Brothers from Magomedov Summa group accused of organizing a criminal community

Brothers from Magomedov Summa group accused of organizing a criminal community Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU. The owner of the group “Sum” Ziyavudin Magomedov and his brother Magomed charged with fraud, embezzlement and the creation of a criminal community, reported “Interfax” the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Irina Volk. “The investigative Department of the MIA of Russia the Ziyavudin Magomedov charged with committing crimes under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code, part 4 of article 160 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, part 1 of article 210 of the criminal code. Magomed Magomedov charged under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code, part 4 of article 160 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, part 1 of article 210 of the criminal code, part 2 of article 222 of the criminal code (illegal purchase, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or

An elderly French woman in Monaco killed a giant succulent

An elderly French woman in Monaco killed a giant succulent PARIS, may 11 — RIA Novosti. A resident of the Cote d’azur, hotels in the Principality of Monaco, died in a fall at her plants — a huge succulent, resembling Euphorbia candelabras. According to the newspaper Nice Matin, the incident occurred on 10 may in the afternoon. Because of the fall of tall plants 92-year-old woman suffered a leg injury. She was hospitalized, but doctors were unable to save her. Chute d’un gros cactus à Monaco: une Azuréenne de 92 ans est décédée dans la nuit — Nice-Matin (@Nice_Matin) May 11, 2018 In rare cases result injured four people-two men aged about 60 years, 50-year-old woman and a young girl. It is unknown what caused the fall of the plant. Euphorbia candelabras — a succulent from the family of spurges, its branches resemble a chandelier. The height of stems

Over the past eight months in Mexico killed nearly a hundred politicians

Over the past eight months in Mexico killed nearly a hundred politicians A total of 93 policy 15 of them over the last month — were killed in Mexico in the eve of the General elections to be held in the country on 1 July. This is with reference to Ruben Salazar, Director of the analytical Agency Etellekt, may 10, wrote the newspaper Clarin. According to Salazar, the current violence on the eve of elections — the most violent in the country’s history since 1994. In 1994 in Mexico killed Louis, Donald, Colosio, the presidential candidate of the Institutional revolutionary party, and in 2010 was killed Rodolfo Torre Cantu, Governor of Tamaulipas from the ruling party. 29 from the Mexican politicians were killed in the period from September 8, 2017 to may 8, was going to run for election, and six people have already registered as candidates. Among the victims

Dagestani police staged a duel on the service weapon and wounded a passerby

Dagestani police staged a duel on the service weapon and wounded a passerby MIA of Dagestan has ordered an internal review of the conflict of the two police officers are injured from guns each other and a passerby who tried to stop them. On Friday, may 11, the representative of the press service of the Republican police told TASS. “During the conflict, two policemen shot each other with pistols. One was tangential (wound) and after the aid was released, the second is hospitalized. Wounded and a civilian who tried to stop the conflict, police officers, after helping he also released home”, — said the interior Ministry. Currently on the incident, which occurred on the night of 10 may, official inspection. Both “solo” work in the police Department of the city of Izberbash at the time of the conflict were not on duty. “By results of check will be involved in

Intelligence prevented a terrorist attack on the action “Immortal regiment” in Moscow

Intelligence prevented a terrorist attack on the action “Immortal regiment” in Moscow According to Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Oleg Syromolotov were released from prison, were detained 20 people. ROME, may 11. /Offset. Maria Khrenova TASS/. The Russian special services on the eve of Victory Day, detained a group of terrorists who were preparing an attack on the action “Immortal regiment” in Moscow. This was stated in an exclusive interview with TASS Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Oleg Syromolotov. “Detained several groups that were supposed to be detonated during the campaign “Immortal regiment” in Moscow, this was already prepared weapons, — he said. — They moved from Siberia, from New Urengoy. There were about 17 of searches and arrested 20 people.” “From 21 to 24 April, we have only destroyed 26 of terrorists”, — said the Deputy Minister. Syromolotov recalled that in 2017 the Russian special

SC started a new criminal case on the civil wife of Colonel Zakharchenko

SC started a new criminal case on the civil wife of Colonel Zakharchenko MOSCOW, may 11 — RIA Novosti. Russia’s investigative Committee opened a criminal case on falsification of evidence against Anastasia Pestrikova — law wife of the infamous Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, said the representative of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in Moscow’s Khamovniki court. This became known during the meeting, which considered the claim of the girl on the recovery of the state’s 3 million rubles for illegal criminal prosecution (earlier SK the Russian Federation suspected her of embezzlement, but then dropped the charges). The representative of the Ministry of Finance, which is a defendant in this lawsuit, and asked to file the resolution on the new criminal case. “The case was initiated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, on 10 may, under article 303 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (Falsification of

A court in Moscow has sent for compulsory treatment attacked Tatiana Felgengauer

A court in Moscow has sent for compulsory treatment attacked Tatiana Felgengauer Moscow court declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment of Boris grits, which attacked the journalist of “echo of Moscow” Tatiana Felgengauer. This was reported by the correspondent of RTVI. The doctors concluded that the grits paranoid schizophrenia. The court upheld the arguments of the expert Committee convincing. Grits would be released from liability and destroy the weapon. Grits attacked Felgenhauer 23 Oct 2017. He entered the office of “echo of Moscow” and hit the lead with a knife in neck area. Immediately after the attack, the grits got caught by the guards and handed over to the police. Felgenhauer was taken to the hospital, she has returned to the air November 6. Grits accused of attempted murder, but he pleaded guilty only partially. He explained that a journalist for several years “telepathically” plagued him, but personally he

A teenager drowned in the river in the Sverdlovsk region, falling from a detached ice floe

A teenager drowned in the river in the Sverdlovsk region, falling from a detached ice floe Ekaterinburg. May 11. INTERFAX-URAL — Rescuers on Friday found the body of 14-year-old boy who drowned in the river Sinyachikha Sverdlovsk region, the press service of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the region. According to authorities, the incident occurred on Thursday. The teenager took to the ice that still remains in places at the shore. The ice cracked and a shard of ice, which was a schoolboy, carried over on the rough river, the report said. The boy could not resist and ended up in the water. On the shore was his classmate, who reported the incident by phone “112”. Rescuers organized searches on the pond, which was complicated by a strong current. The body of a teenager was discovered 500 metres from the scene. The circumstances of the incident investigation

“Amount” was changed to the community

“Amount” was changed to the community Charged brothers Magomedov. As it became known “Kommersant”, the interior Ministry of Russia presented to the owners of the group “Sum” Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, on charges of organizing a criminal group to embezzle budget funds. The guilt, the brothers did not recognize. The consequence, meanwhile, found the first members of the alleged FSA. The FSB and Guebipk Ministry of internal Affairs detained brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, as well as the former head of the company “INTEKS” Arthur Maksimova back on 30 March this year. On the same day, all three of the investigator of the investigative Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs Nikolay Woke announced that they are suspected of committing crimes under part 1 of article 210 of the criminal code, part 4 of article 159 part 4 of article 160 of the criminal code (organization of criminal community, particularly

The former Governor was allowed to teach

The former Governor was allowed to teach The verdict to Nikita Belykh came into force with a small discount. Thursday entered into force the sentence of the former Governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who was sentenced in Moscow Presnensky district court to eight years ‘ rigorous imprisonment for bribery. According to the CCJ and the court, in 2013-2016 the official received from the businessman-lumberman Yuri Sudheimer €400 thousand for General support in the business. The lawyers appealed the sentence, saying their client was a provocation, but has achieved in Moscow city court only permit Mr. White to teach in the civil service after his release. Nikita Belykh was convicted of receiving €400 thousand from the owner of JSC “Novovyatskiy ski works” (NLC) and OOO “Forest management company “Kirovles”” the citizen of Germany Yury Sudgaimer. The money, according to the TFR, paid the head of the region, including for