British intelligence suspected the application in Amesbury similar to the “Beginner” stuff

British intelligence suspected the application in Amesbury similar to the “Beginner” stuff Moscow. The 4th of July. INTERFAX.RU — the heads of the security services in the UK, investigating the poisoning of a pair near Salisbury, fear that could be applied a substance similar to nerve gas a “Newbie”, which in March 2018 in Salisbury poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter. It is reported by British newspaper the Sun with reference to the sources. “Security chiefs fear that this couple fell under the influence of nerve-substance, similar to that which was used for poisoning Sergei Skripal,” writes the newspaper. “Doctors have found that the couple was poisoned by toxic substances that cause similar symptoms, as in the case of former Russian intelligence Colonel and his daughter Julia,” continues the publication. At the same time, according to the San, any information about a possible connection of new victims of poisoning with

Subordinate Anatoly Chubais sat

Subordinate Anatoly Chubais sat The Moscow city court has released the top Manager of “RUSNANO” Andrey Gor. The Moscow city court today released from custody managing Director on investment activity of “Rosnano” Andrey Gorky, accused the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in the theft of 198.5 million RUB Top Manager held in jail for a year for abuse of power, the damage from which, according to investigators, amounted to 700 million rubles. While the Corporation itself a victim, not guilty, and the Prosecutor’s office argued that the grounds for arrest of the businessman was not. Having considered the appeal and appellate representation of the state office of public Prosecutor, the Moscow city court, quashed a month ago, the Basmanny district court decision to arrest Andrei Gor, ruling for his immediate release from custody. Andrey Gorkov was sent to jail for committing a crime under part 4 St. 159 criminal code

In England on suspicion in murder of newborn arrested an employee of the hospital

In England on suspicion in murder of newborn arrested an employee of the hospital In Chester, in Northwest England on suspicion of murder of eight babies and the attempted murder of another six arrested an employee of a local hospital. The arrest was the result of the investigation, during which police searched for the causes of the suspiciously high mortality rate among newborns in the Countess of Chester hospital. During the period from March 2015 to July 2016 identified 17 of suspicious infant deaths. In addition, there were 15 strangest cases that had not been fatal. Unknown who worked arrested the doctor or nurse. Police did not disclose details. In the hospital also keep silent. However, the journalists managed to find out the address where police conducted a search. This is a house near the hospital. Neighbours said that living in this woman moved there two years ago. The police

In “Natalie tours” annulled all confirmed tours

In “Natalie tours” annulled all confirmed tours Moscow. The 4th of July. INTERFAX.RU — the Chapter “Natali Turs” Vladimir Vorobev has declared, that will cancel the confirmed tours, their customers, as not in control of the situation with partners. “Now, there is a problem with the fact that because of the negative information we can’t last a few days to carry out our obligations to our partners and they fan off “Natalie tours” on the service. We do not see other developments, how to proceed with the cancellation of an already confirmed services”, — he told on air of radio station “Echo of Moscow” on Wednesday. He also said that it plans on Wednesday to hold a working meeting on the problems encountered. We can’t send tourists in the near future, as we do not control the situation with its partners, therefore, forced to cancel tourist trips. During the day

“Soyuzmultfilm” terminated the agreement with the amusement Park “dream Island”

“Soyuzmultfilm” terminated the agreement with the amusement Park “dream Island” Film Studio “Soyuzmultfilm” terminated the agreement with the group of companies “Regions”, which builds in Moscow entertainment Park “Dreamland”. About it RBC were informed by the Director of legal Affairs of the Studio Natalia Sigachyov. Thus, the characters “Soyuzmultfilm” will not be used in the entertainment Park. According to Sigacheva, the agreement was signed at the end of 2016 “is extremely disadvantageous and discriminatory for the Studio environment.” In particular, the document did not provide for a guaranteed royalty of the Studio. Predpravleniya of “Soyuzmultfilm” Yuliana Slascheva told the publication that the Studio is ready to participate in the project “island of dreams”, if GK “Regions” will offer the best conditions. The head of the press service of the holding company “Island of dreams” Daria Larina said that the decision about the termination of cooperation made in October last year.

In Salisbury two people were hospitalized because of “an unknown substance”

In Salisbury two people were hospitalized because of “an unknown substance” Police in the English County of Wiltshire, reported on Wednesday morning about “a serious incident” at the nearby Salisbury and Amesbury, where two people “were under the influence of an unknown substance” and was hospitalized in critical condition. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. “Wiltshire police… announced about a serious incident after two men they were allegedly under the influence of an unknown substance in Amesbury” — said in a statement to the police. The reports that in one of the houses was found unconscious 40-year-old man and woman came to the police on Saturday evening. “Initially, it was assumed that both the patient felt ill after possible consumption of the impure heroin or crack cocaine. Now, however, conducting further tests to determine the substance that provoked the deterioration of the patients”, — said in a statement. The

It became known the name of the killer of Tupac

It became known the name of the killer of Tupac Dwayne Keith Davis, a suspect in the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur, called the killer’s real name. According to him, the shot by Orlando Anderson, who has Davies nephew. MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. Dwayne Keith Davis, a suspect in the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur, called the killer’s real name. According to him, the shot by Orlando Anderson, who has Davies nephew. Such a statement he made during the filming of the documentary from Netflix’s “cold case”. Davis said that he was in the car when his nephew fired at the vehicle in which Tupac was riding. Anderson himself died two years after the murder of rapper. Davis also noted that he is the only one left alive who knows the name of the killer of Tupac. According to him, Tupac and Anderson belonged to the warring factions

In Norilsk was “bloody rain”

In Norilsk was “bloody rain” Users of social networks reported that in Norilsk, in the Parking area of the Nadezhda metallurgical plant was “bloody” rain. MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Eyewitnesses publish photos and videos, which show red puddles and cars, covered with bloody muck. Internet users have expressed different assumptions about the cause of the phenomenon, from the washed away dust and emissions from plant “Norilsk Nickel” to soaring levels of radiation. “Firefighters drove, somehow washed the area and machines”, “It’s really scary. And the bloody rain is a consequence of the emission likely,” say the locals in the comments. Publication of Vladimir Karpenko (@norilssk) 3 Jul 2018 3:24 PDT During the download an error has occurred. In the company “Norilsk Nickel”, which includes the plant, said the water is stained with dust, which lay on the roof of one of the shops. The material was to be

Sberbank employees were caught stealing from a VIP-client of 40 million rubles

Sberbank employees were caught stealing from a VIP-client of 40 million rubles Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU — law enforcement Officers stopped the activities of a gang of crooks who stole about 40 million rubles from the account of the VIP-client of Sberbank in Saint-Petersburg, among the detainees are employees of the Bank, has reported “Interfax” informed source. “Law enforcement officers in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod detained nine members of a criminal group who committed the theft of large sums from the account of the VIP-client of Sberbank with the help of the transfer of customer funds in savings certificates”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, among the detainees are several employees of the Bank. “Detainees transferred about 40 million rubles from the personal account of the client in the savings certificates and tried to cash them at the Bank branches in Saint-Petersburg”, — said the source. On

SK called the group staged an explosion in the subway in St. Petersburg

SK called the group staged an explosion in the subway in St. Petersburg MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The investigative Committee of the Russian Federation considers a terrorist group “Katib Tauhid Val-Jihad”* involved in the organization of terrorist attack in the subway of St. Petersburg, said the investigator in the Moscow city court, which is considering the extension of the arrest of the accused. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий According to him, the number of criminal cases against participants of a terrorist attack that lurk abroad. “Declared in the international search of the organizers and active participants of the international terrorist community, is structurally a member of the terrorist organization “Katib Tauhid Val-Jihad”*”, — said the investigator. Day 3 April 2017 on the stretch between the stations “Sennaya Ploschad” and “Tekhnologichesky Institut-2” St. Petersburg underground there was an explosion. Another explosion at the station “Ploshchad Rebellion”, was prevented by timely detection of an