Donald trump can skip the forum in Davos because of the shutdown

Donald trump can skip the forum in Davos because of the shutdown The white house is considering the cancellation of the visit of US President Donald trump at the world economic forum in Davos due to the partial suspension of the work of the U.S. government (shutdown), reports The Wall Street Journal, citing officials from the presidential administration. The deadline for the decision on the participation of Mr. trump in the forum — January 22, when the event starts. We will remind, in December the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders reported that the President of the United States Donald trump will take part in the world economic forum. The Kremlin did not exclude the President’s participation in the world economic forum. Read more about the possible participation of Vladimir Putin in Davos read in the publication “Kommersant FM”.

The Kuriles are not so transferred

The Kuriles are not so transferred What’s not to like in the preparation of Japan to the negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe. 21фотография21фотография21фотография The Ambassador of Japan in Russia Touchesa Kozuki yesterday was summoned to the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation in connection with the recent statements by Tokyo’s admonition to “seek the understanding” of the residents of the South Kuril Islands on the question of “the transfer of territorial belonging of the Islands to Japan.” According to Moscow, in Tokyo grossly distort the essence of the agreements between the leaders of Russia and Japan on the acceleration of the negotiation process on the basis of the Joint Declaration of 1956. Harsh statement, the Russian foreign Ministry was a response to deployed by the government of Japan an information offensive on the eve of talks between Prime Minister Abe with President Vladimir Putin, scheduled for the end

In the state Duma introduced a bill prohibiting the transfer of the Kuril Islands of Japan

In the state Duma introduced a bill prohibiting the transfer of the Kuril Islands of Japan Moscow. January 10. INTERFAX.RU — IN the state Duma a bill that de facto impose a veto on the preparation of legal acts for the rejection of the Kuril Islands from Russia. 21фотография21фотография21фотография The draft law “On territorial claims to the Russian Federation from Japan” prepared by a member of the LDPR faction Sergei Ivanov and placed in the database of the lower house on Thursday. “Legal acts containing provisions on the rejection of the territory of the Kuril Islands, is not subject to ratification, the publication, introduction and application”, — stated in the bill. According to the document, “Kuril Islands belong to the Russian Federation at the end of the Second world war, based on the Cairo Declaration of 1 December 1943, the Potsdam Declaration of 26 July 1945, the Peace Treaty with

Four citizenship and the page “Vkontakte”. What is known about Paul Whelan, who is in Russia suspected of spying

Four citizenship and the page “Vkontakte”. What is known about Paul Whelan, who is in Russia suspected of spying Paul Whelan was detained under the New year — “when conducting the espionage action,” according to representatives of FSB. On the identity of the detainee in the security services didn’t say anything. The correspondent of RTVI Sergey Morozov talked to several friends Paul Whelan and tried to figure out what a former U.S. marine with four nationalities did in Russia. Paul Whelan is not only a citizen of the United States, Canada, the UK and Ireland, but also a patriot of Russia. If the spy needs to be inconspicuous, then this isn’t the case. “Let Russia takes Alaska, if you take along Sarah Palin, defender of the Fatherland day!” — this was written by Paul Whelan on his page Vkontakte: of all the social networks to communicate, he chose the one

Trump made a mistake in the word forest (the forest). Now it is called Forrest trump

Trump made a mistake in the word forest (the forest). Now it is called Forrest trump The US President made a Twitter mistake, writing the word forest (forest) c r two letters instead of one. In social networks have not missed the opportunity to make fun of the President. After his address to the nation from the Oval office of the White house, U.S. President Donald trump wrote a tweet expressing its dissatisfaction with the inefficiency of the authorities in the fight against forest fires in California. The head of state wrote that ordered to cease to provide the region with financial assistance in this area. “Billions of dollars are headed to California for the [fight] forest fires that with proper forest management would never have happened. Until then, until they bring their laws in order, which is unlikely, I ordered the Federal emergency management Agency not to allocate money.

Japanese expert: Abe’s visit to Russia may cancel or postpone

Japanese expert: Abe’s visit to Russia may cancel or postpone TOKYO, January 10 — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The visit of Prime Minister of Japan shinzō Abe to Russia, which was scheduled for January 21, may be cancelled or postponed, told RIA Novosti one of the most famous in Japan experts on Russia, Professor of Tsukuba University, a political scientist, Itsuro Nakamura. “In the worst scenario of development of events the visit of Prime Minister of Japan shinzō Abe to Russia, which was scheduled for January 21, may be cancelled. Or, at least, postponed. For example, until may, when Abe can take part in St. Petersburg economic forum. His performance on TV Asahi in early January, and the article of the newspaper “Yomiuri” could be perceived in Russia as an insult,” — said the expert. In early January, Abe announced that Japan is not going to evict the Russian citizens

PACE said that not writing about Russia “six floors”

PACE said that not writing about Russia “six floors” MOSCOW, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti. The parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in a letter addressed to Russia with a proposal to form a delegation to participate in the winter session were not talking about the “principle six of the sexes”, but only on the balanced representation of women and men, explained to RIA Novosti in the Assembly. Earlier some mass media with reference to the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Peter Tolstoy said that the PACE letter to the state Duma proposed to form a delegation to participate in the winter session, “taking into account the division of the senators and deputies of the six floors”. “In the document were not discussed on six floors, only on the balanced representation of women and men in the same proportions as the national Parliament”, — said the interlocutor of the

Moscow has accused Tokyo of trying to escalate the atmosphere around the issue of a peace Treaty

Moscow has accused Tokyo of trying to escalate the atmosphere around the issue of a peace Treaty Moscow. January 9. INTERFAX.RU — foreign Ministry rebuked the Japanese side in the distortion of the essence of the agreements of the leaders of the two countries. The Russian foreign Ministry accused the Japanese side gross distortion of the essence of the agreements between the leaders of Russia and Japan on the acceleration of the negotiation process on the issue of a peace Treaty and the attempts to artificially inflame the atmosphere around this issue. January 9, the Ambassador of Japan in Russia Touchesa Kazuki was invited to the Russian foreign Ministry and Deputy foreign Minister Igor Morgulov told him that in Moscow drew attention to the statements made in the recent statements of the Japanese leadership on the issue of a peace Treaty with Russia, in particular, about the need “to achieve

The state Duma has received a proposal from PACE to form a delegation to participate in the winter session

The state Duma has received a proposal from PACE to form a delegation to participate in the winter session MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/ — the Vice-speaker of the lower house of Peter Tolstoy said that the Council plans to give an answer in a week. The state Duma has received a letter from the Secretary of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) with a proposal to form a delegation to participate in the winter session of the Assembly, and plans to answer it in a week. This was reported on Wednesday to journalists the Vice-speaker of the lower house of Peter Tolstoy. “As you know, from January 21 to start the next session of PACE, he said. — The state Duma has received a letter from the Secretary of the PACE with a proposal to form a delegation”. “Today this issue was discussed at length at the

Senator Andrei Klishas: during the development of the law on the abuse of power we took the ideology of “what is true for street — fair for the Internet”

Senator Andrei Klishas: during the development of the law on the abuse of power we took the ideology of “what is true for street — fair for the Internet” To punish insults on the Internet should be the same as being punished for insults in the street. So the Senator and the author of the bill on contempt Andrei Klishas said of his initiative in an interview with “Novaya Gazeta”. Klishas explained that “contempt” means “the intentional offensive remarks addressed to the constitutional authorities”. According to him, President Vladimir Putin said: “What is true for streets, should be true for Internet”. This ideology Klishas, he said, laid the basis of the bill. If a person starts using foul language to the authorities on the street, invited him to the police Department and make the administrative report, — explained the Senator. On the Internet, in turn, offenders can avoid punishment.