Bild: Merkel has become the victim of a hacker attack

Bild: Merkel has become the victim of a hacker attack Victims of hacker attacks in Germany were members of the Cabinet and parties, journalists, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. This writes the Bild, citing sources. It is noted that the attacks continued until the end of October last year. While not precisely determined, when they started and who organized them. It is not excluded that the attacks involved Russia and China. In addition, it is allowed that the Russian side had cooperated with the right-wing German groups. According to available information, currently, hackers have posted only part of the stolen information. Was the stolen mobile phone numbers, addresses, personal email, official and private correspondence, passwords, personal photos and documents. In Germany, the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution informed about hacker attacks, which were committed to e-mail the members of the Bundestag, some

The list of victims as a result of emergency in a residential building in Magnitogorsk

The list of victims as a result of emergency in a residential building in Magnitogorsk Victims of tragedy of a steel of 39 persons. A gas explosion in Магнитогорске07:35 (GMT)In Magnitogorsk identified the bodies of all those killed in the gas explosion The city of Magnitogorsk has published the list of victims as a result of emergency in a residential home. The explosion occurred on the morning of December 31. Collapsed one of the entrances. SK calls the priority cause of PE explosion of household gas. Search and rescue operation lasted four days, January 3, MOE announced on its completion. Victims of tragedy of steel 39 people (including six children): Kremlev Andrey Kremleva Elena Kremlev Denis A. Kremlev Dmitry Andreevich Ignatiev Alexander Ignatieva Marina V. Antilaw Victor D. Antilove Uliana Antilove Tatiana Druzhkina Raisa Cupina Taisia Ivanovna Pljuhina Svitlana Vorontsov Victor Vladimirovich Ovchinnikova Galina Efimovna Sagadatov Ilmir Estimerova Claudia N.

In Magnitogorsk have identified the bodies of all who died in the gas explosion

In Magnitogorsk have identified the bodies of all who died in the gas explosion MAGNITOGORSK, 4 Jan — RIA Novosti. The bodies of all those killed in the gas explosion and subsequent collapse of the entrance of a house in Magnitogorsk identified, told reporters on Friday the first Deputy head EMERCOM of Russia Alexander Chupriyan. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk6фотографий6фотографий6фотографий “Yes,” he said in response to the question identified whether the body of the latter, the 39th of the deceased. Earlier it was reported that it was a woman. Monday, December 31, in Magnitogorsk as a result of domestic gas explosion collapsed one of the entrances of ten-storied house. On Thursday, the MOE has completed a rescue operation from-under blockages were retrieved the bodies of 39 people.

At least 11 people were killed in the airstrike coalition in Syria

At least 11 people were killed in the airstrike coalition in Syria At least 11 people were killed in an airstrike by the international coalition led by the United States on Schaaf’s village in the South-East of Syria. This was reported by the Agency SANA. The incident occurred in the province of Deir ez-Zor. It is noted that the victims were members of the same family. December 8, due to the impact force of the international coalition on the settlement of Hajin in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor was destroyed by the hospital. Syrian media has repeatedly noted that victims of attacks are civilians. Syrian authorities urged the UN to take action against the perpetrators and to stop the illegal stay of the coalition in Syria. December 19 us President Donald trump gave the order to withdraw all troops from Syria. In his opinion, the United States defeated the

Court of Moscow arrested a suspect in the espionage of the American

Court of Moscow arrested a suspect in the espionage of the American Lefortovo court of Moscow arrested the detainee on suspicion in espionage of a US citizen Paul Whelan, said his lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov. “Today, I sent an appeal against the court’s decision on remand. I ask you to release him on bail, the amount of which is suggested to court,” he added. The lawyer said that the money will be able to make relatives of Americans, or will use its own funds arrested, writes “RIA Novosti”. December 28, employees of FSB have detained Whelan when performing spy actions in Moscow. Against it criminal case was brought, the alien faces up to 20 years in prison. The Russian foreign Ministry said that the U.S. Embassy in Russia was informed about the incident. On 1 January it became known that the American is an employee of the company-manufacturer of auto parts

Boxer with one blow killed a security officer Poroshenko

Boxer with one blow killed a security officer Poroshenko Employee of the state guard of Ukraine was killed during the brawl in the center of Kiev. On Thursday, January 3, reports the Internet-the edition Stranaya citing law enforcement sources. According to the publication, the conflict occurred the evening of 2 January in the courtyard of a residential complex on the street Sapper field. The victim entered the altercation with a man walking two dogs. During the argument he struck him a sharp blow to the jaw. The man became ill, and he fell to the ground. Despite the efforts arrived on the scene doctors, the victim died without regaining consciousness. It was later established that the victim was a 26-year-old employee of the state security Department, ensuring the safety of the first persons of the state. As report “News of Ukraine”, a murder suspect was living in the same residential

MOE has completed the search and rescue operation in Magnitogorsk

MOE has completed the search and rescue operation in Magnitogorsk MAGNITOGORSK, January 3 — RIA Novosti. Under the rubble of collapsed entrance of a house in Magnitogorsk more people there, said the first Deputy head of the Ministry of emergency situations Alexander Chupriyan. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk “Today we learned the last, 39th body, ensure that the building people do not. MOE completes rescue operation”, — he said, adding that 38 identified bodies. Chupriyan added that identified the bodies of six children, 12 men and 20 women. Need to identify another woman. On the last day of 2018 in Magnitogorsk in the domestic gas explosion collapsed the entrance of the ten-storied house. There were 120 people. The day after the tragedy in debris was found alive ten months old boy. The Ministry of health the child’s condition is assessed as “stable with some improvements”. It is noted normalization of

The death toll in the collapse of entrance in Magnitogorsk rose to 39

The death toll in the collapse of entrance in Magnitogorsk rose to 39 CHELYABINSK, January 3 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the collapse of entrance in Magnitogorsk has grown to 39 people, said the head of the region Boris Dubrovsky in the Telegram channel. A gas explosion in Магнитогорске17:29 (GMT)MOE has completed the search and rescue operation in Magnitogorsk In the press center of GUMCHS said that rescuers recovered from the rubble of the woman’s body. On the last day of 2018 in Magnitogorsk in the domestic gas explosion collapsed the entrance of the ten-storied house. There were 120 people. From the rubble recovered the bodies of 39 victims, including six children. The day after the tragedy in debris was found alive ten months old boy. The Ministry of health the child’s condition is assessed as “stable with some improvements”. It is noted normalization of laboratory parameters. “The

From-under blockages of the failed entrance in Magnitogorsk rescued a dog

From-under blockages of the failed entrance in Magnitogorsk rescued a dog Under a pile of concrete animal spent four days. A gas explosion in Магнитогорске17:29 (GMT)MOE has completed the search and rescue operation in Magnitogorsk After completing search and rescue operations on a place of explosion of household gas and collapse the entrance of the house in Magnitogorsk rescuers extracted from the rubble of a dog, the correspondent of news Agency “Access”. We will remind, work on the spot moved in the construction stage. In addition, according to the first Deputy head EMERCOM of Russia Alexander Chupriyan, the rescuers in the near future will continue to search under the rubble of Pets. “We still need to deal with animals… has Sent a team to retrieve them”, he said. Today, according to him, from under the rubble made the still alive cat. During the download an error has occurred.

France has given the Russian ex-Minister of Finance of Moscow region, accused of fraud

France has given the Russian ex-Minister of Finance of Moscow region, accused of fraud MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. Former Minister of Finance of Moscow region Alexey Kuznetsov, who was accused of fraud and embezzlement of 14 billion rubles, extradited from France to Russia. About TASS reported the press service of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. As stated in the message Department, the competent authorities of the French Republic granted a corresponding request to the General Prosecutor’s office. Kuznetsov is accused of fraud (10 crimes), embezzlement (three crimes) and legalization of property acquired as a result of the crimes committed (nine crimes). According to investigators, Kuznetsov and his accomplices caused damage to the Moscow region government, the municipal utilities and companies “Mosobltrastinvest” more than $ 14 billion. The case of extradition Kuznetsova from 2013 was considered by the courts of Appeal of AIX-EN-Provence and Lyon with the participation of