The TFR has concluded the investigative actions in the criminal case Serebrennikov

The TFR has concluded the investigative actions in the criminal case Serebrennikov Moscow. May 16. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Investigative Committee has evidence confirming that the Director Kirill Serebrennikov and others involved in high-profile cases, “the Seventh Studio” involved in fraud and embezzlement of budget funds, said the official representative of Department Svetlana Petrenko. “The head Department on investigation of especially important cases of the investigative Committee collected evidence proving the involvement of Kirill Serebrennikov Alexey Malopolska, Yuri itina, Nina Massieu, Sophia Apfelbaum and Catherine Raven to commit fraud. Investigative actions in the criminal case was completed. The defendants and their counsel continue to get acquainted with criminal case materials, the volume of which more than 250 volumes. With 50 volumes of the materials they are already familiar,” said Petrenko. According to her, the investigators believe that the accused stole 133 million rubles of budget funds of the 214 million

In Indonesia, the volcano awoke Merapi

In Indonesia, the volcano awoke Merapi Locals and tourists who were in a radius of 5 kilometers from the volcano, were forced to evacuate. During the download an error has occurred. In 2010 revived Merapi, the most active volcano in Indonesia, killed more than 300 people. According to official figures, a new eruption was not so dangerous.

Russia took the lead on economic crime

Russia took the lead on economic crime Russia entered the top five countries leading in the number of economic crimes suffered by the company. This is stated in the ranking compiled by the auditing company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on the results of the study data from 54 countries, according to RBC. According to the rating of the PwC, in 2016-2017 the first place by the number of economic crime ranked South Africa second place went to Kenya, the third position is France. Russia took fourth place, dividing it with Uganda. The five of leaders closes Zambia. In a previous study, which was conducted in late 2015, Russia was in eighth place. As explained by PwC in the period of 2016-2017 years, Russia has significantly increased the number of companies facing economic crimes. Thus, the study 2015 on the fraud claimed 48 percent of respondents in a new — 66 percent. In

In Ukraine on Thursday will consider the issue of the arrest of the head of the “RIA Novosti-Ukraine”

In Ukraine on Thursday will consider the issue of the arrest of the head of the “RIA Novosti-Ukraine” Moscow. May 16. INTERFAX.RU — the detained on Tuesday in Kiev, the head of the “RIA Novosti-Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky during those hours waiting for a transfer to Kherson, to the court which prosecutors will ask to place him in custody, reported “Interfax” the press Secretary of the Prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Tatyana Tihonchik. She noted that under the Criminal procedural code of Ukraine, the suspect must be brought before a court for election of a measure of restraint within 60 hours from the moment of detention, and it will be done. According to Tihonchik, the measure of restraint will be elected to the Kherson city court. Prosecutors will ask the court to take into custody Wyszynski. Press Secretary of the Prosecutor’s office did not specify the start time of

Yakut village floods after the break of second dam

Yakut village floods after the break of second dam Moscow. May 16. INTERFAX.RU Second the dam burst this morning in the village oktemtsy Khangalassky area, conducted evacuation of the population, have informed “Interfax” in a Single duty dispatching service of the area. “First the dam broke three days ago, early this morning broke through a second dam. Evacuated about a hundred people, before it was flooded more than 60 yards. Now is the exact calculation of flooded areas”, — said in the service. According to the press service of the Khangalassky district at 8 am local time, the water level in the village oktemtsy is 533 cm with the critical level of 480, see the temporary accommodation is 65 people, including 23 children. May 15, in Khangalassky district declared a state of emergency. Since the beginning of the flood affected 17 localities in the territory of the Amginsky, Khangalassky, Megino-Kangalassky,

The FBI suspects the ex-employee of CIA of large-scale theft

The FBI suspects the ex-employee of CIA of large-scale theft Moscow. May 16. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. government suspects former CIA employee 29 year old Joshua Adam Schulte in the program in 2017, top-secret hacking software by WikiLeaks, reported NBC News, citing court documents. According to experts, the diversion of these funds to WikiLeaks was “one of the most devastating in modern history, and included hacking tools that can be used against private companies.” According to the New York Post, “the biggest theft in the history of the CIA” included “software that has been designed to take control of the iPhone and the transformation of smart TV in surveillance device”. Lawyer John. Schulte Jacob Kaplan said in court that the FBI suspects the man in a massive leak 8 thousand CIA documents to WikiLeaks in March 2017. “The FBI believed that Mr Schulte was involved in this leak. In their

The pilot of the Chinese airliner nearly flew out of the cabin at an altitude of 10 km

The pilot of the Chinese airliner nearly flew out of the cabin at an altitude of 10 km Chinese airliner A-319 made an emergency landing after windshield in the cockpit burst at an altitude of nearly 10 km, While the second pilot almost pulled outward flow of cabin air, but he was able to save. The crew commander Liu Cozzani reported that glass breaks instantly, without any warning, with a terrible crash at a time when the aircraft was at cruising portion of the route to Lhasa from Chongqing. The glass suddenly cracked, and there was a deafening clap. And then I saw my pilot sucked into the cockpit window.Liu Kunszentmarton crew Fortunately, the co-pilot was wearing a seat belt. He managed to drag back to the cabin, where chaos reigned as a result of depressurization. “Everything in the cab flew into the air became very cold, — says the

SBU broke into the office of RIA Novosti Ukraine

SBU broke into the office of RIA Novosti Ukraine KIEV, may 15 — RIA Novosti. In Kiev the staff of SBU broke into the office of RIA Novosti Ukraine. Morning the office called people in uniform with the inscription of the SBU. Eyewitnesses saw as Jack entered the building, where the office of the Agency. After that, inside the journalist stopped communicating. The Department stated that conduct investigative actions in relation to “mass-media controlled by the Russian Federation”. By words a press-the Secretary of SBU Elena Gutlyanskii, “the police found that they were used by the aggressor as part of the hybrid information war against Ukraine”.

In Kemerovo have begun dismantling TTS “Winter cherry”

In Kemerovo have begun dismantling TTS “Winter cherry” Moscow. May 15. INTERFAX.RU — Workers have begun to dismantle one of the buildings included in the complex of the Kemerovo shopping center (Mall) “Winter cherry”, the correspondent of Agency “Interfax”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Total complex consists of seven buildings, built of brick and reinforced concrete. The dismantling began with a 2-storey building, which houses the sauna and a car wash. However, workers removed the temporary metal fence erected around the “Winter cherry” for the period of investigation. They block the entrances and exits of the building. Arrived at the place of work of the acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev told reporters that the building “Winter cherry” is in disrepair and cannot be used. “But, most importantly, these buildings will always be the inhabitants of Kuzbas with the tragedy”, — he stressed. “Today we begin to dismantle the auxiliary buildings in

Emergency mode is entered in Yakutsk due to flooding

Emergency mode is entered in Yakutsk due to flooding In Yakutia introduced a state of emergency because of the threat of flooding. This was announced by the head of the city Aisen Nikolaev. “The situation is difficult, and in the near future will be complicated, therefore, consider it necessary to introduce a regime of emergency in the city of Yakutsk”, — he said during the operational meeting on the flood situation on may 15. To date, the water level in the Yakutsk airport, 621 see the Situation in the city is characterized as stable. Critical water levels are reached in the village of Tabaga, where she rose to 1.5 meters. Now there are flooded about 20 yards. There was organized the duty of the buses and transportation in case of evacuation of residents. On the eve of a state of emergency was imposed in three more districts of Yakutia.