have come before, but only now talking about running officials. In the South Korean media published statements by members of the government, which confirmed the disappearance of high-ranking North Korean diplomat. South Korean media reported that he asked for political asylum in Italy. Italian Ministry of foreign Affairs did not confirm this information. Where is this man that is waiting for him and his loved ones? Were there similar cases of escape of North Korean diplomats? 48-year-old Cho son Gil was acting Ambassador

Ukraine will once again send ships through the Kerch Strait

Ukraine will once again send ships through the Kerch Strait Kiev intends again to send warships through Strait of Kerch. It is reported by RIA “Novosti” with reference to Minister of defense of Ukraine Yury Biryukov. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий According to him, the Ukrainian court have the right to pass from the Black sea to Azov without any obstacles. “The end of history. Yes, we will continue to do it,” — said Biryukov. He stressed that the next time the ships will be accompanied by international observers. Earlier it was reported that Ukraine is preparing a complaint to the ECHR on prisoners in the Kerch Strait sailors. November 25 three ships of naval forces of Ukraine illegally crossed the state border of Russia and headed to the Kerch Strait. The FSB of Russia reported that “the legitimate demands of accompanying ships and boats of the border service of the FSB and the

Media: the terrorists “dzhebhat an-Nusra” seized the town of Daret El-Issa in Northern Syria

Media: the terrorists “dzhebhat an-Nusra” seized the town of Daret El-Issa in Northern Syria TASS, January 2. The terrorists of the banned in Russia organization “dzhebhat an-Nusra” in the course of fierce fighting with Pro-Turkish armed groups seized on Wednesday in the town of Daret El-Issa in Northern Syria. As reported by TV channel Al Mayadeen control “dzhebhat an-Nusra” on Monday passed a total of 13 settlements, of which expelled the fighters of “Ahrar al-sham and the Brigade of the Noureddine al-Zengi”, supported by Ankara. According to the Syrian monitoring centre for human rights, from the beginning of the week the number of dead on both sides exceeded 30 people, and about 100 were injured. The victims of the bloody strife were five civilians. Clashes between the terrorists and Pro-Turkish groups of the Syrian opposition took place in October 2018. Then “dzhebhat an-Nusra” refused to obey the ultimatum to Ankara

Trump has linked the collapse of the Soviet Union with the introduction of Soviet troops in Afghanistan

Trump has linked the collapse of the Soviet Union with the introduction of Soviet troops in Afghanistan WASHINGTON, 2 Jan. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump on Wednesday linked the collapse of the Soviet Union with the participation of Soviet troops in the war in Afghanistan. With this statement he made during a meeting of his Cabinet at the White house. The recording of the meeting was broadcast by the American news broadcaster. “Before Russia was the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made him Russia because it [the Soviet Union] went bankrupt because of the fighting in Afghanistan,” — says the President. He stressed that Afghanistan must fight the neighbors of this Central Asian Republic, Pakistan, Russia, and India in particular. In this regard, the head of state questioned the US military presence in Afghanistan, which “is 6 million miles (9 km 656)” from America. 25 December 1979 the Soviet Union sent

Trump: the United States wants to protect the Kurds and after the withdrawal of troops from Syria

Trump: the United States wants to protect the Kurds and after the withdrawal of troops from Syria WASHINGTON, 2 Jan. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump said Wednesday that the United States wants to protect the Kurds in Syria, even after its withdrawal from this Arab Republic. With these words he made during a meeting of his Cabinet at the White house. Trump’s words convey journalists from the press pool of the White house. “It’s sand and it’s death … we want to protect the Kurds,” — said the President. He stressed that the United States withdraw its troops from Syria, “during a certain period of time.” 19 Dec trump announced the decision to begin the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. He is motivated by the fact that the victory over the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Syria won, but the struggle with terrorists was

CNN: detained on suspicion in espionage the American was active in social networks in Russia

CNN: detained on suspicion in espionage the American was active in social networks in Russia NEW YORK, January 2. /TASS/. According to the broadcaster, Paul Whelan first visited Moscow in 2006. American Paul Whelan detained in Moscow on suspicion of espionage, was active in social networks in Russia. This was announced Wednesday by CNN in a report from Michigan. According to her, the 48-year-old Whelan, who, as previously reported, takes the position of Director for security of supply chain auto parts BorgWarner with its headquarters in Auburn hills (Michigan), used social media in Russia for the past 13 years and in his account of 70 friends. American, according to the broadcaster, first visited Moscow in 2006. His youth fell on the period of the cold war, it was noted in the report, but after a visit to Moscow, the man became interested in Russia and learned Russian language. On Monday,

Russia has provided consular access to the detained US citizen Whelan

Russia has provided consular access to the detained US citizen Whelan MOSCOW, January 2. /TASS/ — Paul Whelan was detained on 28 December in Moscow, while conducting espionage action. “Russia has provided consular access to Whelan,” — said the diplomat. On Monday, the FSB announced the arrest on December 28 in Moscow Whelan while conducting espionage action. The investigative Department of the FSB of Russia in relation to a criminal case under article 276 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Espionage”), providing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term from 10 to 20 years. See also: CNN: detained on suspicion in espionage the American was active in social networks in Russia Spy fired for stealing, the media learned about the detained American Pompeo commented on the detention of American in Moscow for espionage