The Pentagon said that the new strategy does not mean entry into the United States in the arms race

The Pentagon said that the new strategy does not mean entry into the United States in the arms race WASHINGTON, January 18. /TASS/. A new Strategy for further development of the American system of antimissile defence (ABM) should not be interpreted as the entry of the US in another arms race, because it is purely defensive in nature. With such a statement was made on Thursday by Deputy head of the Pentagon for political Affairs John Rood at the briefing for journalists. “We definitely do not agree with that”, — he said, commenting on the words of the experts, declared that the US essentially enter into an arms race. “I would like to draw your attention to the word “defense” in the name of the strategy. I think that creating systems that can shoot down missiles launched in our direction, it is wrong to call a provocative action, I do

Trump canceled the trip of the American delegation to Davos because of the shutdown

Trump canceled the trip of the American delegation to Davos because of the shutdown The American delegation will not attend the world economic forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. This decision was made by the President of the United States Donald trump due to the partial suspension of the work of the government (shutdown), reports AFP. Trump has announced that he will not go to Davos because of the shutdown more than a week ago. He explained this by the “intransigence of the Democrats on the issues of border and national security,” but noted that the trip is important. As he wrote the publication the Hill, the us delegation is still going to Davos, but with fewer staff. For example, USA at the forum was to represent Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin, Minister of Commerce Wilbur Ross, as well as sales representative Roberto Leithauser. Initially, the total population of the U.S. delegation

Media reported that the showman Zelensky indirectly owns three companies in Russia

Media reported that the showman Zelensky indirectly owns three companies in Russia Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Showman and actor Vladimir Zelensky, who announced his candidacy for President of Ukraine in 2019, is an indirect co-owner of several production companies in Russia, reported Thursday on the website of the Ukrainian project of investigative journalism “Scheme”. “The company “green Films” that a Cyprus company owns it (Zelensky), his business partner and ally (Ukrainian businessman) Kolomoisky, not only successfully works in Moscow and is still producing films,” the message reads. It is noted that the company “is struggling in the competition for the Russian budget funds for their films and win.” The investigation indicated that the Cyprus company Green Famіly Ltd, co-founder of which is Zelensky, established in Russia of the film “Weisberg pictures”, “Platinumfilm” and “green Films”. So, “green Films” for the years 2014-2017 got on their accounts nearly 13 million

Court of Lviv arrested expelled from Russia journalist Boyko

Court of Lviv arrested expelled from Russia journalist Boyko KYIV, January 18. /TASS/. Galitsky Lviv district court chose a measure of restraint in the form of detention for a period of two months previously expelled from Russia of Ukrainian journalist Olena Boyko. This was announced by the office of the security Service of Ukraine in Lviv region. “Anti-Ukrainian propagandist Elena Boyko elected a measure of restraint — detention for 60 days,” — said the Agency Facebook. On the eve of the journalist was expelled from Russia for violating rules of stay in territory of the Russian Federation by the decision of Preobrazhenskiy court of Moscow. After that, she was immediately detained by the SBU and the Kharkov court arrested her, sending him to the jail of the city. Is quickly known criticism of the policies of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Ukrainian law enforcers are investigating the case against

Published by order of the President of the Russian Federation on development of volunteering by 2025

Published by order of the President of the Russian Federation on development of volunteering by 2025 MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Following the meeting of the state Council Presidium held on 27 December 2018, President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to approve the implementation plan for development of volunteering (volunteering) in the Russian Federation until 2025. Advising document 16 Jan 2019 posted on the official website of the Kremlin To ensure transparency and openness of tenders for the provision of financial support to socially oriented non-commercial organizations the government together with Fund — statement of presidential grants for the development of civil society is necessary to establish requirements for the procedure of their implementation, as well as to ensure the formation of a single open information resource containing information on socially-oriented NGOs. In addition, it is necessary to take measures aimed at improving the methodology of assessment of involvement

The Pentagon has announced plans to destroy enemy missiles in the early stages

The Pentagon has announced plans to destroy enemy missiles in the early stages The United States intends to destroy in the event of a threat the missiles of his opponent before their launch. This was stated by acting Minister of defense of the United States Patrick Shanahan during the publication of the Strategy the development of American ballistic missile defense system (NMD). The document published on the website the Pentagon on Thursday, January 17. The strategy, according to Shanahan, describes a new, comprehensive approach to prevent and repel missile attacks using a combination of deterrence, active and passive (measures — ed.), missile defence and offensive operations to destroy enemy missiles before their launch. “Missile defence systems are a key element of our strategy given the current proliferation of offensive ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as emerging technologies to create hypersonic weapons, which significantly increases the level of threats to

Provocations Kosovo could destabilize the Balkans, Putin said

Provocations Kosovo could destabilize the Balkans, Putin said BELGRADE, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Kosovo has undertaken a series of provocations, including the decision on the establishment of the army, as Russia and Serbia, believes that this could lead to destabilization in the Balkans, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Russia, like Serbia, is interested in the situation in the Balkans remained stable and safe. In particular, with regard to Kosovo, the Russian position is well known: we support the achievement of the Belgrade-Pristina viable and mutually acceptable solution on the Kosovo settlement on the basis of resolution 1244 of the UN security Council”, — Putin said at a press conference after talks with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic. He noted that Pristina has recently taken some provocative actions that seriously aggravated the situation. Primarily I mean the Kosovo side of 14 December about the formation of the so-called army of

Source: the European Union will expand sanctions against Syria

Source: the European Union will expand sanctions against Syria BRUSSELS, January 17. /TASS/ — According to the representative of the EU, 21 January the restrictive measures will expand to 11 people and five companies. The Council of the European Union meeting on January 21 will expand sanctions against Syria, adding in the black list 11 people and five companies. On Thursday told reporters in Brussels, a senior EU in anticipation of this year’s first meeting of the foreign Ministers of 28 countries of the community. “Expected to be renewed sanctions against Syria. In the black list will be included another 11 people and five companies,” he said. To the question about who is added to the blacklist, the diplomat said: “the Names will be published in the Official journal of the European Union after the official decision on Monday.” The package of EU sanctions against Syria, which strengthened from 2011

The native Butinai talked about her interest in guns

The native Butinai talked about her interest in guns Parents arrested in the United States Russian women’s Butinai told about the interest of the daughter to arms. NBC News reporters visited the relatives of the women in Barnaul. According to relatives, the girl became interested in firearms at the age of 10. “From childhood, she watched as I work with guns, told her father Valery. — She learned how to shoot, assemble and disassemble weapons.” In childhood Butina was an excellent student, she liked to learn English. Writes NBC, “Mary, like other students in Russia, learned to disassemble and reassemble the Kalashnikov rifle on the lessons of first aid”. In addition to the shooting she was involved in volleyball, skiing and reading books about Harry Potter and the works of ray Bradbury. Butina studied at the Altai state University. In 2011, she organized a group for the protection of the

Brother Whelan claims that the government postponed the visit of American diplomats to it

Brother Whelan claims that the government postponed the visit of American diplomats to it NEW YORK, January 17. /TASS/ David Whelan reported that close Americans are disappointed with this decision. David Whelan, the brother of the detained in Russia on suspicion of spying, Paul Whelan says that the Russian authorities have canceled a planned Thursday visit by U.S. diplomats. About David Whelan said on Thursday TASS in the material sent by e-mail. “We are disappointed that the Russian government has postponed scheduled for today, January 17, the visit of the us Embassy. We expect that we will continue to have the opportunity to share additional information with the Floor. Held on the eve of the visit of the Irish consular officer was very helpful and gave us the opportunity to obtain specific guidance from the Floor. I hope that the visit of American diplomats can be appointed soon and that