In Syria killed four Russian military

In Syria killed four Russian military The command verifies that two versions of the attack on the battery. On Sunday, the defense Ministry reported the death of four and injury of three soldiers who were carrying out a fighting task in the artillery battery of the Syrian government troops in the province of Deir ez-Zor. In the attack suspected militants of the “Islamic state”, but, as it became known “Kommersant”, the Russian military check another version. Two days before the attack in the district of Deir-ez-Zor from the base of the international coalition of al-TANF was thrown over the men, claiming to be “moderate opposition”, which could participate in the attack. About the wounding and death of Russian military in Syria became known on the morning of may 27. In the press release of the defense Ministry reported that an artillery battery of the Syrian government troops was attacked at

Appearing in the case of a fire in “the Winter cherry” the head of the Ministry of Kuzbass did not plead guilty

Appearing in the case of a fire in “the Winter cherry” the head of the Ministry of Kuzbass did not plead guilty Moscow. May 28. INTERFAX.RU — Head of the Ministry of Kuzbass Alexander Mamontov, accused of negligence and embezzlement in the case of the fire in TRTS “the Winter cherry”, insists that the lack of inspections in the center was dictated by the provisions of the law. 32фотографии32фотографии32фотографии “The position of inspections in the “Winter cherry” (not held, because the SEC has treated the small business — approx.ed.) not my personal, and relevant law. I hope that the TFR will make the appropriate request to the MOE to establish an accurate interpretation of the law. Not pleaded guilty,” said Mammoth on Monday at a court hearing on the issue of election to it measures of restraint. According to Mamontov, after searches of his home on 3 April, he appealed

Arrested in the case of the “Winter cherry” firefighter sent for psychiatric examination to Moscow

Arrested in the case of the “Winter cherry” firefighter sent for psychiatric examination to Moscow Defendant of the fire Kemerovo SEC “Winter cherry” captain of the guard Kemerovo firefighting and rescue unit № 2 by Sergei Genin sent to additional psychological and psychiatric examination. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий This “b” said his lawyer Elena Kiseleva. “On Tuesday he was sent to Moscow, national medical research center of psychiatry and narcology of the Serbian name, there he would be 21 days,” said Ms. Kiseleva. Sergei Genin will be placed in a separate compartment (so-called “strážné” Department.— “Kommersant”). The lawyer added that he could not divulge all the details, but that after the fire, the elimination of which was attended by her client, he observed, “certain psychological changes.” “Now it is fairly compensated, it is, in my opinion, a good psychological state, he is not so upset about everything that had happened to him. And

“You know how a bold tongue!”

“You know how a bold tongue!” As it became known””, on Saturday in the centre of Stavropol, was attacked in the region known journalist and political analyst Anton Cablin. The attack was made by two unknown men. In the attack Mr Chaplin appealed to the October district police station and personally to the head of the Stavropol police Department Alexander Aldaco, demanding to initiate a criminal case on charges of obstruction of journalistic activities. The attack occurred on may 26, about 22 hours directly on the Avenue of Karl Marx — practically in the city centre. Anton Calina and his wife caught up with two unknown. One of them, according to the journalist, called to him: “Anton! You know, like a tongue to dissolve!” and tried to punch in the face. As noted by Mr. Chaplin, appearance of the assailants was similar to the “local bullies”. The journalist said that

In the Kirov region eliminated three “cash in” offices with a turnover of one billion rubles

In the Kirov region eliminated three “cash in” offices with a turnover of one billion rubles In the Kirov region employees of the Prosecutor’s office failed to suppress the activities of several offices on illegal cashing in of money turnover was hundreds of millions of rubles. This was announced during the coordination meeting of heads of law enforcement and regulatory authorities of the region. The meeting discussed issues of efficiency of work and interagency cooperation between law enforcement agencies in identifying, disclosing and investigation of crimes related to the legalization of illegal revenues and assets obtained by criminal means. According to prosecutors, worked out algorithm of interaction allowed in 2017-2018 to eliminate the three “encasement” of the site that transferred more than 1 billion rubles. in addition, improved identification of shell companies and criminal prosecution of persons involved in their registration. Suppressed the activity of criminal group which carried out

The Russian military were killed in Syria during the shelling by militants

The Russian military were killed in Syria during the shelling by militants MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Four Russian servicemen were killed in Syria shelling of militants, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. “In the Syrian Arab Republic in the shelling militants killed Russian soldiers… In the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor in the dark the artillery battery of the Syrian government troops attacked several mobile groups of terrorists. Two Russian military adviser who ran the fire of the Syrian battery, died on the spot. Five Russian servicemen were injured and were quickly taken to a Russian military hospital,” — said in the message. As reported, the military doctors fought till the end for the lives of two wounded soldiers, but to save them failed. The command of all the Russian military presented to the state awards. As noted, the Syrian military together with the seconded

In the Gaza strip, an Israeli tank opened fire on the Palestinians, two were killed

In the Gaza strip, an Israeli tank opened fire on the Palestinians, two were killed GAZA, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire in the southern Gaza strip, told RIA Novosti the representative of the local Ministry of health Ashraf al-Kidra The press service of the Israel defense forces said that near the town of Rafah, a tank opened fire on a watchtower, after the border was found an explosive device planted there by Palestinian militants. “Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli artillery fire on a surveillance tower in the East of Rafah,” said al-Kidra. He added that the attacked object belonged to militias ruling in the Gaza strip of Hamas. Last night, Israeli aircraft attacked around the same area some objects of militants in response to the violation of the border by a group of Palestinians.

Florida declared a state of emergency in anticipation of hurricane Alberto

Florida declared a state of emergency in anticipation of hurricane Alberto WASHINGTON, may 26 — RIA Novosti. Authorities in Florida announced on Saturday a state of emergency in connection with the approaching to the coast of sub-tropical hurricane Alberto. This was announced by state Governor Rick Scott in his Twitter. “This morning I signed the decree about introduction of state of emergency and the order to bring in the readiness of the National guard and other resources of the state in case of need,” he wrote. According to the National center for monitoring hurricanes, Alberto will bring in a few States in the South-East of the USA rain and strong wind. In this regard, meteorologists warn about possible flooding. Now the center of a hurricane is in the area of Cuba. The American coast he reached on Sunday evening, by this time he had already lost some of its power.

Restorer’s chances to restore a damaged picture of Repin

Restorer’s chances to restore a damaged picture of Repin MOSCOW, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The picture of Ilya Repin “Ivan the terrible and his son Ivan”, which is in the Tretyakov gallery has damaged drunk man, to be restored, said Deputy head scientific and restoration Center Grabar for research, teaching and exhibition work Olga Beauty. Earlier official representative of Russian Ministry of internal Affairs of Irina Volk stated that on may 25 about 21 hours in the police from the security officer of the state Tretyakov gallery received the message about the damage to the painting. It was reported that an unknown man with a metal bar fence broke the glass of the picture and damaged the canvas. He is detained. Beauty reminded that this is not the first act of vandalism suffered by the painting. She was damaged during the life of Repin, and then hit the canvas

The head of the Ministry of Kuzbass has submitted the official report about dismissal

The head of the Ministry of Kuzbass has submitted the official report about dismissal KEMEROVO, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Main Department of EMERCOM in Kemerovo oblast Alexander Mamontov, accused of negligence and embezzlement in the case of the fire in the shopping centre, “Winter cherry” has submitted the official report about dismissal. This was announced by the Prosecutor in court. Today the Central district court of Kemerovo is considering the petition of the investigation about the election of mammoth measure. On the eve of the Investigative Committee said that he and the chief of Department of supervision of a regional Central Board of Grigoriy Terentyev criminal case. Both suspects were detained, accused of negligence and embezzlement. According to investigators, Mammoths and Terentyev is not held within the established terms of compliance with fire safety requirements TC “Winter cherry”. In addition, mammoth is accused of abuse