The incident in Salisbury has removed the cordon

The incident in Salisbury has removed the cordon LONDON, Jul 12 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The incident in Salisbury is well resolved, reported to city police on Twitter. Earlier, police reported about the incident with the man aged about 30 years in the city centre, near Zizzi restaurant, where he had been working for the British security services of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia before to feel bad. “We are pleased to announce that the cordon on castle street in Salisbury shot, the street is open to traffic”, — stated in the message of the police. “The man was taken to the district hospital, Salisbury, tested by the doctors. Now we can confirm that concerns about his health or threat to the residents there,” — said the police. Police also acknowledged that it had taken precautionary measures could disturb residents, but noted that in light of

Police reported an incident with a man in Salisbury

Police reported an incident with a man in Salisbury LONDON, Jul 12 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The British police reported about the incident with the man in the centre of Salisbury, taken precautions. “At the moment we are dealing with the incident on castle street in Salisbury, which involved a man more than 30 years. Given the ongoing investigations in Salisbury and Amesbury, we take steps that are in a high degree prudent measures to ensure public safety”, — is spoken in the police message on Twitter. Police also noted that at the moment there is nothing to indicate an imminent danger to residents. On the morning of 4 July, the British police have reported a “serious incident” in Amesbury, where two people “were under the influence of an unknown substance” and was hospitalized in critical condition. Later Scotland Yard confirmed that a man and a woman were poisoned

With filed for trump to court porn actress dropped the charges

With filed for trump to court porn actress dropped the charges Lawyer Michael Avenatti representing the interests of the American porn actress Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford), who claims that she had a relationship with the American President Donald trump, said that his client was cleared of all charges. He wrote about this in his Twitter. “The charges against Stormy Daniels was completely removed,” wrote Avenatti. He also published the materials of the case, which States that Daniels did not violate the law, because does not act in a strip club regularly. Earlier it was reported that Stormy Daniels was charged with offences of a sexual nature.

“The degree of absurdity of the charges through the roof”

“The degree of absurdity of the charges through the roof” Lawyer Karina Tsurkan in an interview with “Kommersant FM” — about the criminal case. In the top-Manager of “inter RAO” Karina Tsurkan, which is accused of espionage, appeared new details. According to investigators, she began to work with the Moldovan secret services in 2004. About this “Kommersant FM” said attorney Turcan, Ivan Pavlov, who got acquainted with the indictment. Member of the Board of “inter RAO” was arrested in June. According to sources RBC, she was able to declassify a scheme of electricity supply in the Crimea and the Donbass. She Turcan considers criminal case by attempt to remove her from office. The indictment contains numerous inconsistencies, the investigators refuse to give evidence, said in an interview with “Kommersant FM” the lawyer of a top-Manager of “inter RAO” Ivan Pavlov. — What are the charges against Karina Tsurkan? What motivations

Rosfinmonitoring has prevented a conclusion abroad of about 50 billion rubles

Rosfinmonitoring has prevented a conclusion abroad of about 50 billion rubles The Director of the Federal service for financial monitoring Yuri Chikhanchin said that the Rosfinmonitoring together with the Supreme court prevented the withdrawal abroad of 50 billion rubles this was reported on the Kremlin website. Rosfinmonitoring jointly with the Supreme court stopped the withdrawal abroad of tens of billions of rubles on the basis of improper judicial decisions, the head of the Federal service for financial monitoring Yury Chikhanchin at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The most serious issue that we in the Commission (on countering illegal financial transactions) consider is the use of judicial authorities in the attempt to withdraw money abroad. We were able to suspend (output) somewhere in the order of 50 billion roubles through joint cooperation Lebedev (Vyacheslav Lebedev, Chairman of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation) came up and after the

Court of Tatarstan ordered the Ministry of interior for the death of the man of torture from 50 000 rubles

Court of Tatarstan ordered the Ministry of interior for the death of the man of torture from 50 000 rubles Tatarstan Supreme court on Thursday ruled that the interior Ministry 50 000 rbl. of indemnification of moral harm in favour of Sergey Drozdov, whose brother died after being tortured at an urban police Department, “Yudino”, the human rights organization “Area law”. The amount increased five times in comparison to previously awarded to the Kirov district court of Kazan of compensation in this case in the amount of 10 000 RUB Drozdov asked for compensation of 2 million rubles. “Meager compensation awarded at national level will be an additional argument in considering the complaint of Sergey Drozdov, who is already in the ECHR,” — said the head of the Kazan human rights centre Igor Sholokhov, representing the interests of the plaintiff. The Deputy Director of the Kazan railway technical school of

Billions Colonel Zakharchenko was transferred to the budget of the Russian Federation

Billions Colonel Zakharchenko was transferred to the budget of the Russian Federation Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU — Seized from accused of corruption eks-the employee of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Dmitry Zakharchenko 9 billion rubles transferred to the account of the Treasury of the Russian Federation. This was reported in the official channel of the Investigative Committee in the messenger of tamtam. “Pursuant to the decision of Nikulinskiy district court of Moscow of investigatory Committee of Russia has transferred to the account of the Treasury of Russia for more than 9 billion rubles from the assets of the ex-police Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, due on forfeiture to the state”, — reported in the UK on Thursday. In December 2017 Nikulinskiy court of Moscow satisfied the claim of Prosecutor General’s office on the treatment of income state of cash and property Zakharchenko and his family for a total of about 9

Nephew Serzh Sargsyan was arrested and charged with attempted murder

Nephew Serzh Sargsyan was arrested and charged with attempted murder The court in Yerevan has been arrested for two months nephew of the former President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan Hayk Sargsyan, reports “RIA Novosti”. He is charged with attempted murder and illegal possession of weapons. According to investigators, in 2007 Hayk Sargsyan under the influence of drugs a man was shot. The victim was taken to the hospital, the same day his friend Arthur Ghevondian came in to the police. He said that he found in the yard of the kindergarten the gun and accidentally shot his friend. The criminal case was closed. At the end of June 2018, the victim reported to police that he had stabbed Mr. Ghevondyan and Hayk Sargsyan at home, in the room of the bodyguards. Father Hayk Sargsyan Sargsyan Alexander was detained June 25. During a search of the car of his protection, where

Filed in trump the court pornographic actress arrested

Filed in trump the court pornographic actress arrested The porn star Stephanie Clifford, claiming a close connection with the President of the United States Donald trump, was arrested in Columbus. This was announced on Twitter by her lawyer Michael Avenatti. Daniels, according to the lawyer, was arrested during a performance at a strip club with the program, which Clifford played repeatedly across the country. Avenatti, called the arrest of a porn actress is rigged and politically motivated. “From what is happening smacks of desperation. We will fight against all the bogus charges,” he said. The name Stephanie Clifford, who starred in “adult films” under the pseudonym Stormy Daniels, began to discuss in January after in mass media there was information that she was close with trump from 2006 to 2007 (at this time he was already married to Melania trump). In winter, the media reported that she had received money

RBC learned about the critical state of Affairs in fire protection

RBC learned about the critical state of Affairs in fire protection The shortage of personnel and uniforms of the fire service is one of the key problems identified during a large-scale internal audit of the Ministry of emergency situations, held from 28 may to 15 June at the request of the new Minister Yevgeny Senicheva. About it writes RBC with reference to the report made at the selector meeting the chief of the National control centre in crisis situations of the Ministry of emergency situations Viktor Azucena on the audit. “The number of fighting crew at the fire truck is two or three people instead of six,” said Yatsunenko, refuting the “false opinion about a fairly prosperous situation with staffing of on-duty guard — about 90%.” In fact, the shortage of personnel fire protection is 23 of 100 people, a shortage of active-duty guard — 10 800. After the reduction