Five government agencies have supported a bill aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the Runet

Five government agencies have supported a bill aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the Runet About support of the bill, said representatives of the Ministry of communications, Roskomnadzor, Rossvyaz, the Federal security service and Federal service for technical and export control. MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. Five ministries and departments supported the bill, aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the Runet at the meeting of the Committee Gordumy on information policy, information technologies and communications. On the conceptual support of the bill, said representatives of the Ministry of communications, Roskomnadzor, Rossvyaz, the Federal guard service (FSO) and the Federal service for technical and export control (FSTEC). “The conceptual goal-setting by the Ministry of communications and other Federal Executive authorities, who provided their opinions on the matter, the bill is supported,” — said Deputy Minister Oleg Ivanov. The Ministry of communications has prepared a draft resolution of the government on this bill

Putin met with Survived in Belgrade and gave him a ride in a limousine Aurus

Putin met with Survived in Belgrade and gave him a ride in a limousine Aurus The President of Russia arrived in Serbia on an official visit. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrived with official visit to Serbia. In Belgrade the Russian leader personally met his Serbian counterpart, President Alexander Vucic. The heads of state left the territory of the airport Nikola Tesla at a new Russian limousine Aurus. The first point of the route of the presidential motorcade became a memorial to soldiers-liberators — Putin and Vucic paid tribute to the victims during the Second world war by the laying of wreaths. Putin Vucic ride in your limo Aurus — Kremlin RIA Poole (@Kremlinpool_RIA) 17 Jan 2019 Putin and Vucic at the memorial cemetery of Belgrade honored the memory of Soviet and Yugoslav soldiers — Kremlin RIA Poole (@Kremlinpool_RIA) 17 Jan 2019 Newsmedia: the Serbian security forces

The state Duma will not form a delegation to participate in PACE

The state Duma will not form a delegation to participate in PACE MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. This year the state Duma will not form a delegation to participate in the work of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, said in a statement to the lower house. Deputies noted that the interaction of Russia with the Council of Europe at parliamentary level because of lingering anti-Russian campaign was actually suspended, and the PACE itself was in a deep systemic crisis. “In this situation, the State Duma sees no grounds to return the Russian delegation to PACE and the resumption of payment of the Russian Federation contributions to the budget of the Council of Europe”, — stated in the text. It is emphasized that this decision was made “in the interests of our citizens and the Russian state.” The opinion of deputies The head of the faction “United

A lawyer for trump did not rule out the collusion of the President’s team with Russia

A lawyer for trump did not rule out the collusion of the President’s team with Russia The lawyer of the President of the United States Donald trump Rudolph Giuliani could not vouch for the fact that none of the crew of the American leader during his campaign did not engage in collusion with Russia. Upstairs “I never said that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign or people from the campaign. I was talking about the President of the United States,” he said an interview with CNN. The lawyer emphasized that “there is not the slightest evidence” of collusion of Mr. trump with the Russians for a hacker attack on the information system of the National Committee of the Democratic party. Whether there was collusion between the election headquarters of the President of Donald trump and Russia, from may 2017 explains spectracolor USA Robert Mueller and his team.

Chubais argued with Gref on the methods of struggle against corruption

Chubais argued with Gref on the methods of struggle against corruption Digitalization cannot be a panacea for all ills, he insists. To fight corruption in Russia by means of one only of digitalization, as proposed by the President and the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref, will not succeed, said the Chairman of the Board UK “Rosnano” Anatoly Chubays in interview to TV channel “Russia-1”. According to Chubais, the scope of the problem wider and the introduction of technologies into all spheres of life can not solve it. Wednesday, January 16, at the Gaidar forum, Gref called digitalization the only way to fight corruption in Russia. He said that corruption will disappear as a phenomenon, if the country will be a transparent process, “put in number”. Gref stressed that to solve this problem you need to give the market access to public information and to the decisions of

From putyatino to Putin

From putyatino to Putin The history of Russian-Japanese relations in quotes. Between Russia and Japan intensified discussion on the issue of Kuril Islands. The problem of a peace Treaty and the disputed territories could become one of the main negotiations Shinzo Abe Vladimir Putin during the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister to Moscow on 21 January. “B” followed rhetoric between the two countries in documents and statements. Upthe photo Archive of “Kommersant” 1/16 1853 “From ugnali Kuril Islands, Russia-owned, is the island of Urup, which we could be limited… to the Japanese side of the border was considered the Northern tip of Iturup” (From the note of the adjutant-General Euphemia Putyatin , on behalf of Russia signed with Japan Treaty of Shimoda, the first Treaty of territorial delimitation between Moscow and Tokyo, 1853). The photo archive of “Kommersant” 2/16 1945 “Their aggression against our country Japan began in 1904…

Chita MP suggested to disable the night light from the poor

Chita MP suggested to disable the night light from the poor MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of the Chita city Duma Ekaterina Borisova suggested for the night to turn off the electricity in ill-equipped barracks, according to “”. During a meeting of the Committee on housing Borisov commented on the situation with the residents of these homes, which are officially on furnace heating, but use electricity for space heating. The Deputy said that to get to pay for the light tenants of the barracks is impossible, because “they have no money”. “Logically, they need a night off this light — as dachas. All will drown,” said the Deputy. After the statement caused a storm of criticism on the Network, Borisov explained that her words were “sarcasm” and was expressed out of despair.

RT Vice-Premier called on all citizens of Tatarstan Tatars

RT Vice-Premier called on all citizens of Tatarstan Tatars In Arsk was held the first public discussion of Strategy of development of the Tatar people. The discussion was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Vasil shaikhraziev, reports KazanFirst. Including the official talked about the importance of preserving Tatar language in the family. “We were born, came into this world and left it, but we still have children and grandchildren. We also have to educate the Tatars,” he stressed and asked more attentive to the issues of upbringing the young generation. “Tatarstan is inhabited by 173 nationalities. The Republic is home to around four million people. When we go into other countries and regions, we are all Tatars. Russian, Chuvash, Mordvinians — all Tatars. Live in Tatarstan — so Tatars”, — quotes the words Shayhraziev “Idel. Realities” (“Radio Freedom”). It is planned that the final version of the draft Strategy

The head of the SVR accused London in the destruction of evidence on the incident in Salisbury

The head of the SVR accused London in the destruction of evidence on the incident in Salisbury Moscow. 17 Jan. INTERFAX.RU the Incident in Salisbury is a dirty provocation by the authorities of great Britain, London destroying evidence in the “case Skrypalia”, said the head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin. “This, of course, very dirty provocation on the part of the British authorities. Dirty because you can see that the government is constantly cover up the traces of the crime, destroying the evidence. And started it from the first day and continue,” — said Naryshkin, “Interfax”, when asked to comment on the harmonization of the EU sanctions for the incident in Salisbury. I’m not talking about that, and where are our citizens? Where Julia Skripal and her father? Why do they hide them?Sergey Naryshkina of Sprankle against Petrova and Bashirova Informed the correspondent of “Radio free Europe/radio Liberty,” Rikard Jozwiak

The United States decided to withdraw missile defense in space

The United States decided to withdraw missile defense in space New report on PRO contains elements of “star wars” and ways of dealing with a hypersonic weapon Russia. A new report from the U.S. Department of defense on national missile defense (NMD) includes new, more aggressive strategy, with significant space component and placing weapons in orbit. First 2010 report on missile defense (Missile Defence Review) will publish today the President of the United States Donald trump during a visit to the Pentagon, but the media managed to find its key points. It is expected that ABOUT US will be focused on countering threats from North Korea and Iran, and future threats from Russia and China. Observers noted that in comparison with the previous report from the title, removed the word “ballistic”, i.e., refers to opposition maneuvering warheads and hypersonic weapons. “Looking back on the so-called “star wars” during the administration