The abduction of British women: an Italian court has given 16 years of “visionary with experience”

The abduction of British women: an Italian court has given 16 years of “visionary with experience” A court in Italy has sentenced to 16 years and 9 months in prison pole for the kidnapping of 20-year-old British model. In July last year, Lucas herb, under the pretext of photographing lured to Milan fashion model Chloe Ailing, drugged her, stuffed into a suitcase and taken to an unknown location, where six days had held the girl against her will. In court the 30-year-old pole, described as a visionary with experience who lost his head when he saw the girl’s photos in “Instagram”. He though he had a scheme with the kidnapping in order to impress Chloe. ‘Kidnapped’, model Chloe Ayling shows police Italian home she was ‘held in’ — Sky News (@SkyNews) February 19, 2018 The defenders of the accused argued that the model itself organized his own kidnapping for

In Tallinn arrested the Russian cargo ferry

In Tallinn arrested the Russian cargo ferry TALLINN, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russian cargo ferry Petersburg-owned enterprise Black Sea Ferry & Investments, was arrested at the port of Tallinn Paljassaare to cover debts, said on Monday portal, Maritime news, Maritime Bulletin. According to the portal, the ship arrested for the debts of the company supply ship, and for the debts on salary payment to the crew. “Ferry is in the port of Paljassaare in end of April, as the company-the owner was going to put it in for repair. The amount of debt already amounted to 350 thousand euros, to which were added the debt on a salary in the amount of 30 thousand euros,” — stated in the message. Another ferry of the same company — the ship “Baltiysk” — was arrested on 9 June in the Russian port of Ust-Luga for the debts under the salary, the

In the mountain district KCR sense river log crossing

In the mountain district KCR sense river log crossing CHERKESSK, June 11. /TASS/. Tourist cars, which are 59 people were cut off from the world Karachai district of Karachay-Cherkessia due to the fact that mountain river washed away the log crossing, said on Sunday the press service of EMERCOM in the Republic. “Tourists refuse to evacuate without vehicles — only 59 people. Food and drinking water they are provided. For the crossing of vehicles require the restoration of the road section located on the right side of the bridge, washed away by the water flow of the river”, the report States. According to the MOE, the tourists overcame a log crossing across the river Hudes on Sunday evening. Later the water in the river rose and washed away the log deck, the tourists decided to stay for the night in the shed near the ferry trying to move Ford the

Command confirmed the rescue of the fallen pilot in Japan fighter

Command confirmed the rescue of the fallen pilot in Japan fighter The pilot crashed in Japan of F-15 ejected and was rescued, according to Twitter air base “Kadena” the U.S. air force in Japan. WASHINGTON, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. “Today (Monday — ed.) in the morning about 06.36 F-15C Eagle from Kadena air base crashed into the water South of Okinawa. The pilot ejected safely and was rescued by a search and rescue team”, — stated in the message. In turn, the command of the U.S. forces in Japan, said on Twitter that the incident occurred during a training flight. On Monday morning, the aircraft the F-15 U.S. air force, assigned to the base of Kaden in Okinawa, crashed into the sea 80 kilometers from Naha. Presumably, the crash happened shortly after takeoff. F-15C Eagle is an American all-weather fighter of the fourth generation.

In California arrested the actor Vince Vaughn

In California arrested the actor Vince Vaughn In California, police arrested actor Vince Vaughn for driving while intoxicated or narcotic intoxication, reports TMZ. MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RIA Novosti. The incident occurred Sunday at 4 am local time. According to the publication, the actor is still at the police station. The article notes that during his detention in the car Won was another passenger. Representatives of the actor have not yet commented on these reports.

Figures of the “cocaine case” asked Russia for help

Figures of the “cocaine case” asked Russia for help The defendants in the case about the smuggling of cocaine from Argentina to Russia Ivan Bliznyuk and Alexander Chica, which is currently located in Argentine jail, asked for help from the Russian authorities. It follows from the letter that their lawyers have been transferred to RBC. “All charges against us has been rigged, having no evidence, no evidence, not to mention the fact that we have become the poorest narcotraficante in the world. With our arrest in our homes and for checking the result was not anything illegal was found, as well as [any] money or valuables, not to mention the fact that no drugs, no connection with them was not presented,” — said in the letter. In this case the suspects, who are detained in prison of the city of Marcos Paz (Marcos Paz), lamented that “I feel abandoned by

In Georgia, 30 people beat Russian tourists

In Georgia, 30 people beat Russian tourists Residents of the Georgian village of Gudauri, beat Russian pilot-paraglider Fedora Chelysheva. Video of the incident and the details published in Facebook. “30 local residents, sauce “this is my land, go home”, was beaten almost to death pilot Fyodor Chelysheva. Were kicking stones on the head and throughout the body. Theodore a severe concussion (the pilot’s helmet moved on the eye, kicked in the head, tore mounted on the helmet GoPro camera), a broken nose, bruised kidney, broken glass in the car,” wrote the author of the article Nina topil’s’ke. “Police are unable to do anything. Just accepted the statement. Threats and obscenities continued. Moral pressure is also. We will seek the maximum punishment for the perpetrators,” she added. The cause of the conflict she did not call. The Agency “news-Georgia” notes that after Chelyshev, together with accompanying persons left the scene of

Burned the Bank of France artist Pavlensky left under indefinite arrest

Burned the Bank of France artist Pavlensky left under indefinite arrest The investigator in the case of the artist Peter Pavlensky who staged the arson of the building of the Bank of France in Paris, indefinitely extended the term of arrest of the accused. This friend of actionist Xenia Oxman announced in Facebook on Saturday, June 9. According to Oxman, Pavlensky is “in good physical shape, cheerful”. He will remain in custody until his trial. The artist was detained in Paris after he set fire to the entrance of the building of the Paris branch of the Bank in October 2017. Pavlensky explained his action the desire to start a world revolution. Actionist left Russia in mid-January 2017, saying that he was going to blame the violent acts of a sexual nature.

Lawyer: expertise not found DNA Zakharchenko on taken 8 billion rubles

Lawyer: expertise not found DNA Zakharchenko on taken 8 billion rubles MOSCOW, June 9. /TASS/. Experts have not found on seized during the search of the 8 billion DNA of the former Deputy head of the “T” of the Main Directorate of economic security and counteraction of corruption (Guebipk) Ministry of internal Affairs of Dmitry Zakharchenko, who is accused of corruption-related crimes. TASS said his lawyer Alexander Gorbatenko. “Zakharchenko voluntarily provided DNA material for comparison with DNA found on the packages of cash. His biological traces in the apartment and on the packages with the money found in the apartment, not found”, — said the lawyer. Gorbatenko said that he did not know whose DNA is detected on banknotes. Business Zakharchenko The Colonel was arrested on charges of bribery and abuse of power. As mentioned in the judgment, in January 2016, he received information about conducting a search in apartment

Alexey Ulyukaev began to serve his sentence in the colony

Alexey Ulyukaev began to serve his sentence in the colony The ex-Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev began to serve his sentence in a penal colony in the Tver region, reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to Deputy Chairman of the Moscow ONK eve Mercacio. “FSIN information about the location of Alexei speaker may not reveal even to human rights defenders in connection with legislation. However, from other prisoners we learned that the speaker is in prison No. 1 in Tver region. A colony of strict regime, but there’s little repeat offenders. More precisely “parohodik””, — quotes Agency the words of Marichevoy. According to Marichevoy, at the moment the speaker is in quarantine, later he is transferred to a normal cell. In December 2017 Alexei Ulyukayev was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment in a strict regime colony. The court also imposed a fine in the amount of 130 million