The Embassy reported the death of a Russian citizen Andrei Borodin in Colombia

The Embassy reported the death of a Russian citizen Andrei Borodin in Colombia MEXICO city, may 21 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Znamensky. The Russian Embassy in Colombia confirmed information about the death of a Russian host Andrey Borodin in Colombia. According to him, on arrival in Colombia Borodin did not get up at the Consulate in the Embassy. “The Embassy is fully in control of the situation with the deceased and is in contact with the local authorities,” — said the diplomat. Naumov also said that now in Colombia came the mother Borodin to take his body Home. Publication of ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Andrey Borodin (@top_borodin) 30 Jul 2017 1:24 PDT

Extradited to Russia “authority” Gagiev tried to simulate aerophobia

Extradited to Russia “authority” Gagiev tried to simulate aerophobia MOSCOW, 20 Jun — RIA Novosti. Extradited to Russia “authority” Aslan Gagiev, suspected of involvement in dozens of assassinations, Austria tried to simulate aerophobia, told reporters the official representative of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurennoy. “In January 2015 the accused was arrested in Austria, after which the Prosecutor General’s office of the Russian Federation took measures, aimed at Gagieva extradition to Russia. The Austrian side was provided with additional information and materials in connection with numerous complaints of the defense, including the alleged presence of his “aerophobia”” he said. The criminal organization created and led by a native of Georgia Aslan by Gagieva, began her criminal activities no later than 2004 and had more than 50 participants. According to investigators, gunmen killed 60 people, including law enforcement officers, officials of national and municipal levels, business people and

Suspected of espionage in favor of Romania appealed the arrest

Suspected of espionage in favor of Romania appealed the arrest Accused of espionage, a member of the Board of JSC “inter RAO” Karina Tsurkan appealed the decision on his arrest. About it RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the Lefortovo court of Moscow. It stressed that the Moscow city court will consider complaints of women on the morning of 28 June. Thus, as reports “Interfax”, the Moldovan Embassy in Moscow had not received any official information regarding the detention Karina Tsurkan, who two years ago renounced the Moldovan citizenship in favor of Russian. In the Embassy know about the incident solely from the media and as Turcan now Russian, not going to do anything. 43-year-old Karina Tsurkan, who is a member of the Board of “inter RAO” is suspected of the FSB in the transfer of information on the preparation of major energy projects of the Russian

Karina Tsurkan in 2016, came out of the citizenship of Moldova for Russian passports

Karina Tsurkan in 2016, came out of the citizenship of Moldova for Russian passports Moscow. June 20. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Moldovan Embassy in Moscow has not received official information about the detention of the native of Moldova Karina Tsurkan, who two years ago renounced the Moldovan citizenship in favor of Russian, have informed “Interfax” in Embassy of the Republic Wednesday. “We know about this case from the press. According to media publications follow this case, as Karina Tsurkan was born, studied and worked in Moldova. At our request, the Moldovan foreign Ministry announced that in 2016, Karina Tsurkan came out of the citizenship of Moldova due to the fact that he received the citizenship of the Russian Federation, for a long time lived and worked in Russia. In this case, the detention of Russian citizen on the territory of Russia is not within the competence of the diplomatic mission,”

Fans of slain rapper XXXTentacion rioted in Los Angeles

Fans of slain rapper XXXTentacion rioted in Los Angeles MOSCOW, 20 Jun — RIA Novosti. Several hundred fans of the rapper XXXTentacion, who was killed yesterday in an attack staged riots in Los Angeles, according to the portal TMZ, specializing in news about celebrities. During the download an error has occurred. Fans of the musician on Tuesday night took to the streets of Los Angeles to honor the memory of the idol. Soon, a peaceful March turned into a riot. Fans climbed on the roofs of cars, sang songs and climbed on the roofs of houses and jumping from them into the crowd. Now a mosh pit has broken out to honor X — Eric Diep (@E_Diep) June 20, 2018 According to TMZ, the site of the riots came by the local police. The demonstrators began throwing stones at police, after which the guards had to use against crowds

SK: the Head of the Novgorod Rospotrebnadzor took bribes dental treatment

SK: the Head of the Novgorod Rospotrebnadzor took bribes dental treatment Charged with receiving a bribe in especially large size is brought to the head of Rospotrebnadzor for the Novgorod region Anatoly Rosolowsky. About it reports a press-service of the regional Department of the Investigative Committee on June 20. As believes a consequence, in 2018 Rosolowski received from the Director of an integrated poultry farm “Belgrankorm — Novgorod the Great” trick “for General patronage and connivance in the service.” The amount of $ 496 thousand rubles, the civil servant received not in cash but in the form of dental services. The company paid for expensive treatment. In respect of the General Director of “Belgrankorm — Great Novgorod” also criminal case under article “bribery in the large size”. Both persons involved were detained. The question of the measure of restraint. Agroholding “BEZRK-Belgrankorm” engaged in the production of poultry, pork and sausages.

Thailand has completed the investigation of Fish and Leslie

Thailand has completed the investigation of Fish and Leslie BANGKOK, June 20 — RIA Novosti. Police in the Thai resort city of Pattaya has completed the investigation into Anastasia, Vashukevich (Nasty Fish), Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) and six citizens of Russia and Belarus, arrested in February this year during an illegal “sex-training”, and referred the case to the Prosecutor’s office to draw up the indictment, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday, the Thai lawyer Natthaphon Sika. “Police investigators have completed the investigation and today transferred the case to the Prosecutor,” the lawyer said. “They believe that the conclusion can be ready within the statutory period — the next two weeks, although I have doubts about the huge amount of material, primarily reports of interrogations of witnesses, so it is likely that prosecutors may request from the court additional time. The Prosecutor’s office has this right,” he added. The lawyer recalled that

Member of the Board of “inter RAO” not pleaded guilty to spying for Romania

Member of the Board of “inter RAO” not pleaded guilty to spying for Romania Moscow. June 20. INTERFAX.RU — Member of the Board of “inter RAO” Karina Tsurkan is suspected of spying for the foreign intelligence Service of Romania, which in turn, according to some, cooperating with the CIA, told “Interfax” on Wednesday, an informed source familiar with the investigation. “Turcan pleaded not guilty, but the investigation has its incriminating information,” — said the interlocutor of “Interfax”. According to him, “Russian special services were watching Tsurkan for a long time, during which recorded how the Manager transmits classified information to a foreign intelligence service”. According to him, Turcan suspected that it had informed the foreign intelligence Service of Romania on the preparation of major energy projects of the Russian Federation abroad. “According to our information, the Romanian intelligence service is actively cooperating with the CIA,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

Deputy energy Minister Kravchenko was a witness in the case of espionage

Deputy energy Minister Kravchenko was a witness in the case of espionage Moscow. June 20. INTERFAX.RU Deputy Minister of energy of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko held on charges of suspected espionage of a member of the Board of “inter RAO” Karina Tsurkan witness. “Vyacheslav Kravchenko had contact with Karina Tsurkan, therefore, was interrogated on charges of espionage”, — said the “Interfax” an informed source familiar with the investigation. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, “Vyacheslav Kravchenko claims that he did not know about the alleged illegal activities Turcan, so at the moment is the status of the witness”. The source confirmed that on the eve of the police conducted searches at the place of work Kravchenko. He said that Turcan is suspected of spying for the foreign intelligence Service of Romania, which in turn, according to some, cooperating with the CIA. Before the court in Moscow arrested Turcan.

“We don’t need him”. In the Urals, the children planted father, leaving a note on him

“We don’t need him”. In the Urals, the children planted father, leaving a note on him “Peter, we’ve brought you father. We moved to another city.” MOSCOW, 20 Jun — RIA Novosti, Igor Karmazin. “Peter, we’ve brought you father. We moved to another city. We do not look for father and not bring. Not necessary — take to the nursing home” — with this mysterious note by an unknown elderly man soon was taken to the hospital of the city of Chebarkul Chelyabinsk region. Uralets about himself to tell you nothing, but the nurse on duty was found in possession of the documents, and eyewitnesses reported details in social networks. “To disassemble the sound was hard” The ambulance picked up the elderly man on the outskirts of Chebarkul, June 17. Nurse city hospital Olga Mamonova says that the first thing know his name. Me on the shift the nurse said