Japan seeks US support in the issue of a peace Treaty with Russia

Japan seeks US support in the issue of a peace Treaty with Russia TOKYO, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti. Tokyo is counting on U.S. support in the issue of concluding a peace Treaty with Russia, as this would counterbalance the growing influence of China, said Kazuyuki kawaii — special assistant on foreign policy Chairman of the liberal democratic party, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. 21фотография21фотография21фотография “The Japan-U.S. Alliance should be an effective counter to China”, — quotes Agency Kyodo word kawaii, said during his lecture in Washington. In this context, assistant, Abe said that Japan counts on U.S. support in the conclusion of a peace Treaty with Russia, as it is important to resist Washington, Tokyo and Beijing. He also described as “strategic” Abe’s visit to China in October last year, as he contributed to “the alleviation of tensions between Japan and China” and stated that “Japan is not

Bloomberg: Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked the adoption of new sanctions against Syria

Bloomberg: Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked the adoption of new sanctions against Syria TASS, 9 Jan. Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked consideration of the bill on new sanctions against Syria. On Wednesday the Agency Bloomberg. According to him, in a procedural vote just 56 senators voted for the bill with the necessary 60 votes, 46 voted against. It is noted that many Democrats have said they will not vote for consideration of documents not related to the overcoming of the so-called shutdown — partial suspension of Federal government due to the lack of budget funds. As informs Bloomberg, the bill provided for the imposition of sanctions against the entities cooperating with the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in particular, in the field of supply of spare parts for planes and oil products trade. “Shutdown” in the United States is available from 22 December. It happened due to

The Synod of Greece did not recognize the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine

The Synod of Greece did not recognize the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine The Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church refused to recognize the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU). “The Holy Synod decided to refer the question of the recognition of the Greek Church of the new Autocephalous Church of Ukraine to the Holy Cathedral of the hierarchy of the Greek Orthodox Church”, — is spoken in the message of the Synod of the Greek (quoted by “Interfax”). The Department for external Church relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC-MP) commented on the decision, saying that in Greece, “as in the whole Orthodox world, are aware of the complexity of the issue, related, including lack of canonical Episcopal ordination of a new structure.” We will remind, in December in Kiev held a unification Cathedral, where the Primate of the new Church was elected as the Metropolitan of Pereiaslav

Ukraine recognized the intervention of their politicians in American elections

Ukraine recognized the intervention of their politicians in American elections Court of Kiev acknowledged the intervention of the Ukrainian politicians in the US presidential election in 2016. This is stated in the statement of the party “Opposition platform For life”, published on its official website. It is established that the head of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine Sytnyk and Verkhovna Rada Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko published the data about the name Paul Manafort in the list of “black accounting of the Party of regions” of the materials of the pretrial investigation. “The court has found a causal link between the actions of rush and Leshchenko and care Paul Manafort from the post of chief of staff of the candidate in presidents of the USA”, — stated in the message. In addition, the actions Sytnyk and Leshchenko came under an article of the Criminal code of Ukraine on the restriction of

The UN is looking for a new home fled from Saudi Arabia girl

The UN is looking for a new home fled from Saudi Arabia girl The office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) is looking for a country that would grant asylum to 18-year-old Rahaf ALKANON, escaped from Saudi Arabia, according to Thai newspaper Khaosod. The girl claims that the home was subjected to “years of abuse” from his family. Rahaf ALKANON wanted to go to Australia, and last week a transit flight arrived in Bangkok. However, there her passport was taken by the staff of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia. They said that the girl should return home. Rahaf ALKANON the escaped diplomats and barricaded himself in the transit area of the airport. Information on the girl spread across the social networks after she started a Twitter account and told his story. 8 January Rahaf ALKANON met with representatives of the UNHCR. The organization agreed to take the girl

The perpetrators of the “acoustic attack” on the U.S. diplomats in Cuba called crickets

The perpetrators of the “acoustic attack” on the U.S. diplomats in Cuba called crickets Sounds that American diplomats in Cuba took over the acoustic attack could be the chirping of crickets. To such conclusion scientists have come, according to CNN. The us authorities claim that in Havana from 2016 to 2017 from the “acoustic attack” suffered 24 diplomat. They complained of hearing loss, nausea, headaches and impaired coordination. The US has been blamed on Cuba and withdrew 60% of the staff of its Embassy. Later an audio recording of troubled diplomat sounds published the Associated Press (AP). Professor of sensory biology Fernando Montealegre-Zapata from a British University and an American researcher Alexander Stubb came to the conclusion that the published sounds to the smallest detail — in duration, the pulse repetition frequency and the energy spectrum coincide with the chirping of crickets, says CNN. The specialists admit some variance, as

Japan offers Russia to refuse compensation on the Kuril Islands

Japan offers Russia to refuse compensation on the Kuril Islands Japan is in the process of negotiating a peace Treaty with Russia intends to propose to her to abandon the mutual right to claim any compensation related to the southern Kuril Islands. On Tuesday, January 8, reported the newspaper Yomiuri. We are talking about compensation for former Japanese residents of the Kurils, which were forced to leave the island. Now they we have around six thousand people. It is reported that the Japanese government is prepared itself to compensate former residents of the South Kuril Islands the loss of property and land in the Islands in order not to complicate the negotiations with Moscow. Japan and Russia still have not signed a peace Treaty at the end of the Second world war because of a dispute about the ownership of the Islands of Kunashir, Iturup and the Small Kuril ridge,

Kim Jong-UN arrived on a secret visit to China

Kim Jong-UN arrived on a secret visit to China DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN on January 7, is a secret visit to China, reports the Agency “Xinhua” with reference to the Central Committee of the Communist party of China. It is noted that Kim Jong-UN arrived in China at the invitation of the Chinese leader XI Jinping. The visit will last until January 10. On Monday, the Chinese media reported the arrival of the train with some high-ranking official from North Korea. Part crossed the border at Dandong station, which was specifically blocked by the security services of China, writes TASS. This is the fourth visit of Kim Jong-UN to China in less than a year. Earlier, on January 7, Bloomberg called a possible place of the second meeting of the President of the United States Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN.

London was accused of lying about helping the poor in developing countries

London was accused of lying about helping the poor in developing countries The government ex-the Minister of great Britain David Cameron exaggerated the statistics to create the appearance that London managed to help millions of people in developing countries out of poverty, writes The Times. According to the newspaper, Justine greening, the former at that time Minister of international development, reported that including the UK government saved the lives of over 100 thousand women, but actually they just provide contraceptives. The British authorities felt that it managed to save these women from death in childbirth. Later the Ministry admitted that the announced figures do not reflect the real number of people who were able to get out of poverty. The statistics included those who gained access to “financial services such as savings, loans and mobile banking” that supposedly was supposed to help them “make a small investment to increase your

US drone scouted in the Crimea, Kuban and Kerch Strait

US drone scouted in the Crimea, Kuban and Kerch Strait Moscow. January 7. INTERFAX.RU — Strategic unmanned aerial vehicle U.S. air force RQ-4B Global Hawk on Monday carried out a reconnaissance flight hours along the black sea coast of Russia, from the monitoring data, the Western aviation assets. American heavy drone taking off from Sigonella airbase on the Italian island of Sicily, for more than three hours cruising off the coast of the Crimea and Kuban. During the job he also made several passes to the South of Kerch Strait. Near Sevastopol drone approaching the coast of the Peninsula at a distance of about 33 km of sea border of Russia he did not break. Before approaching the black sea coast of Russia in the Crimea drone for about seven hours led the exploration along the demarcation line in the Donbass, while in Kiev-controlled airspace. The drone is capable of