Deripaska has seized one million roubles from Fish and Leslie

Deripaska has seized one million roubles from Fish and Leslie UST-LABINSK (Krasnodar Krai), 9 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ust-Labinsk the court sought 500 thousand rubles with Anastasia, Vashukevich (Nasty Fish) and “coach” Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) at the suit of the businessman Oleg Deripaska on the protection of privacy, said the assistant Chairman of the court Oksana Boiko. Thus, the claims were partially satisfied. Protection of the billionaire wanted to obtain from the defendants a total of two million rubles. A lawsuit against Vashukevich and Kirillov Deripaska filed due to the fact that they are published in social networks pictures of him and secretly recorded conversations. The decision takes effect in a month unless appealed. Process passed in the closed mode. Neither the defendants nor their representatives did not attend the meeting. Leslie Fish for several months in the Thai prison, where they were placed for conducting illegal “sex-training”. Them

Thailand began the second phase of the operation to rescue Teens from submerged caves

Thailand began the second phase of the operation to rescue Teens from submerged caves Thailand began the second phase of the operation to rescue nine students and their coach from the sunken caves of Khao Luang. On 9 July, Reuters reported. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий From the flooded caves saved the fifth teenager, he was taken to the hospital. According to CBS, together with rescuers coming sixth grader. We sent a team [rescuers] at 11:00 (7:00 GMT). I hope we will receive good news within a few hours. Narongsak Satanically operational staff How many people will withdraw from the cave this time, not reported. During the first operation July 8, rescuers pulled four teenagers. It was attended by 90 divers. Now the students are in the hospital, they are in a stable condition. As writes the Guardian, the authorities still have not revealed the names of the saved. Parents of the rescued children,

The Moscow city court overturned the restriction period of familiarization with the case for Serebrennikov

The Moscow city court overturned the restriction period of familiarization with the case for Serebrennikov The Moscow city court quashed the decision of the Director Kirill Serebrennikov in terms of familiarization with the case, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to the court the case was referred to the Basmanny court for consideration of the “different composition”. At the hearing the court listened to the closing remarks of the Director, who asked to cancel the restriction of time by reading “exciting things”. We have no desire to delay, on the contrary, we want to read it. Already from reading it follows that there is no case, there is no crime. If you had the opportunity to stop this thing, you would be our magic fairy.Cyril Serebrennikovskaja According to mister Serebrennikov, the purpose of business is to “destroy” him and his family. The court also overturned the decision of limiting the Director of

In Irkutsk lights shop aircraft factory

In Irkutsk lights shop aircraft factory IRKUTSK, 9 Jul — RIA Novosti. In one of the workshops of the Irkutsk aviation plant, a fire occurred, told RIA Novosti the representative of the regional emergencies Ministry. The fire started at 15:20 (10:20 GMT) in the anode-painting workshop. Later, it was localized on the area in thousand squares, but the collapsed roof on the area of 600 square meters. The emergencies Ministry said that in the shop there are two containers of sulfuric and nitric acid for 36 cubic meters each. According to preliminary data, no victims. During the download an error has occurred. The fire is assigned the increased level of complexity, there are 16 units, 62 personnel, units of gas and smoke protective service. There is a threat of distribution of fire on nearby buildings, noted in the MOE. In Irkutsk, a massive fire engulfed one of aircraft factory shops

Became known the details of the poisoning of people in Amesbury

Became known the details of the poisoning of people in Amesbury MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Craig Pattenden, each of the victims in the British town of Amesbury, told RIA Novosti the details of what happened. “The last time I saw the victims on Friday night in the bus, which was heading from Salisbury to Amesbury. I’m one of the last people who saw them before the incident. They looked good. Charlie seemed a little drunk, but he was constantly under the influence of something. He had often used heroin and cocaine. All the symptoms of poisoning appeared already on Saturday,” said Pattenden. According to a friend of the victims, first poisoned 44-year-old Sturgess. She was convulsing, his mouth was foaming. Charlie tried to revive her, gave her CPR, and eventually contracted himself. Both were frothing at the mouth, the eyes narrowed so that they were almost not visible.

In Spain, the bull took off part of the scalp with a Matador

In Spain, the bull took off part of the scalp with a Matador MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The famous Spanish Matador Jose Padilla was injured after a collision with a bull during a bullfight in arévalo (Autonomous community of Castilla and león). In the video, much as the bull touches 45-year-old Matador, after which he falls to the ground. The man received several blows, but was able to get up and run away. In the battle with the animal Padilla lost some skin on the head. He was immediately taken to the hospital and was successfully operated. During the download an error has occurred. “I’m all right, and I want to assure everyone that after the incident are in very good condition”, — quotes RT words of the man. Invencible @Padillaelpirata curándose Aquí con el Dr García Perla, nunca se rinde y esta semana se despedirá de su

In Yakutia, where raging forest fires, will cause artificial rain

In Yakutia, where raging forest fires, will cause artificial rain YAKUTSK, 9 Jul — RIA Novosti. Artificial rain will cause in Yakutia, where raging forest fires, the press service of the head and governments of the region. The fire hazard currently established on the most territory of Yakutia. The air temperature in the region reaches 30-32 degrees, sometimes higher. According to authorities, over the past weekend, liquidated seven forest fires on a total area of 292.7 acres, work is underway to extinguish fires another 18 to 15 thousand hectares. “Department of forest relations of Yakutia in the address of the FBU “Avialesookhrana” requested about bringing the aircraft An-26 to artificially induce precipitation,” — said in the government of Yakutia. Artificial precipitation is caused in Yakutia last year on the territory of the Vilyui and Mountain areas, where at that time was an emergency situation with forest fires.

The number of victims of torrential rains in Japan exceeded 100 people, nearly 6 million evacuated

The number of victims of torrential rains in Japan exceeded 100 people, nearly 6 million evacuated During the natural disaster in Japan, killed 104 people, 50 people missing. This writes The Japan Times. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Earlier it was reported 81 who died in the disaster in Japan. It is noted that the instructions to evacuate received more than 5.9 million people in 19 prefectures of Japan. About 30 thousand people are currently in special centers for displaced persons. In Okayama Prefecture, about 1 million people remain blocked by flood waters on the roofs of buildings. It is reported that at the moment the damage was 267 thousand buildings. Also, much damage suffered by roads. 17 railway companies have suspended traffic on 56 destinations in 11 prefectures. 7 July in the Western part of Japan was hit by Typhoon which brought torrential rains. They have provoked flooding and landslides. The Japanese authorities

In Yakutia opened a case of theft from the Moscow branch of Bank “Taatta”

In Yakutia opened a case of theft from the Moscow branch of Bank “Taatta” YAKUTSK, 9 Jul — RIA Novosti. Investigative bodies instituted a criminal case on the fact of embezzlement of funds in especially large sizes from the Moscow office have lost the license of the Bank “Taatta”, according to the website of the Prosecutor of Yakutia. It is noted that the Prosecutor’s office of Yakutsk “reviewed the circulation of the Bank of Russia on the suspicious transactions for money transfer of the Bank “Taatta”. “It is established that the Bank “Taatta” exercised “circuit” operations and transactions in order to artificially control the size of the capital for the purpose of formal compliance with prudential norms of activity, which resulted in a suspension of issuance of funds to the Bank’s customers. Thus, according to the Prosecutor’s investigation, committed theft of funds in especially large size by a wrongful receipt

Elon Musk, began testing a mini-submarine to rescue Teens in a cave in Thailand

Elon Musk, began testing a mini-submarine to rescue Teens in a cave in Thailand Chapter companies SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk said on Twitter about the early tests of the rescue capsule — a mini-submarine, which he proposes to use for the salvation of teenagers, locked in a cave in Thailand. The video, which the businessman posted on Twitter, a group of divers is testing a capsule — one pulls ahead, the second pushes back, others sail around. In this mini-submarine, according to him, can fit one teenager. To use the capsule to rescue the teenagers Elon Musk suggested on 7 July. In addition, he discussed with cavers structure of inflatable tubes with air gateways. 12 teenagers on the football team and their coach disappeared on June 23. When they were in the cave of Tham Luang, the flood came, and the group was cut off from the exit. After