The siren worked on the border of Israel with Syria

The siren worked on the border of Israel with Syria Air RAID siren worked on the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan heights, which indicates a possible missile attack from Syria, the military reported. “Alarm sounded in the Golan heights. The circumstances are being investigated”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” an excerpt from the message of the army press service. Before Israel led the troops in a state of high alert, deployed air defense system and ordered to open bomb shelters on the Golan heights. On such measures, the authorities went after “abnormal activity” of Iranian troops in Syria. Then the Syrian air defense system intercepted two rockets fired by Israel at the al-Kiswa in Damascus suburb. Later came reports that a Damascus missile strike killed two people.

Radicals blocked in Kiev channel “inter”, demanding to cancel the program on Victory Day

Radicals blocked in Kiev channel “inter”, demanding to cancel the program on Victory Day The nationalists called the concert, which should show in honor of the holiday, propaganda and anti-Ukrainian content. KIEV, may 9. /TASS/. Representatives of the Ukrainian far-right party “national body” (organization banned in Russia) on Wednesday morning blocked the Kiev editorial office of the TV channel “inter” to avoid airing the concert in honor of Victory Day. We demand from the channel to remove from the evening of may 9, propaganda, anti-Ukrainian content. If this does not happen, we reserve the right to take any appropriate action in response.Representatives of the Ukrainian far-right party “national corpus” As the correspondent of TASS from the event, near the building of “inter”, gathered about 30 people, they set up the tent. While any of the incidents did not happen. Earlier, the national Council of Ukraine on television and radio broadcasting

The number of hospitalizations for poisoning in school in Ukraine has risen to 57

The number of hospitalizations for poisoning in school in Ukraine has risen to 57 The number of hospitalized at a mass poisoning at school in Cherkassy has risen to 57 people, reports RIA “Novosti” with reference to the state service of Ukraine for emergency situations . “In medical institutions of Cherkassy admitted 53 students and 4 teachers. Of these, 11 children are in intensive care in moderate condition, the rest are in a satisfactory and easy,” — said the Agency. Earlier, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman stated that the mass poisoning of children in school in Cherkasy could occur due to local spraying of the substance. 8 may in Cherkasy there was a mass poisoning of children during the line in one of the schools 17 students lost consciousness.

The court in Kherson has left under arrest of the captain of the ship “Nord”

The court in Kherson has left under arrest of the captain of the ship “Nord” KYIV, may 8 — RIA Novosti. The court of appeal of Kherson region detained the captain of the Crimean fishing vessel “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko, told RIA Novosti Tatiana Tihonchik — the press Secretary of the Prosecutor’s office of Crimea (structure, established in the Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine after the reunification of the Peninsula with the Russian Federation). “The measure remained unchanged. Detention with the alternative of payment of the Deposit (which the lawyers made) and the obligation to appear before the magistrate on Monday”, — said Tihonchik. According to her, the captain would be brought to court in the near future. Ukrainian border guards detained on March 25 the ship “Nord” under the flag of Russia in the Azov sea with 10 crew members. All of them are citizens of Russia. While Kiev considers them

Coastal defense got on sale

Coastal defense got on sale TFR opened 15 cases of embezzlement in the ground units of the Baltic fleet. As it became known “Kommersant”, the military counterintelligence identified major theft in parts of the coastal defense of the Baltic fleet. The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) on the materials of counter-intelligence initiated 15 criminal cases, including against the commander of a repair-regenerative battalion of Roman Kovalenko. Colonel, known to those that sent their own in the Victory parade T-34 tank, removed from the pedestal, is accused of embezzlement of military property. Soon the coastal part of the fleet reviewed by a Commission of the Ministry of defense. A criminal case against the commander of a repair-regenerative battalion of Roman Kovalenko, head piece with 2012, 306th military investigation Department of the TFR in the APU Baltic fleet opened under part 3 of article 160 of the criminal code (misappropriation or embezzlement

Experts questioned the involvement of the Islamists to the collapse of the Ka-52

Experts questioned the involvement of the Islamists to the collapse of the Ka-52 Attack helicopter Ka-52 alligator of Russian air force crashed in Syria, is unlikely to have been shot down by radical Islamists. This opinion was expressed by the experts of Telegram channel 4 Directorate responsible for monitoring activities of terrorists. Earlier on may 8, the newspaper “Kommersant” wrote that, according to unofficial information, the fighting vehicle was destroyed from the ground by the calculation MANPADS in Eastern Syria. “Apparently, refers to the militants of the “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia). However, propaganda resources of the IG, including “Amak”, nothing reported about such attacks, even though the jihadists quick enough to report the facts of the use of MANPADS against enemy aircraft, especially if the goal was successfully struck” — said Directorate 4. “To date, data are insufficient to definitively consider this version, especially that now

A former member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, was sentenced to life imprisonment

A former member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, was sentenced to life imprisonment Moscow. May 8. INTERFAX.RU — the Court of the first stage of the city of Tianjin was sentenced to life imprisonment for corruption of a former member of the Politburo of the Communist party of China, party Secretary of the megacity of Chongqing sun Janza. The court found him guilty of accepting bribes and abuse of official position for personal gain. In a judgment published on its website, noted that given the charges against the official charges, the sentence looks quite soft. This is due to the sun Janza willingness to cooperate with the investigation. All illegally obtained funds were confiscated in the state income. Sun Jantzi, who turned 54 years old, was the youngest member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, experts do not exclude that in the future he

Firefighters looking for the source of fire in the Krasnoyarsk Palace of sports

Firefighters looking for the source of fire in the Krasnoyarsk Palace of sports KRASNOYARSK, may 8 — RIA Novosti. Firefighters looking for the source of fire in the Krasnoyarsk Palace of sports named after Ivan Yarygin, told journalists the representative of the press service of the Krasnoyarsk Directorate of the MOE Alexander Yakimov on the scene. Previously, the Agency reported that the message about the fire came in 05.32 (01.32 GMT) Tuesday. The complexity of fire was No. 3, the dead and injured there. Preliminary cause of the fire could be ignited power cables in the Elevator shaft. “Heavy smoke in the facility. Looking for a home. The smoke is due to the fact that maybe burning braid of these cables. Security of the building supports, the danger of the collapse is not”, — said Yakimov. At the moment the helicopter with a device for extinguishing arrived at the scene

In Krasnoyarsk burning Palace of sports

In Krasnoyarsk burning Palace of sports MOSCOW, may 8. /TASS/. The fire broke out Tuesday morning at the sports Palace named after Ivan Yarygin in Krasnoyarsk. About it reports regional management of the Ministry. “08.05.2018 in 05:32 (01:32 GMT) there was a fire in the roof of the Palace of sports. Ivan Yarygin on the street Yaryginsky embankment, 12”, — stated in the message on the Agency’s website. In extinguishing the fire involved 59 people and 18 pieces of equipment.