Putin discussed with the security Council the subject areas of de-escalation in Syria and the outcome of meetings with Merkel and Erdogan

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of the security Council of Russia questions Syrian settlement in the context of the agreement on the establishment of a de-escalation, the results of his talks with the German Chancellor and the President of Turkey, as well as the preparations for the Victory Day. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin.

USA called the condition of cooperation with “Rosoboronexport”

USA called the condition of cooperation with “Rosoboronexport” WASHINGTON, may 5 — RIA Novosti, Tatyana Kalmykova. The draft Federal budget of the United States for 2017 still includes restrictions on any cooperation with the Pentagon “Rosoboronexport”, in the text of spelled out exceptions in which such a work is possible. In particular, as follows from the text of the draft, the United States can cooperate with the “Rosoboronexport”, “if it will fit in the vital interests” of the country. Earlier Thursday, the U.S. Senate approved the draft Federal budget for the 2017 fiscal year. During the voting for the document in favor of the 79 senators who voted against 18. For the passage of the bill its supporters was enough to get 51 votes. The amount of the budget is 1.1 trillion dollars. It provides for the financing of the U.S. government until September 30, when the country will end

Politico: Clinton is going next week to establish a political group

Politico: Clinton is going next week to establish a political group WASHINGTON, may 5. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. Former Democratic candidate in the presidential election Hillary Clinton is going next week to form a new political group which is mainly engaged opposition to the agenda of the current President of the United States Donald trump. This was announced on Thursday, the newspaper Politico, citing sources familiar with the plans of the former Secretary of state. According to the publication, Clinton coming weeks will hold in Washington, new York and Chappaqua (new York), where he will participate in meetings with donors and potential supporters for investment in the new formation. Also during these meetings, she also plans to find worthy candidates for positions in the leadership of the new political group. For raising funds at the same time meets Judith McHale, who had held the position of Deputy Secretary of state

Saudi Arabia supported the creation of “security zones” in Syria

Saudi Arabia supported the creation of “security zones” in Syria The foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubeir said Riyadh supports the creation of “security zones” in Syria, the agreement on which was signed in Astana on may 4. About it reports Reuters. Adel al-Jubeir added that Saudi Arabia expects further details on the Memorandum. Earlier delegations from Russia, Iran and Turkey signed a document on the establishment of four safety zones in Syria on the line of contact between government and opposition forces. According to the document, within the zones will be prohibited weapons and will be installed in secure areas to prevent clashes. According to the Memorandum, four vast “island” will be located from North to South is in Idlib province, to the North of the city of HOMS, Eastern ghouta and in the South of the country, near the city of Dar. In other parts of the

The police goes beyond all limits

Photo: Kommersant Up to 100 people, interior Ministry proposes to increase the number of staff in foreign offices of the Ministry. Thus, I believe the police Department will be able to increase the efficiency of international cooperation in combating transnational crime and migration issues. MIA of Russia has prepared a draft presidential decree “On representative offices and the representatives of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation abroad”. The document stipulates a total staff of employees of the interior Ministry saranapala 100 people. This stipulates that for the introduction of new staff positions will not require increasing the overall number of internal Affairs bodies, however, the reorganization will be carried out not at the expense of the Central apparatus of the interior Ministry. As suggested by the authors of the draft decree, the offices of the Ministry of interior will include governors, their deputies and specialists. The Ministry

Sights from them not the system

Sights from them not the system As it became known “Kommersant”, the military experts in Syria, exploring the weapons of killed terrorists, found that the snipers were banned in Russia groups “Islamic state” and “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” used night vision scopes with electronics, produced at Russian enterprises. Victims of sniper attacks have become lost in the days of Colonel Alexei buchelnikov officer was fatally wounded on the ground, training Syrian soldiers conduct mortar fire in the dark, and at least three Russian servicemen. According to “Kommersant”, to explore the arming of militants, the Russian military experts and intelligence personnel began with the first days of the participation of the armed forces in the Syrian conflict. This was done in order to figure out how the weapons from dozens of countries is in the hands of terrorists. While some attention was paid to sniper rifles. The fact that the sniper fire was

In Venezuela during the protests injuring over ten students

In Venezuela during the protests injuring over ten students MEXICO city, may 5 — RIA Novosti. At least 14 students were injured on Thursday as a result of the dispersal of the protest rally in Caracas, said the rector of the Central University of Venezuela, Cecilia Garcia Arocha. According to the Professor, one of the victims of traumatic brain injury. Portal Universal notes that the components of the Bolivarian national guard attacked a peaceful student demonstration on one of the bridges. Also, the guard used tear gas against the students. Earlier Thursday, in the state of Anzoategui was killed by the leader of the student movement Polytechnic state University, three people were injured. On Thursday, Venezuela took the protests of students who oppose the policies of President Nicolas Maduro. From 4 April in Venezuela are protests. According to recent reports, during the demonstrations against the government of Maduro and his

Memorandum on areas of de-escalation in Syria comes into effect

Memorandum on areas of de-escalation in Syria comes into effect Moscow. May 5. INTERFAX.RU — Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in Syria, signed by Russia, Turkey and Iran on the eve of the framework of the UN in Astana, comes into force on Friday. “This Memorandum shall enter into force on the day after the signing,” the document says. “The creation of zones of de-escalation and security zones is a temporary measure, the validity of which will be 6 months. It will be automatically extended by consensus of the guarantor countries”, — stated in the Memorandum. As the document says, “2 weeks after the signing of a Memorandum guarantor countries will form a working group to de-escalate composed of their authorized representatives to indicate the boundaries of the zones de-escalation and security zones, and resolve other operational and technical issues associated with the implementation of the Memorandum”. “The

Putin will open destroyed Lenin monument Duke Sergei Romanov in the Kremlin

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part in the opening ceremony of the cross in memory of the great Prince Sergey Alexandrovich in the Kremlin, the monument in 1918, was demolished with the personal participation of Vladimir Lenin. As the press service of the Kremlin, the restoration of the cross was “the Russian military-historical society” and Fund of assistance to revival of traditions of mercy and charity “Elisabeth-sergievskoe educational society” on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. A memorial cross was raised by Nikolskaya tower in 1908 on public donations after the assassination of the Governor-General of Moscow Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in 1905. In 1918, the monument was destroyed, reminds the press service. Grand Duke Sergey Romanov – the fifth son of Alexander II. February 4, 1905, was killed in the attack, arranged by a member of the “Fighting organization of the party of