Media: Serbian security forces do not bind the detention of Wahhabi with Putin’s visit

Media: Serbian security forces do not bind the detention of Wahhabi with Putin’s visit Source “Sputnik Serbia” in the security services denied that the arrested terrorists wanted to kill the Russian leader. Serbian security forces from the Agency the security and intelligence arrested Islamic radical Alibasic Armin, who, as sources told the tabloid Blic, was preparing an attempt on the life of Russian President Vladimir Putin when he was visiting Belgrade. On the official website of the Serbian security forces nothing about such detention does not say, also nothing is confirmed, that the prisoner was going to make an attempt on Putin. A little later the source of the Agency “Sputnik Serbia” in the security services denied the link between terrorists and Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade. Sunday 21-year-old man was taken in Novi Pazar, when I noticed that he carries in a backpack optical gun, on his belt was

With the explosion in Manbij killed four American soldiers

With the explosion in Manbij killed four American soldiers MOSCOW, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. Four American soldiers were killed and three injured in an explosion in the Syrian Manbij, reported Reuters with reference to the representative of the government of the United States. Earlier, Turkish NTV reported that two American soldiers, one member of the Kurdish forces and 9 civilians were killed in a suicide attack in the Syrian city of Manbij, at least 20 people were injured. UNVERIFIED video that shows the moment of the explosion Manbij. Seems like a suicide bombing — Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) January 16, 2019 The channel also showed footage of surveillance in the time of the explosion, which shows that the incident occurred on a busy street in the city centre. It is reported that wounded us soldiers were evacuated by helicopter. #US Helicopters transferring wounded soldiers in #Manbij, #Syria. —

The explosion in a residential building in the Mines is not found explosives

The explosion in a residential building in the Mines is not found explosives Moscow. 16 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Investigators found no explosives on the site of the collapse of apartments in the house in the Mines, the rubble is completed, said the official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “Employees of the Main Department of criminalistics (Forensic center) of the Russian IC in the course of inspection of the scene with the use of detector of traces of explosives are detected. According to the obtained washings assigned to chemical examination,” he said on Wednesday “Interfax”. She noted that currently the rubble is completed, the whereabouts of all residents of the affected apartments. “Five people died, a woman born in 1987 young daughter was hospitalized. Currently, the bodies of the relatives of the victims,” — said Petrenko. “The investigation established that on January 14, slam the gas there

The former head of the Russian colony villages for tribute from prisoners

The former head of the Russian colony villages for tribute from prisoners Segezha city court sentenced the former chief of a corrective colony № 7 Sergey Cassava to 2.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony for abuse and abuse of power. On Wednesday, January 16, reports the regional edition “7×7”. Former Deputy head of the colony for the production of Anatoly Luist received three years of imprisonment. The defendants were taken into custody in the courtroom after the verdict. The court also granted the claims of the former prisoners Lasha Gogua and Sergey Polujko, who were forced to surrender to the needs of the colony 850 and 250 thousand respectively, when they are serving a sentence. Now the prisoners have to return the money. The victim Lasha Gogua called a fair verdict of the former jailers. “Cossies was the ruler of destinies of people could be executed, could pardon,

Putin instructed to fully settle the house in Magnitogorsk, in the entrance which caused the explosion

Putin instructed to fully settle the house in Magnitogorsk, in the entrance which caused the explosion MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Governor of Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky to fully settle the house in Magnitogorsk, at the entrance of which is in December 2018, an explosion occurred. A gas explosion in Магнитогорске12 Amaravati saved up the baby from Magnitogorsk “Residents approached me with a request to settle the entire house. Despite the fact that the examination shows that you can live there, but this is a terrible tragedy — 39 dead. I know people that live in this place”, — said the head of state at a meeting with members of the government. “We need to meet the people and the house to settle. Entirely. To provide housing,” Putin said. The President made some preliminary calculations on which the settlement of the whole house will cost

In Moscow have detained the General Director of the manufacturer of vodka “Five lakes” and “Husky”

In Moscow have detained the General Director of the manufacturer of vodka “Five lakes” and “Husky” In Moscow on suspicion of fraud detained the General Director of one of the largest producers of vodka in Russia — Alcohol Siberian group (ASG) — Igor Savelyev, writes RBC with reference to two sources in the alcoholic market. According to one source, Savelyev at the moment of detention was in office. Against him initiated a criminal case under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud committed by an organized group or in especially large size or resulting in the deprivation of the rights of citizens to housing), says RBC. The owner of ASG Andrey Strelets RBC confirmed the information about detention and said that it is connected “with the activities of Igor Savelyev’s” but “unrelated to ASG”. The company operates in a normal mode, said Archer. What is happening is

In Serbia on the eve of Putin’s visit detained a group of militants

In Serbia on the eve of Putin’s visit detained a group of militants In the Serbian town of Novi Pazar, which is the village centre, a predominantly Muslim region of Sandzak, the security services detained several of the Wahhabis. They found weapons and materials for making explosives. In particular, 21-year-old Islamist Armin Alibasic was arrested by Serbian security services and the police in the evening on Sunday. According to the Belgrade newspaper Blic, the arrest had been made on one of the streets of Novi Pazar. In the backpack of a detainee was discovered the rifle with telescopic sight and a few knives. After that, the house of Alibasic in an urban area Bukres was searched. The result was the propaganda and symbols of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), and in the attic — chemicals which, according to experts, can be used to make explosives. Arsenal seized

The head region of Buryatia became the defendant in a criminal case after the illegal spending for bridge repair

The head region of Buryatia became the defendant in a criminal case after the illegal spending for bridge repair ULAN-UDE, January 16. /TASS/. A criminal case was opened against the head of the Barguzin district of Buryatia, the official charged with unlawful use of allocated from the reserve Fund of 1.5 million rubles for the repair of the bridge. This was announced to journalists on Wednesday in a press-service of the regional SU RF IC. “A criminal case against the head of the municipal formation “Barguzinsky district” Alexei Balueva. He is suspected of committing a crime under part 2 of article 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Excess of powers of office”)”, — reported in Department. The sanction of this part of article provides till seven years of imprisonment. According to investigators, in December 2017 due to the partial destruction of the needed repair of the bridge over

The court in the case of drug Lord El Chapo told that the former President of Mexico, received from him a bribe of $100 million

The court in the case of drug Lord El Chapo told that the former President of Mexico, received from him a bribe of $100 million Former associate of Mexican cartel leader Joaquin Guzman, nicknamed El Chapo (“Shorty”) Alex Cifuentes on the court in new York said that the drug Lord gave a bribe of $100 million to former President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto. On 15 January, AP reported, citing a statement by the Cifuentes. Cifuentes, said that the bribe was handed over in October 2012 through the close of Guzman under the pseudonym “godmother Mary”. According to him, it happened after Peña Nieto was elected but before his inauguration. Head of the administration of former Mexican President called the accusations “false and defamatory and absurd.” He added that El Chapo tracked down, arrested and sent to the United States is the government of peña Nieto. “Since the beginning of

In Serbia arrested Islamic radical suspected of preparing a terrorist attack

In Serbia arrested Islamic radical suspected of preparing a terrorist attack BELGRADE, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Agency of information and security (BIA) of Serbia and the police detained in the town of Novi Pazar and member of the Islamist movement suspected of preparing a terrorist attack, the newspaper writes Blic, citing its own sources. Dvadtsatiodnoletny Armin Alibasic on Sunday detained on the streets of Novi Pazar, 260 kilometers South-West from Belgrade, in the backpack when it found a BB gun with a telescopic sight and a few knives. “After this, a search was conducted of his house in the village Bukres, in which was found the flags of the IG* promotional materials and literature of this terrorist organization. In the attic of detected chemicals, which can be used for making explosives,” — said an unnamed source. It is specified that unknown, could the detainee was found using chemicals