A court in Thailand sentenced a Fish and Leslie to probation

A court in Thailand sentenced a Fish and Leslie to probation PATTAYA, January 15 — RIA Novosti, Yevgeny Belenky. Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie), Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish) and other six accused of illegal sex training in Thailand pleaded guilty in the court of the city of Pattaya, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. The defendants were sentenced to suspended terms of imprisonment and actual imprisonment equal to the term already served, which amounted to 9 months of being in jail. The Pattaya court is taking steps to facilitate speedy deportation of convicts in Russia and Belarus. News“This is a light version of prostitution.” Than you earn the concubines in the 21st century Leslie Fish and the other defendants were arrested in a hotel in Pattaya in February last year during a “sex training.” They were initially accused of illegal organization of the training and violation of labor

In the affected house in the Mines found hidden in a closet cat

In the affected house in the Mines found hidden in a closet cat Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU Rescue a day after the state of emergency helped to get a second cat from the victim’s home in the Mines (Rostov region), where on 14 January it was a gas explosion. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “She hid in the closet, basking there. Rescuers searched for a cat to breed don Sphynx”, — told reporters a resident of the 37-th apartment Alice Dergousova. A resident of the first floor of the building, where there was a gas explosion, also told that the entrance was constantly very damp, and the basement was a lot of water. “The house has sunk and I

Polish Russophile: the mayor of Gdansk died after the assassination attempt

Polish Russophile: the mayor of Gdansk died after the assassination attempt The mayor of Gdansk died from stab wounds in the attack. In Russia, expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, known for his sympathy for Russia. The mayor, who led located near the Kaliningrad region the city has made many efforts to develop Russian-Polish ties. He also established the tradition of laying flowers to the graves of Soviet soldiers who died for the liberation of Poland. The mayor of the Polish city of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich died from stab wounds inflicted in an attack. The attack on the meeting happened on January 13 during WOŚP charity concert in Gdansk. Armed with a knife, the man attacked the mayor of the city and struck him several blows, including the heart. The doctors tried to save the meeting, but he died in hospital. The assailant,

The number of victims of gas explosion in the house in the Mines had increased to two

The number of victims of gas explosion in the house in the Mines had increased to two MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/ — From under the debris recovered the body of a woman. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Rescuers at analysis of blockages on a place of explosion in an apartment building in Shakhty in the Rostov region found the body of a woman. About this TASS reported the EMERCOM of Russia. “The death toll has increased to two people. Found the deceased woman, believed to be from 72nd apartment,” — said the representative of the MOE. At the moment, remains unknown fate of three people. According to the MOE, the explosion of domestic gas in the nine-floor house in

A large part of the dangerous designs of high-rise buildings in the Mines dismantled

A large part of the dangerous designs of high-rise buildings in the Mines dismantled Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU — Already dismantled three of the four plates, when carrying out the collapse not happened. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Rescuers dismantled a large part of dangerous structures of some multi-storey residential building in the city of Shakhty, where on Monday morning there was a gas explosion, have informed “Interfax” in a single duty dispatching service of city. “To date, dismantled three of the four plates. At the moment at work collapses did not happen,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that the house is connected to the lighting system that will allow rescuers to work without interruption. “All night

Canada concerned by death sentence for its citizen in China

Canada concerned by death sentence for its citizen in China OTTAWA, January 14. /TASS/ — the Arrested in China Lloyd Schellenberg in the case of drug trafficking was sentenced to death. The government of Canada is extremely concerned about reports that a canadian citizen Lloyd Schellenberg was sentenced in China to death for drug trafficking. On Monday he told reporters in Ottawa the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “We as a government are seriously concerned about… the fact that China decided without good reason to apply the death penalty against a canadian citizen,” he said. According to him, this must be a cause for concern for “international friends and allies” of Canada. Earlier it was reported that the arrested in China on charges of drug trafficking, the canadian citizen was sentenced to death. The defendant was found guilty of smuggling more than 220 kg of methamphetamine. The court also ruled to

The fire in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra extinguished

The fire in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra extinguished Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Ukrainian rescuers extinguished the fire, which occurred on Monday afternoon in a two-storey building on the territory of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra at St. Lavra, 23. Archbishop of UOC-MP: a burning building belongs to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra https://t.co/cgRtsBGwVs pic.twitter.com/ksVqQgPDnY — RIA Novosti (@rianru) January 14, 2019. “In 20.07 the fire was extinguished”, — stated in the message on the website of the state service of Ukraine for emergency situations. Earlier gschs reported that as of 19.12, the fire was localized in the area of 400 sq. m. According to preliminary data, no victims. In a burning building were working on reconstruction. According to preliminary data, the fire started in one of the rooms on the second floor and spread to the roof. According to media reports, this building is inactive laboratory of infectious diseases hospital.

The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine suspected former Minister of defence in the treason

The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine suspected former Minister of defence in the treason The Prosecutor General of Ukraine suspects the former defense Minister Dmitry Salamatina treason in favor of Russia, said on his page on Facebook, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko. Salamatin is suspected of “involvement in the structure of the criminal organization [former President Viktor] Yanukovych, misappropriation of another’s property in especially large sizes by abuse of his official position and committing treason in the interests of the Russian Federation, undermining the defense, state and economic security of Ukraine” after “the ousting of Ukraine of the world’s arms markets” in favor of Russia, Lutsenko wrote. According to prosecutors, Salamatin deliberately broke the contract “Kharkiv machine building design Bureau” aircraft manufacturer “Antonov” SVTF “Progress” and the Iraqi Ministry of defense for the supply, repair and maintenance of military equipment that led to losses of $560 million Yanukovych in Ukraine has

Shevchenko did not rule out that wraps the film dead in the Central African Republic journalists

Shevchenko did not rule out that wraps the film dead in the Central African Republic journalists Commentator said that he has a plan for the further investigation of the crime. The journalist and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Vladimir region Maxim Shevchenko said the Daily Storm that knows how to lead a murder investigation of war correspondents Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko in the Central African Republic (CAR). Shevchenko replied in the affirmative to the question, does he have a plan to establish the truth about the killers. However, he still thinks that it is pointless to go to the country whose President, in his words, “receives a salary from the hands of Eugene Prigogine”. Shevchenko did not completely exclude the possibility of his trip to Africa, for example, to complete a film about Russian private military companies who shot the journalists killed. “I have a plan,

The mayor of Gdansk has died after being stabbed at a concert

The mayor of Gdansk has died after being stabbed at a concert WARSAW, Jan 14 — RIA Novosti. The mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, who the night before was assassinated, died in hospital, said the representative of the University clinical centre Tomas Stefaniak. Armed with a knife man attacked the policy during a charity concert in Gdansk. The mayor received several knife wounds, including in the region of the heart. Doctors for a long time revived Adamovich at the scene, then transported to the hospital. Attacking it is detained, the motive is not officially reported. The man before the attack were screaming that he was illegally sentenced to a prison term, reported attending the event, journalists. It is known that the killer was 27-the summer inhabitant of Gdansk, convicted of Bank robberies. A few weeks ago he was released from prison. #AdamowiczJeszcze jedno nagranie z ataku na prezydenta Adamowicza pic.twitter.com/pwBdLwRdm2