Owned by Trump Golf club shooting incident

Owned by Trump Golf club shooting incident TASS, may 18. The shooting incident happened early Friday morning on the territory of Golf club belonging to the President of the United States Donald Trump, Doral, (Florida). This was reported by the police Department of the district Doral. “Police Dorala left in response to the message that in the territory of the [Golf club] Trump National Golf Resort shots were fired, the report says County police headquarters. The defendant was taken into custody. At the moment, information about victims”. In 2012, the Trump Organization purchased the property from Golf courses in Doral for $150 million and renamed the Golf club Trump National Golf Resort.

Sergei Skripal was discharged from the hospital

Sergei Skripal was discharged from the hospital Former GRU officer Sergei Skripal was discharged from the hospital. On 18 may, wrote on the website of the National health service of England. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The message says that the state Skripal was better. The head of the hospital, Kara Salisbury Carl barks noted the work of the doctors who helped Sergey and Julia. Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was poisoned by an unknown substance in March in the British city of Salisbury. They were taken to the hospital in serious condition, both were in a coma. Julia has gone on the amendment early in April she was discharged from the hospital. On 11 April she said she did not need the aid of the Russian diplomats. British experts came to the conclusion that Skrobala poisoned nervously-paralytic substance of the Novice class, which was developed in the USSR. British intelligence agencies claim

The debris fell in the Stavropol region of Mi-2 helicopter was trying to bury

The debris fell in the Stavropol region of Mi-2 helicopter was trying to bury Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU — Unknown trying to bury a tractor in the wreckage of the Mi-2 helicopter that crashed Wednesday in the Stavropol Krai, the consequence establishes, whose handiwork it was reported in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia. “On a place of wreck of helicopter Mi-2 in the Stavropol region, the investigators found traces of concealing the fact of an accident. The crash site and the helicopter at the time of inspection were covered with soil using a tractor”, — stated in the message of press-service received on Friday “Interfax”. During the inspection the techs dug up the charred pieces of the helicopter, which was still warm from the fire, began pre-investigation checks, the document. “The victim in the crash of a 62-year-old pilot, performing agricultural work, is the hospital in

The Hermitage has exposed the damage

The Hermitage has exposed the damage At the request of the Museum accused the former Deputy Minister of culture. 6фотографий6фотографий As it became known “Kommersant”, the State Hermitage Museum, has estimated the damage from the actions of the head of the group of companies “Rospan” Nikita Kolesnikov, who was a contractor for the construction of the public library building the Museum as part of a major new facility, of 860 million rubles. a statement about the fraud was directed at SKR (Investigative Committee of Russia) in the beginning of this week, and yesterday detained Kolesnikov, the former Deputy Minister of culture Gregory Pirumov whom the consequence considers as the organizer of the fraud, was formally charged with embezzlement. It turned out that part of the funds stolen from the Hermitage Museum, the accused used at the cosmonautics Museum in Kaluga. Theft out of steel episode of the first investigation against

One of the defendants in the “case of restorers” were accused of embezzlement of 450 million roubles

One of the defendants in the “case of restorers” were accused of embezzlement of 450 million roubles Moscow. May 17. INTERFAX.RU — investigation of the criminal case of embezzlement of 450 million rubles in the construction of buildings of the Hermitage, was charged with fraud to the head of the group of companies “Rospan” Nikita Kolesnikov, the press service of the Investigative Committee. “N. Kolesnikov was also charged with embezzlement of funds allocated for the construction of buildings of the “State Hermitage” — said the press service, arrived on Thursday to “Interfax”. It notes that the court will be sent the request for his arrest. Earlier Thursday, investigators presented a similar accusation to the former Deputy Minister of culture Gregory Pirumov. Earlier official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko said that Pirumov and Kolesnikov is detained within the criminal case opened under article 159 of

The court of Kherson arrested editor-in-chief “RIA Novosti Ukraine” for two months

The court of Kherson arrested editor-in-chief “RIA Novosti Ukraine” for two months KYIV, may 17. /TASS/. City court of the Kherson region was arrested for two months accused of treason editor-in-chief of Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky. The decision Thursday was announced by judge Jaroslav Muslewski. “Satisfy the request. The detention period set to 13 July,” the judge said. Protection expressed its disagreement with this decision. “There is every reason to challenge and cancellation. My client believes that this decision is political, not legal,” said lawyer Andrew Domanski after the hearing. Hearings in Kherson The court of Kherson on may 17 addressed the issue of election of a measure of restraint journalist, who was arrested on Tuesday in the framework of security Service of Ukraine (SBU) RAID on the Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine”. During the meeting, Vyshinsky was charged with treason, which resulted in “the provision of a foreign

American killed by the explosion of vaping while Smoking

American killed by the explosion of vaping while Smoking In the United States was the first case of death due to the explosion of electronic cigarette. As found by the Florida state police, 38-year-old resident of the city of Saint Petersburg in the state received burns to 80 percent of the body and damage to the skull after his vaping exploded. The body of Tallmadge D Elia found on 5 may, the members of the fire service in his home. According to the results of the medical examination, the cause of death was penetration of the two metal objects, parts of an electronic cigarette in the skull. Florida man killed by exploding vape pen at home https://t.co/W9lQgLXfWv — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) May 17, 2018 The police are sure that vaping exploded during Smoking. The explosion triggered a fire in the house of the man. NewsVAPI with vanilla and cinnamon

Former Deputy Minister of culture was detained on the case of major theft in the Hermitage

Former Deputy Minister of culture was detained on the case of major theft in the Hermitage MOSCOW, may 17 — RIA Novosti. Former Deputy Minister of culture Gregory Pirumov was again detained on charges of corruption. This time we are talking about the embezzlement of 450 million rubles in the construction of buildings of the Hermitage, said the official UK representative Svetlana Petrenko. 6фотографий6фотографий Also arrested the head of the group of companies “Rospan” Nikita Kolesnikov. Another defendant in the case is former Director of the asset management Department of the Ministry of culture Boris Mazo, and Pirumov, appeared in the “restorers”. “According to investigators, the suspects organized to conclude the state contract with no real intention to execute it. Most of the resulting in the advance of funds was listed in the organization under their control,” — said Petrenko. Yesterday and today investigators together with employees of FSB raided,

The British investigators have questions to Kripalu

The British investigators have questions to Kripalu In the UK law enforcement agencies being questioned in hospital by ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, who was poisoned in Salisbury with her daughter Julia, reports Sky News. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий As noted, investigators are interested in frequent trips to London Skripal, his regular meetings with the alleged former employee of the British secret service MI6 in Salisbury and visits to foreign countries. Earlier it was reported that Skripal met with representatives of the Estonian special services. In addition, he made a secret visit to the Czech Republic and at least once met with representatives of the Czech intelligence services on the territory of the United Kingdom.

The court arrested the Bank account of the Magomedov brothers

The court arrested the Bank account of the Magomedov brothers Moscow. May 17. INTERFAX.RU — the Tver court of Moscow has imposed a security arrest on Bank accounts of the owners of the group “Sum” Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, said on Thursday “Interfax” press Secretary of the court Anastasia Jurco. “Investigation at the request of a security arrest is imposed on Bank accounts Magomedov. The amount of the funds held in these accounts, the court was not verified,” she said. Earlier it was reported that Magomedov was arrested, more than $ 1 million, seized during the search. Investigative Department of the MIA of Russia presented to brothers Magomedov allegations of fraud, embezzlement on a large scale and the creation of a criminal community (part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code; part 4 of article 160 of the criminal code; part 1 of article 210 of the criminal code).