Le Pen was accused of plagiarism because of the citation of the speech of Fillon

Le Pen was accused of plagiarism because of the citation of the speech of Fillon Presidential candidate of France’s extreme right National front, marine Le Pen, accused of using speech of her opponent françois Fillon, lost in the first round of elections. The representative of the party, Le Pen said in response that it was not plagiarism, a quote from a hint. The similarity of the speeches, first drew the attention of the French satirical YouTube channel to Ridicule a TV, made a video in which excerpts from the speeches of Le Pen and Fillon almost perfectly superimposed on one another. “There is such a Rhine frontier — the most open, the most dangerous and the most promising of the Germanic world that we so often come into conflict and with which we are yet so closely together”, — quotes Reuters an excerpt from the speech of Fillon’s announcement to


Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova shared in Facebook surveillance, as Muscovites took to sunbathing, barely melted ice. “A couple of hours the sun shines, the ice came down 10 days ago, not a single piece of paper, and people have “blossomed”. On the banks of the Khimki reservoir, as if it were Skazochnaia. The wine is chilled”, – signed photo of Zakharova. Recall that today, April 29, in Moscow for the first time since the beginning of the year recorded 21 degrees Celsius.

Russia demanded that the U.S. evidence of chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq

Photo: RIA Novosti Official Moscow has addressed to Washington with an appeal to submit to the UN security Council evidence of the use of chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria, according to the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Russia noted that the U.S. stands “to share with the Security Council with evidence of the crimes of ISIL (ISIS, is prohibited in Russia) and other terrorist groups in Iraqi Kurdistan, received by the us military in 2015-2016 directly from the field of application of the extremists of toxic substances”. “Would not hurt also to see the “irrefutable” evidence storage at the Syrian air base Shirt chemical weapons that were allegedly used in the air strikes on Khan Sheyhun, and to understand why the alleged cimitidine in the Syrian province of Idlib Washington acted in violation of international law”, — the document says. Earlier, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said

ABOUT can push US to dangerous steps, the foreign Ministry said

Photo: AP Photo / U.S. Force Korea The deployment of missile defense the United States may create a temptation in the “hot heads” in Washington to act bypassing the UN Security Council, as in the missile strike on the airbase shirt in Syria. This is stated in the commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the publication of U.S. state Department report on compliance by States of agreements in the field of arms control and non-proliferation. “The presence of an anti-missile “umbrella” can lead to pernicious illusions of invulnerability and impunity, and therefore to give rise to temptation in the “hot heads” in Washington to the new threat of unilateral steps in solving global and regional problems in circumvention of the UN Security Council and contrary to common sense, as was done on April 7… when the United States launched a missile attack on the sovereign state of

Matvienko and Volodin proposed to raise the status of Parliament in their contacts with officials

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, 2 may. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has submitted for consideration the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament a bill that enhances the status of deputies and senators in interaction with Federal and municipal officials. This was reported in the Duma management public relations and media relations. “The amendments are aimed at improvement of the status of member of Federation Council and State Duma Deputy in the interaction with officials of the Federal bodies of state power and officials of regional and municipal authorities”, – stated in the message. In particular, we are talking about the “right to admission as a matter of priority by the officials necessary for the implementation of MPs of

The Russian foreign Ministry urged Kiev to carefully examine the decision of the court of justice at the suit of Ukraine

© Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, 2 may. /TASS/. Moscow urges Ukrainian officials, calling the decision of the international court on provisional measures in connection with the claim of Ukraine against Russia “an undoubted victory” of Kiev, to carefully read the text of the document. This is stated in the commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry.

In Sochi started the talks between Putin and Merkel

Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Sochi, may 2 © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, may 2. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin expects to discuss with German Chancellor Angela Merkel the most problem points – Ukraine and Syria. “We can not take advantage of this visit to discuss bilateral relations, the most problematic points mean Ukraine and Syria and maybe some other regions,” the Russian leader said, opening the talks in narrow format. Putin warmly welcomed the German delegation in his residence in Sochi. “Thank you very much that you took time to come to us, to inform about the progress in preparations for the summit, he added. – Welcome”. Merkel agreed with the need to discuss the most relevant cases, in particular the situation in Ukraine, Syria and Libya.

Merkel arrived in Sochi for talks with Putin

Merkel arrived in Sochi for talks with Putin SOCHI, may 2. /TASS/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Sochi, where he will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Earlier it was reported that the leaders of Russia and Germany meet to discuss terrorism, the situation in the middle East and the implementation of the Minsk agreements. #Merkel in Sochi gelandet. Gleich Treffen mit #Putin. #dpareporter pic.twitter.com/nRAlgm0hfA — Kristina Dunz (@WaltrautDunz) May 2, 2017 The formal reason for the visit of the head of the German government in the Russian Federation after a two year hiatus is to prepare for the summit of “big twenty”, which will be held in Hamburg in July of this year. However, as expected, the focus will be on all the key topics on the international agenda. Leaders who before the Ukrainian events of 2014 met quite often for the first time in the last

Russian Union of taxpayers asks to check the data on the payment of the Bulk of taxes

Russian Union of taxpayers asks to check the data on the payment of the Bulk of taxes The request for verification data about the taxes of the opposition came to the head of the Federal tax service. MOSCOW, 2 may. /TASS/. Russian Union of taxpayers asked the head of Federal tax service (FTS) Mikhail mishustina to check the information about the possible evasion of opposition blogger Alexei Navalny from taxes. In the request body to the head, on signed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Russian Union of taxpayers Artem Kiryanov indicates the number of publications in the media on 18 April 2017, from which it follows that in 2014-2015, the Director of the organization “the Fund of struggle against corruption,” Navalny ally of Roman Rubanov received more than 25 million rubles on its own account from unknown senders. “For the transfer of money was used scheme

In the United States began to issue green cards of the new sample

In the United States began to issue green cards of the new sample Service citizenship and immigration USA has released a new green card, said the radio station Voice of America. We continue to “take an active stance in the fight against the threat of forgery and fraud,” the radio quoted a message service. According to Voice of America, the new green card graphics are changed, they will no longer be signed by the owner, and his photo will be printed on both sides, Starting in May, you will begin seeing new designs on the Green Cards and Employment Authorization Documents that we issue. pic.twitter.com/FhCe5WrEs6 — USCIS (@USCIS) on may 1, 2017 Also among the features of the new green card — “a unique graphic images and color palette, as well as a holographic image. In addition, the documents depicted the Statue of Liberty in predominantly green, the report says.