In Guatemala, announced the evacuation due to the eruption of the volcano Fuego

In Guatemala, announced the evacuation due to the eruption of the volcano Fuego Moscow. 19 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Authorities of Guatemala announced the evacuation in areas in the immediate vicinity of the volcano Fuego, which is dangerous intensified in recent days, said on Monday the news Agency Associated Press. Upstairs To go to a safe place urged residents of eight settlements, where a total of about two thousand people. Local authorities will make the decision to evacuate on their own, but it is already known that at least three communities decided to leave their homes. Fuego, one of the most active volcanoes of Central America, started to erupt on Sunday. Previous strong eruption was in July, then his victims were almost 200 people.

Published photos of the sunken Argentinian submarine “San Juan”

Published photos of the sunken Argentinian submarine “San Juan” Navy of Argentina Twitter has published the first photos of the sunken submarine “San Juan”. Upstairs Conferencia #AraSanJuan: Asimismo, se identificaron otras partes del submarino de menores y formas dimensions, coincidentes con la sección de proa y la popa la vela. Para ver la conferencia ingresar a — Armada Argentina (@Armada_Arg) 18 Nov 2018 The footage can be seen a ruined fragment of the hull of the submarine. Also in the photo you can see the driving screw of the submarine, which lies separately from the body. Earlier it was reported that throughout Argentina sirens in memory of the crew of the submarine “San Juan”. See also:In Argentina announced the discovery of a missing year ago of the submarine San Juan

The Deputy Minister of Georgia got into an accident and hospitalized with broken ribs

The Deputy Minister of Georgia got into an accident and hospitalized with broken ribs TBILISI, November 18 — RIA Novosti. Deputy Minister of education, science, culture and sport will Ship Mikheil Giorgadze, was hospitalized with fractures to 12 ribs after a serious accident in the region of Kakheti, told journalists in a press-service of the Ministry. Upstairs “First Deputy Minister Giorgadze was injured in the crash, he had broken 12 ribs. His life is not in danger, condition stable”, — said the Agency. According to Georgian TV companies, Giorgadze crashed into a tree in the village of Kvareli region of Kakheti in the night on Sunday. In the car Giorgadze was one. First he was hospitalized in Telavsky the hospital and then moved to Tbilisi in the name of Ingorokva. Some media reported that Giorgadze is connected to the respirator. The fact of the accident, the Georgian interior Ministry opened

The two aircraft collided in the skies over Germany

The two aircraft collided in the skies over Germany City police Cuxhaven in Germany reported the collision of two light aircraft in the sky near the city on 17 November, reports Rheinische Post. Upstairs It is reported that the pilots of the planes 70 and 60 years old, the eldest of them died on the spot, the younger were hospitalized with serious injuries. According to police, the collision occurred when one of the planes was landing and another was taking off. The police rejected the version of weather conditions, as in the time of the collision there was no wind and clouds.

The murder of rogatica in Dagestan, possibly involving three people

The murder of rogatica in Dagestan, possibly involving three people Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — police are looking for two alleged accomplices in the murder of the employee of Regardie in Dagestan, reported “Interfax” an informed source. Upstairs “According to preliminary data, the murder of the employee of Regardie in Dagestan, involved three people. One of them is Shakhban Machiev, in which I managed to shoot regardies, is in the Republican orthopedic and trauma center. His condition is grave but stable. He is being questioned by investigators,” he said. “Two more alleged accomplice fled the scene. It > Yakubov two brothers — Magomed and Haskil. They are registered in the village of Balakhani of the Untsukul district of Dagestan. One born in 1984, the second in 1989”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, they “not once came into the view of law enforcement bodies”. The suspects, according to

In Makhachkala, an employee of Regardie killed in the crossfire trying to break up a fight

In Makhachkala, an employee of Regardie killed in the crossfire trying to break up a fight MAKHACHKALA, November 18 — RIA Novosti. Employee Regardie was killed in a shootout trying to stop a fight in Makhachkala, told RIA Novosti in the press service of the administration of the Republic of Dagestan. Upstairs The incident occurred last night at the entrance to one of the city’s cafes, when an employee of Regardie when off duty decided to stop the conflict the people there. “In the course of resolving the situation one of the conflicting parties using a firearm, opened fire. Returning fire, the officer of Regardie wounded the gunman, but he was fatally wounded. The circumstances of the incident are established”, — is spoken in the message.

The champion of the melee shot the Lieutenant Regardie in a nightclub Dagestan

The champion of the melee shot the Lieutenant Regardie in a nightclub Dagestan Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — police are searching for a suspect in the murder of a man in a nightclub in Dagestan, reported “Interfax” an informed source. Upstairs “The incident occurred on Sunday night in a nightclub “Best”, located in the city of Makhachkala. Between drunken young people had a conflict. As a result, one of them pulled out a gun and shot two of his attackers. Arrived on the scene, the paramedics pronounced him dead one injured, a second was rushed to the Republican orthopedic and trauma center,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the condition of the wounded heavy, “he is in intensive care, but conscious, he is being questioned by investigators.” Another Agency source said that the victim — Lieutenant of Regardie, who was not in the performance. “According to available information,

Media reported about the hospitalization of Viktor Yanukovych

Media reported about the hospitalization of Viktor Yanukovych MOSCOW, November 18 — RIA Novosti. The former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych was urgently hospitalized in the Institute of emergency care Sklifosovsky in Moscow. About it reports “the Fifth channel”. Upstairs In the hospital, he came in Friday, November 16, however it became known about it only today. According to TV channel, Yanukovych with a knee injury and was taken to a medical facility of the suburban tennis club. He assisted, and then go home. According to the “360” in a patient “looks similar” to Viktor Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian leader match all the data, including the name and date of birth.

The number of missing in a fire in California has risen to 1276 people

The number of missing in a fire in California has risen to 1276 people WASHINGTON, November 18 — RIA Novosti. The number of missing in the deadly fire in Northern California has increased to 1276 people, told reporters on Sunday the Sheriff of Butte County Cory Khoni. Upstairs “The number of missing has risen to 1276, an increase of 275 people. Since last night were found the remains of five more people, bringing the total death toll now stands at 76”, — he said. #BREAKING: I had to watch multiple pieces of video and make several calls before I typed this and even now it still feels unreal… but @ButteSheriff is saying this:-63 Dead-631 missing.That’s an increase of more than 500 missing people from yesterday. #CampFire @NBCNews — Steve Patterson (@PattersonNBC) 16 Nov 2018 The Russian Embassy in the United States expressed condolences to the people of California. “We

The largest smuggling pears from the EU to Russia revealed in the photo

The largest smuggling pears from the EU to Russia revealed in the photo EU countries supplied pears to Russia in circumvention of the anti-European sanctions. This was reported by the newspaper De Volkskrant. Upstairs The employee of the newspaper drew attention to a photo of her friend from Russia in Facebook. In the picture was a picture of pear varieties “Conference”, which is grown in Belgium and the Netherlands. The journalist was interested in Russia turned out to be fruit from the European Union, the import of which is prohibited by the sanctions. It turned out that pears fall to Moscow via Belarus and Lithuania. Manufacturers buy fake certificates for fruits, which indicate that they are grown outside the EU. According to documents, the fruit import from the Congo, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Yemen and other countries. Only a fraud with the documents, there are about 26 African States. According to