Makron: the Russian President will be for France a partner in the solution of a number of regional issues

Makron: the Russian President will be for France a partner in the solution of a number of regional issues PARIS, may 4. /Offset. TASS Ivan Batyrev/. The candidate in presidents of France from the movement “On the March” Emmanuel macron, if elected, is willing to work with the political leadership of the Russian Federation to resolve “a number of regional issues,” but did not believe that the French and Russian sides shared the same values. This opinion was expressed during the election debate with his rival on the second round of elections, the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen, the TV channel BFM TV on Wednesday evening. “As for Mr (Russian President Vladimir approx. TASS) Putin, he took a seat at the negotiating table on a range of issues: the conflict in Ukraine, which is necessary to achieve a de-escalation, gradually to normalize it, but you need to honor

Pushkov has accused Merkel

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council member Alexei Pushkov called “double accounting” statement of German Chancellor Angela Merkel about wanting to cancel anti-Russian sanctions. The German head of government touched on the issue of sanctions at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin held in Sochi on may 2. Merkel said that she would like the cancellation of sanction restrictions with the implementation of the Minsk agreement on Ukraine. According to Pushkov, similar statements comparable to “double accounting”, as parallel to the statements about “the hope that the lifting of sanctions,” Merkel continues to firmly insist on the prolongation of the action limits. Double-entry bookkeeping. Merkel “trusts for the lifting of sanctions”, but insists on their continuation. NATO “wants to cooperate”, but continues the conflict. — Alexei Pushkov (@Alexey_Pushkov) may 2, 2017. Similarly, the attitude has NATO: the Alliance leadership expresses the desire to cooperate with Russia, while in reality,

Kosachev said the main outcome of the talks between Putin and Merkel

Photo: RIA Novosti The main result of negotiations of presidents of Russia and of Germany — confirmation of no alternative to the Minsk agreements on Ukraine and common goals to combat terrorism, said RIA Novosti the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev. “A very important fact of the visit, the first in two years. The main substantive result is an absolute confirmation of no alternative to the Minsk agreements and the effectiveness of the current modes of implementation”, — said the Senator. According to him, “no less important is the confirmation of overlapping goals in the fight against terrorism”. Given the accumulated differences on the actual agenda of international relations is already done, he said. “Anyway — better than nothing (than earlier in for some time insisted the German side)”, — the politician concluded.

The level of electoral support for Putin is 61-66%

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. The level of electoral support of Russian President Vladimir Putin is 61-66%, the number of his supporters is growing, despite the economic and foreign policy difficulties. Moreover, among young people who because of their age will be the first to vote in the presidential election in March 2018, 65% intend to maintain the incumbent leader of the country. These data are presented in the study of the Foundation for civil society development (Fcsd) entitled, “Putin’s majority” on the eve of a big election cycle.” 4 may Forgo the third time will present a report on the phenomenon of “Putin’s majority”. The study is based on the data of research holding Romir (the exclusive representative of Gallup International in Russia and CIS), the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) and Fund “Public opinion” (FOM). Politically active most “Studies show that the level

In Fargo find out how many Russians ready to support Putin in the elections-2018

In Fargo find out how many Russians ready to support Putin in the elections-2018 MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The level of electoral support of the incumbent President of Russia Vladimir Putin is in the range of 61-66% in the case of his participation in the presidential elections of 2018, he can vote about 70-75% of the voters, however, none of the potential opponents will not be able to make a meaningful competition and the campaign will be of a referendum scenario, according to the Foundation for civil society development (Fcsd). Thursday Fcsd presented another study on the phenomenon of “Putin’s majority”. In preparing the report, the Fcsd experts analyzed the data of sociological surveys conducted by Romir, VTSIOM and FOM. “Russian President Vladimir Putin enjoys an unprecedented support of the population. None of the possible opposing candidates in the upcoming elections cannot be meaningful competition to the incumbent

The human rights activists, the United States faces a year in prison for laughter in Congress

The human rights activists, the United States faces a year in prison for laughter in Congress WASHINGTON, may 3. /Offset. TASS Andrey Shitov/. Activist of women’s human rights movement, Code Pink (“Code pink”) Desiree Fairuz laughed in January at a hearing in the U.S. Congress. Now she herself and two of her friends faces for this year’s jail time. In the high court of WA a jury found all three in violation of public order. Women came on January 10 at the confirmation hearing Jeff and Roman sessions with the new Minister of justice and attorney General of the USA in pink headdresses and torches, like the statue of Liberty, and posters to protest against the racism and xenophobia. According to them, they intended to Express disagreement with the appointment and Roman sessions and in General with the approach of the new US administration to the admission of refugees. To

The U.S. house of representatives passed the budget before October

The U.S. house of representatives passed the budget before October WASHINGTON, may 3 — RIA Novosti. The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday adopted amendments to the budget for the current fiscal year, which ends September 30. The document agreed earlier by leaders of Democrats and Republicans, voted the necessary number of members of the house. The volume of the planned expenditures will be about $ 1.1 trillion. Now the budget will be sent for approval to the Senate, and then signed by the President. The adoption of the document and to keep that funding will allow us to avoid the so-called “closure” of the U.S. Federal government. The US is now living on a temporary budget that expires on may 5. The budget has no separate line for financing the construction of the wall, but the White house intends to put out a draft budget for

Putin said attempts to interfere in Russia’s internal Affairs from outside

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia does not interfere in the internal political processes of other countries, but it is such attempts on itself, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at press conference following talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “We never interfere in political life and in political processes of other countries. And we would very much like to see in our political life and in the political life of Russia no one intervened. Unfortunately, we are seeing opposite things, for many years observed attempt to influence internal political processes in Russia. And through the so-called non-governmental organizations and directly,” — said Putin. “Understand, seeing the destructiveness of such efforts and the futility of such efforts, we never did not come to interfere in the political processes of other countries”, — said the Russian leader.

The debate in France has begun with mutual attacks

The debate in France has begun with mutual attacks PARIS, may 3 — RIA Novosti. Presidential candidates of France — the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen and the founder of the movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron — started the debate Wednesday night, with attacks against each other. “Mr. macron is uncontrolled globalization, instability, war, the plundering of the economy, in particular, large enterprises, the fragmentation of the country, communitarianism. All this under the control of Mr. (President Francois) Hollande, who supervises the operation, it is now clear as never before” — ran Le Pen in the attack, opening the debate. She also described the opponent as “the cherished child” of the French elites. In response, the leader of movement “Forward,” stated that Le Pen does not want to open, informed, democratic debate and accused her of lying. “You are the heiress names (the founder of NetFront —

Interpol stopped search of the ex-President of Ukraine Yanukovych

Interpol stopped search of the ex-President of Ukraine Yanukovych Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU Interpol confirmed that he stopped the investigation of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his son Alexander, the press-Secretary of the Yanukovych Yuri Cuirassiers. “Interpol has documented that was taken off the wanted list ex-the President Yanukovych. The document refers to the fact that against Yanukovych in the database structure is no so-called “red card”,” wrote Cuirassiers on his Facebook page on Wednesday. According to him, Interpol confirmed that Yanukovych is not subject to a Red notice or Special request about the arrest, and that his data do not exist in the Interpol database. The cuirassier also has published in social networks a photocopy of the relevant answers regarding Interpol Yanukovych and his son. “This response was followed by a requirement of law firm JHA LLP, which serves the interests of Yanukovych, to release information that ex-Ukrainian