The mayor of Saratov rode on the bus and complained about the rude driver

The mayor of Saratov rode on the bus and complained about the rude driver SARATOV, January 17 — RIA Novosti. The head of Saratov Mikhail Isaev after the trip continued to go to work by public transport, on Thursday, he drove from the village of Agafonovka on the outskirts of the city on the bus and was unhappy with the rudeness of the driver and the disgusting technical and sanitary condition of the cabin, reported the press service of the city hall. Isaev on the background of the problems with snow removal on city roads on January 9 travelled to work by public transport and a little late to scheduled in the city hall briefing. According to the city hall, in the subsequent working days — 10, 11 and 14 January — Isaev also travelled by public transport, inspecting his work on routes from outlying neighborhoods. Tuesday Isaev was in

Tokyo protested because of the actions of Russian border guards near the Southern Kuril Islands

Tokyo protested because of the actions of Russian border guards near the Southern Kuril Islands MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan expressed protest to Moscow due to the fact that the Russian border guards fined the Japanese ships fishing near the island of Kunashir in the southern Kurils. About it RIA Novosti said the Japanese foreign Ministry. In particular, in Tokyo claim that the January 7, employees of the Russian border guards stopped Japanese fishing trawler “Casamara-18”. The guards revealed violations, then escorted the trawler to the port on Kunashir, and then, after clarification, was released. Tokyo has called the actions unacceptable. While in the Japanese foreign Ministry referring to its position as on the four disputed Islands, and the Agreement on fisheries off the southern Kuril Islands from 21 February 1998, according to which Japanese vessels may fish in the area for

Tokyo lodged a protest with Moscow because of the fine Japanese fishing vessels near the Kuril Islands

Tokyo lodged a protest with Moscow because of the fine Japanese fishing vessels near the Kuril Islands TOKYO, January 17. /TASS/ — Russia’s Actions are unacceptable, said the foreign Ministry of Japan. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan has declared the protest of Russia due to the fact that the border service of the FSB demanded that two Japanese fishing vessels which were fishing in the South Kuril Islands, paid a monetary fine, as they were not in possession of some necessary permits. On Thursday TASS reported the foreign Ministry of Japan. “Russia’s actions against Japanese fishing vessels are a violation of existing agreements on fisheries in the area of the four Northern Islands (Japan called the southern Kuril Islands — approx. TASS) and the legal positions of our state in relation to the four Northern Islands. These actions are unacceptable, the Russian side was protesting in the form

Serbian media reported about the impending gift to Putin

Serbian media reported about the impending gift to Putin Serbian media said that the President of the country Alexander Vucic made his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the dog as a gift. According to reports, the Serbian leader Putin will present a three-month puppy sarplaninski shepherd. The dog has a rich pedigree and originates from Kosovo, Blic writes. To cover the visit of Vladimir Putin to Belgrade will be about 600 journalists from Russia, Serbia and other countries. At least 80 journalists arrive directly from the country. To cover the summit will be all Serbian media, including the regional, the publication adds. In addition, Republika said that Serbia is preparing the Russian President a heroic reception. All the streets of Belgrade are in order, hanging welcome banners. During the visit, Putin will also host a dinner for 100 people. Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Serbia on an official visit on

The Pentagon began to develop measures to counter hypersonic weapons, Russia and China

The Pentagon began to develop measures to counter hypersonic weapons, Russia and China Moscow. 17 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — currently, the Pentagon is looking for ways of developing levels of tracking missiles, primarily from existing sensors that are deployed in space, the media reported with reference to the Agency for missile defense. The Pentagon is actively developing measures to counter hypersonic weapons possessed by Russia and China. In order to track the flight of hypersonic missiles are expected to use appropriate sensors in space, the Agency said at a briefing for correspondents accredited to the Pentagon. It has informed that it is studying the possibility of establishing a space-based system, in which the spacecraft will be equipped with missiles capable of destroying warheads in space. As noted by the Agency, another activity is the development of ways of disabling ballistic missiles immediately after their launch. For these purposes there is the

The foreign Ministry called the US charges in the address of Russia on the INF Treaty fakes

The foreign Ministry called the US charges in the address of Russia on the INF Treaty fakes MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. No substance in the claims of the United States to Russia under the Treaty on intermediate-range and shorter-range no, Washington continues to give partners a fake, accusing Moscow of new breaches of the Treaty, said RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “All we hear is nothing more than a propaganda destructive framing lines of the United States, nothing more than an attempt to cover sweet frosting empty position that does not contain substantive work with us. It’s all skarmlivanii colleagues in NATO as the ultimate truth,” said Ryabkov, commenting on sounded on the eve of new applications U.S. INF Treaty and claims to Russia on non-compliance of the agreement. According to Ryabkov, the Russian side consistently exposes these practices and approaches of Washington. We will continue

The United States decided to rely in the confrontation with Russia on nuclear Arsenal

The United States decided to rely in the confrontation with Russia on nuclear Arsenal WASHINGTON, 17 Jan — RIA Novosti. U.S. confrontation with Russia and China will rely on nuclear deterrence than on the development of a global missile defence system (NMD), told journalists the representative of the White house. Administration official confirmed that the President of the United States Donald trump will present on Thursday at the Pentagon report on missile defence. The last such document was published by the American administration in 2010. “As for Russia and China, they have a very large and modern Arsenal (missile — ed.). We rely on our deterrent to keep Russia and China in this region,” the official told reporters. On specifying question, whether referring to nuclear deterrence or deterrence by expanding global missile defense system, the White house spokesman said that “the United States continues to rely on nuclear deterrence”. Answering

The British Parliament expressed confidence in the government may

The British Parliament expressed confidence in the government may Moscow. 16 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Now you may not need to change the government or hold early elections. Members of the house of Commons of the British Parliament for voting on Wednesday evening, expressed confidence in the government of Prime Minister Theresa may. For a vote of no confidence voted by 306 members of Parliament, against 325 members. If the government was given a vote of no confidence, the situation could develop according to two scenarios: Theresa may could form a new government in 14 days if you got the support of the majority of members of Parliament, or, more likely, the UK would have qualified for early elections. Mei had previously said that early elections “will further fragment while we need unity, will bring chaos, when we need confidence, and will become a burden, when we need to go forward.” The

The United States, together with the withdrawal from the INF Treaty can begin development of new weapons

The United States, together with the withdrawal from the INF Treaty can begin development of new weapons Simultaneously with the withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), the United States can begin developing a document prohibited weapons. “We are suspending our obligations under the contract. This means that we can drive the research and development of systems that were not previously allowed by the contract,” — said the Deputy Secretary of state for arms control and international security Andrea Thompson after briefing NATO allies (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). As noted in the state Department, the process of withdrawal from the INF Treaty will take six months and will start on February 2. “Given the results of yesterday’s talks and today’s announcement, we see no signs that Russia will respect the contract”, — quotes Mrs. Thompson Reuters. Later assistant Secretary of state said on

WEF: global risks will increase in 2019

WEF: global risks will increase in 2019 Experts expect increase most of the risks in 2019. These findings are contained in the annual report of the world economic forum (WEF), focusing on the most important risks facing humanity, and it was published on Wednesday, January 16. It is primarily about economic (91% of the experts surveyed expect higher risk in this field) and political (85%) of confrontation between the major powers, the erosion of trade agreements (88%) and cyber attacks (82%). “Global risks are growing, but the collective will to resolve them seems to be lacking. Instead, increases the separation… the Global movement to a new phase of policy, strongly oriented towards the state, which was mentioned in the last report, continued in 2018,” — the document says. The report’s authors divide all risks into two groups: the greatest possible impact and probability. Among the most likely in 2019 were