The HRC welcomes the closure case against the woman who tried to sell diazepam

The HRC welcomes the closure case against the woman who tried to sell diazepam MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. The presidential Council on human rights (HRC) welcomed the termination of the criminal prosecution of the mother of a disabled child, charged with distribution of psychotropic substances, but considers it necessary to discuss the prospects for changes in the legislation on the fight against drug trafficking, told RIA Novosti the head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov. Earlier Friday, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of internal Affairs of Irina Volk said that the office has closed the criminal case against mother of disabled child of Catherine Connoway on the resale of diazepam. “The Council for human rights welcomes this wise and just decision. At the same time we deem it necessary to discuss the prospect of changing our legislation related to the fight against drug trafficking, because it is

The plane with the Prime Minister of Poland went to take off and broke

The plane with the Prime Minister of Poland went to take off and broke The government plane, on Board of which was the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, broke during takeoff. It is reported TASS with reference to the channel Polsat. According to him, the incident occurred before departure from the airport of Karlovy vary in the Czech Republic. The liner was already on the runway and started moving, so pilots had to emergency brake. As a result, nobody was hurt. What fault prevented the departure, not reported. At the same time, it is noted that the aircraft will pass technical inspection. Moravicki came to Karlovy vary for a meeting with the head of the Czech government Andrew Babish. For him now due to fly other side.

Preliminary cause of the accident in the Kuban was the departure of one of the cars in the oncoming lane

Preliminary cause of the accident in the Kuban was the departure of one of the cars in the oncoming lane KRASNODAR, July 6. /TASS/. The cause of the collision of two cars in the Krasnodar region, which led to the death of nine people, was the departure of one of the cars in the oncoming traffic on the long turn, told TASS the head of the Ryazan rural settlement Nikolay Chernov on Friday. Earlier it was reported that the accident occurred in Belorechensk district, near the settlement of Glivenko, which is part of the Ryazan rural settlement. Nine people were killed, including a child. “Two cars were full, according to five people. Nine dead, ‘ said Chernov. One car was driving in the opposite lane in a protracted turn, the collision was strong, people died.” To survive, according to officials, was only one of the passengers. “One young girl, 19

In the Kuban nine people were killed in the accident

In the Kuban nine people were killed in the accident MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. Nine people, including a child, were killed and another was injured in a collision of two cars in Belorechensk district of Krasnodar region, said on Friday, RIA Novosti the representative of the emergency services in the region. “Near the village of Glivenko collided with two cars. Injured ten people, including nine people, including a child, were killed,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, another victim taken to the hospital. The circumstances of the accident are being investigated. During the download an error has occurred.

In Russia opened a new criminal case against winnick

In Russia opened a new criminal case against winnick MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia has sent Greece a new request on the extradition of Russian citizen Alexander winnick to criminal prosecution for a new criminal case about swindle in sphere of the computer information, said the Russian Prosecutor General’s office in response to the request to RIA Novosti. It is reported that in March and April 2018 Vinnik, including through his representative, appealed to the GP of the Russian Federation, statements about the confession, where he admitted to hacking, and money laundering in especially large size. “By results of check of the mentioned statements, may 21, 2018 prosecuted for fraud in the sphere of computer information, committed in especially large size “, — is spoken in the answer of the Prosecutor General. The first of June against winnick made the decision about attraction as accused, and the court

“AUM Shinrikyo” in Russia. Faithful followers executed in Japan, “teachers”

“AUM Shinrikyo” in Russia. Faithful followers executed in Japan, “teachers” MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. Japan hanged a leader of the “AUM Shinrikyo” * Shoko, Asahara sentenced to death in 2004. The most notorious crime of the sectarians — gas attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995. RIA Novosti explains how this pseudo-religious organization operating in Russia and why its domestic adherents were the most faithful followers of Asahara. Who is Shoko Asahara Tijou (Chizuo) Matsumoto, later took the name Shoko Asahara (“bright light in the valley hemp”), was born into a poor family of tatami manufacturer. Since childhood, he was blind in his left eye and only partially seen right. But this did not prevent him to be a bully in school, beat up pupils and extort money from them. Trying to become a doctor, she studied pharmacology and acupuncture. In 1981, for illegal trade in unlicensed medicines

The actress of “public school” beat her drunk husband friend

The actress of “public school” beat her drunk husband friend Russian actress Evgeny Osipov was beaten in the Moscow court. About it reports “the Fifth channel” with reference to the source on Friday, July 6. It is noted that the artist was in a state of alcoholic intoxication. She had been drinking with friends and one of them came to her husband. He did not like the condition of his wife, and he allegedly began to behave aggressively. When Osipova stood up for her friend, had given men several times. The artist recorded the beating in the emergency room, doctors sent her to the hospital. Osipova received a concussion and some abrasions. As a result of the incident a criminal case on an administrative offence. 32-year-old Osipova starred in such TV series as “Milkmaid of hatsapetovki”, “Red”, “Closed school”, “the Seventh rune” and “Karpov. The third season”, as well as

Ministry of interior closed the criminal case against the mother of a disabled person on the resale of diazepam

Ministry of interior closed the criminal case against the mother of a disabled person on the resale of diazepam MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ministry of interior closed the criminal case on the resale of diazepam against the child’s mother-invalids of Moscow, the official representative of the Ministry Irina Wolf. It happened after today, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that “in this particular case should not be designated a formal approach”. According to him, the Kremlin “will definitely pay for it (the case) attention.” “The Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation General of police Vladimir Kolokoltsev has instructed the chief of gumvd across Moscow the General-the Lieutenant of police Oleg Baranov carefully to understand all the circumstances, to assess the validity and timeliness of criminal proceedings against Catherine Connoway” — are the words of the Wolf on the Agency’s website.

In Gelendzhik was forbidden to swim due to a sewage accident

In Gelendzhik was forbidden to swim due to a sewage accident In Gelendzhik on July 6, an accident happened on one of the Central sewage plants. Waste got to the sea, after which all residents and guests of the resort have banned swimming. The beaches are fenced by special bands. — Apologize to the residents and guests of the city. Now set up operational headquarters. The mayor held a meeting of the Commission for the eradication and elimination of the arisen damage. Work partially completed. Currently, they continue, — commented the acting Director “the water canal” Gennady Ivaschenko. During the download an error has occurred. The water supply in those areas where it was switched off, is resumed. While residents and visitors share on social networks with pictures of brown water in the sea. During the download an error has occurred. Publication of the Tin of Krasnodar and Edge (@ghestkrd)

The American shot the hijacker in the eyes of children

The American shot the hijacker in the eyes of children Texan shot a man who tried to steal her car, in which were her children. About it reports NBC News. According to the publication, when the hijacker took the place of the driver, the woman was at the gas station. She jumped in the passenger seat and asked the attacker to stop. The man didn’t respond, so the American pulled out of the glove compartment for a gun and shot him in the head. After the shooting, the car drove a few meters, crashed into a telephone pole and stopped at the curb. Neither the woman nor her two children were not injured. “I reacted quickly because I felt bad for the children,” said the Texan. Police identified the slain 36-year-old Ricky Wright, who had twice prosecuted for the unlawful seizure of other people’s cars.