ROC Filaret suggested to be called “Patriarch of all Africa and of the Galaxy”

ROC Filaret suggested to be called “Patriarch of all Africa and of the Galaxy” MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The head of the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexander Volkov has commented on statements of the former head of the Kyiv Patriarchate Filaret, who began to call himself the Patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus — Ukraine. “These dissenters declare themselves to anyone — even the Patriarch of all Russia, even though all Africa, even the entire Galaxy. All this is like a circus, nothing else. No sane assessments of all sorts of inappropriate actions can’t be”, — he told radio station “Moscow speaking”. The document in which Filaret was designated a new title, previously published as a Facebook archdeacon Andrei Kuraev. The Russian Orthodox Church defrocked Filaret was deprived of in 1992, after he announced the creation of the “Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev

In Crimea responded to the offer of Berlin on the Kerch Strait

In Crimea responded to the offer of Berlin on the Kerch Strait SIMFEROPOL, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The arrival of German and French experts to assess the situation in the Kerch Strait will confirm the strict observance by Russia of all international shipping regulations, said RIA Novosti Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of Crimea for interethnic relations Yuri HEMPEL. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий He was commenting on reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has proposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to send in the Kerch Strait European experts. “Crimea has nothing to hide. We are open, including on the situation around the Kerch Strait. The proposal, which came from Angela Merkel, is quite reasonable and correct, if the German and French sides are prepared to engage in constructive dialogue and to give an objective evaluation of everything that is happening in the Kerch Strait,” said HEMPEL RIA Novosti. According to

Ukraine told as it gets Russian oil

Ukraine told as it gets Russian oil It became known as the Ukraine gets oil from Russia. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of “temporarily occupied territories” and internally displaced persons Georgy Tuka on air of TV channel “112 Ukraine”. He stressed that his country has no oil. “We have to buy a large amount of fuel, which is used by the whole country, Belarus, which is, of course, it produces from Russian crude, but it is beneficial to us,” said Tuck. According to the official, Kiev can instead buy European oil, but the state can hardly afford it. Earlier it was reported that the Ukraine gas fields “presented” friend of the President of Petro Poroshenko. Chitayte also: Tymoshenko related to the increase of heating in Ukraine 15 times in 10 years

Medvedev instructed to optimize execution of similar tasks in the projects

Medvedev instructed to optimize execution of similar tasks in the projects MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed the ministries to optimize execution of similar tasks in various national and Federal projects, according to the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. “Dmitry Medvedev gave instructions to optimize the execution of the same tasks contained in the various national and Federal projects”, — stated in the message. According to the report, the Ministry of construction instructed to analyze the results of all national and Federal projects related to the creation and reconstruction of capital construction objects, to explore joint use of buildings and structures for the needs of various projects. Also the Ministry of communications is mandated to perform the projects associated with the development of departmental information resources, the creation and purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies,

Tokyo agreed to hold talks about the renaming of the sea of Japan

Tokyo agreed to hold talks about the renaming of the sea of Japan The Japanese authorities agreed to discuss the issue of renaming the sea of Japan with representatives of South Korea and North Korea. According to the newspaper Sankei Shimbun, consultations will be held in the spring of 2019. Call to find a compromise with Seoul and Pyongyang to Tokyo approached the international hydrographic organization (IHO). Report on the results of the consultation, before the IHO, the parties will have in 2020. Koreans call the sea of Japan the East sea. In the early 90-ies of Pyongyang and Seoul have demanded to change the name, stating that it imposed to the world community, the Japanese regime in the early twentieth century and is “a consequence of Japanese colonialism”. Tokyo refuses to rename the waters, claiming that the geographical term was adopted on the initiative of the European cartography in

Avakov told about the violations of the presidential candidates of Ukraine

Avakov told about the violations of the presidential candidates of Ukraine The majority of candidates in presidents of Ukraine are engaged in illegal propaganda campaign. This was announced by interior Minister Arsen Avakov. “From the beginning of the campaign (December 31, 2018) of the Ministry of interior and Netpolice received 91 appeal from public organizations and citizens about violations during the election campaign,” — wrote Avakov in Facebook. He also said that law enforcement agencies have issued protocols on articles “hooliganism”, “violation of order of placement of campaign materials or political advertisements or posting them in prohibited areas”, “production or dissemination of printed campaigning materials in which there is no information about the place of printing, number of copies, persons responsible for release”. Avakov said that this is “a flagrant violation of the law.” In the near future will be submitted to the appropriate penalties. Presidential elections in Ukraine will

Russia accused of attempt of hacking the servers of the democratic party of the United States in November 2018

Russia accused of attempt of hacking the servers of the democratic party of the United States in November 2018 WASHINGTON, 19 Jan — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The democratic party in a lawsuit to the Russian Federation claimed that Russia was trying to hack the servers of the national Committee of the democratic party in November 2018, according to court documents. In April, the national Committee of the US Democratic party (DNC) has filed a lawsuit against the government of the Russian Federation, Main Department of the Russian General staff (GRU), entrepreneurs, father and son agalarovyh, the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and also against the electoral headquarters of Donald trump, including son-in-law of us President Jared Kushner. The action relates to hacker attacks in 2015 and 2016 and assumptions about the conspiracy to damage the Democrats, as well as to promote the candidacy of trump. On Friday, the Democrats

Tymoshenko said about the rise in price of heating in Ukraine 15 times in 10 years

Tymoshenko said about the rise in price of heating in Ukraine 15 times in 10 years The former Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of party “Batkivshina” Yulia Tymoshenko joined the flash mob with the utilities receipts and compared two bills for heating with a difference of 10 years on his page in Facebook. Bills for utilities in January 2009 and January 2019 for a one bedroom apartment Tymoshenko posted with a signature that heating has risen in price by 15 times, writes “RIA Novosti”. In addition, it is proposed to close the eternal debate about how bad it was to live 10 years ago and as well was now, noting that not gloating over the situation, but just gives the facts. On 17 January it became known that inhabitants of Ukraine expects a sharp jump in gas prices, the cost of thousand cubic meters from January 1, 2020 will amount

Ukraine’s population in 2018 decreased by 208 thousand people

Ukraine’s population in 2018 decreased by 208 thousand people KIEV, January 18 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine’s population in 2018 decreased by 208,8 thousand people, reported on Friday on the website of the state statistics service. “The population of Ukraine on 1 December 2018, was $ 42,177 million people”, — stated in the message. According to the Committee, from January to November 2018, the population of Ukraine decreased by 208,8 thousand people. It is noted that the country continues to be the number of deaths than births: 100 deaths 58 infants.

VTSIOM published the confidence rating of Russian politicians

VTSIOM published the confidence rating of Russian politicians MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The rating of trust of Russians to the Russian President Vladimir Putin last week was equal to 33.4%, follows from the data VTsIOM poll. “The rating of trust in politicians continues to be chaired by Vladimir Putin on January 13, 2019 indicator was equal to 33.4%,” — said in the message. Added that the second and third place is occupied by defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (13.7 per cent) and foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (9.3 per cent). According to the sociologists, the approval rate of the President’s activities on the average on 13 January amounted to 62,1%. Evaluation of the work of the Prime Minister and Cabinet — 35% and 39.5%, respectively. The initiative Russian opinion “polls-Sputnik” held from 9 to 13 January. The survey polled Russians aged 18 years, was daily interrogated 1,6 thousand respondents. The