Photos: driver killed in Central African Republic journalists were not related to the UN

Photos: driver killed in Central African Republic journalists were not related to the UN MOSCOW, August 1. /TASS/. The driver killed in the Central African Republic (CAR), Russian journalists weren’t given the UN or recommended by the world organization. This was reported by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on Wednesday the TV channel “Rain”. According to Zakharov, the organization’s representatives have denied the Russian foreign Ministry this information. “They said that’s not true. They will be the information officially to disavow,” — said the official representative of the foreign Ministry. On Tuesday, the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic reported the deaths of three people near the town of sibut North of the capital of the country. The Russian foreign Ministry later reported that the dead, whose bodies were discovered on 30 July, found journalistic documents in the names of Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and

The Prosecutor’s office found the camera in a torture prison in Vladimir oblast

The Prosecutor’s office found the camera in a torture prison in Vladimir oblast In SIZO-1 in the Vladimir region have found a special chamber in which tortured prisoners. About it July 31, wrote on the website of the local Prosecutor’s office. The Prosecutor’s office found that employees of Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) were regularly tortured prisoners in this cell. So they are forced to self-incrimination, according to the Department. The camera was found during a murder investigation at SIZO-1. In February 2018, one of the inmates tied in a cell and tortured. The next day he was untied, and then he attacked “the initiator of violence.” Investigators say that one of the reasons for the attack become a regular torture. Convict M. was convicted of murder. The Prosecutor’s office began checking six workers of the prison and two prisoners, who are also involved in torture. Materials were

The cast had stolen from the “Bulgakov’s house”

The cast had stolen from the “Bulgakov’s house” The unknown woman was stolen from the Museum, theatre “Bulgakov’s house” his most unusual staff member of the cast. About it reported in a press-service of the Museum. As said the Agency “Moscow” in the press service, August 1, the cast took from the house № 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya, where the cat lives since 2005. Articlebody Language of cats. Understand that he wants to say pet As a staff member, the cat gets special food, talked in the theater. In addition, the following private doctors, and appearance — personal stylist. Representatives of the “Bulgakov’s house” listed the special signs of the missing cat. According to them, the Hippo — black fluffy cat, a cross between the Siberian and Persian breeds with the collar, dreznica in the form of pits. The weight of a particular employee — about six pounds, and his

The Russian foreign Ministry has denied the link between the death of Russians in the Central African Republic and investigation of PMCs

The Russian foreign Ministry has denied the link between the death of Russians in the Central African Republic and investigation of PMCs Moscow. August 1. INTERFAX.RU Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called absurd reports of some mass media about the connection between the deaths of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic (CAR) with the investigation of the activities in this country, some private military companies. “Listen to and read this nonsense regarding the “investigations” at the PMC in the CAR”, — Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. She urged journalists to refer to the website of the foreign Ministry, stressing that “no sensation in the presence of Russian instructors in the CAR nothing to hide”. “Slain Russian journalists on the basis of the place of detection of bodies moving is not there, where instructors work”, — said Zakharov. On the basis of received from the

Dead in the CAR of Russian journalists deviated from the route of 23 km

Dead in the CAR of Russian journalists deviated from the route of 23 km MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Killed in the Central African Republic (CAR), the Russian journalists have deviated from the planned route, reported RIA Novosti head of the “control Center investigations” (LRC) Andrew konyahin. Yesterday in the CAR found the bodies of Orkhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko. All three worked there from the “control Center investigations” of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. In the LRC reported that the journalists were filming in the Republic documentary film about the life of this country. The last time they were in touch on Sunday. “They have deviated from the planned route for 23 kilometres,” said konyahin. He also spoke about the “alarming” behaviour of the driver of the crew. “The driver we got from the UN mission, and he is in the databases of the French journalists who work there.

Moscow regional court found guilty of robbery and murder five members of the “gang GTA”

Moscow regional court found guilty of robbery and murder five members of the “gang GTA” The Moscow regional court found five members of the so-called “gang GTA” guilty of robbery and murder. On 1 August, it was reported TASS with reference to the correspondent in court. It is expected that the full sentencing will take about a week. In the end the court will announce what punishment awaits the perpetrators. The judge said that the defendants were aware that was in a gang. According to her, they also “received special training for cynical and assaults on citizens.” Gang members found guilty in the killings of 17 drivers on the roads of Moscow, Moscow region and Kaluga region in 2012-2014. The defendants in the case are also accused in two attempts, robbery, illegal manufacturing of weapons and theft of documents. In may the Prosecutor’s office requested members of the gang Hasraton

The Central African Republic accused of murder of Russian journalists rebel Seleka

The Central African Republic accused of murder of Russian journalists rebel Seleka The Central African Republic authorities believe anti-government rebels Seleka guilty in the murder of Russian journalists, according to local radio, citing sources in the government. “Three Russians with the journalistic identity was killed on 30 July at approximately 19:24 local time (21:24 GMT), 24 km from the village of sibut on the highway leading to Dekoa. Their bodies were discovered Tuesday morning by the staff of the UN Mission for stabilization in Central African Republic (MINUCCI) a few kilometers North of sibut. Authorities believe that the murder could be the handiwork of the rebels Seleka. The bodies were delivered on July 31 by staff MINISKA in Bangui,” — said the radio station (quoted by TASS). On the eve it became known about death of the Russian journalist Orhan Jemal, Director Alexander Rastorguev and operator Kirill Radchenko. They were

The foreign Ministry confirmed the identity of the victims in CAR of Russian journalists

The foreign Ministry confirmed the identity of the victims in CAR of Russian journalists Completed the identification of the victims in the Central African Republic (CAR) Russians. The Russian foreign Ministry confirmed their identities, said the representative of the Ministry Maria Zakharova, the TV channel “Russia 24”. “Last night was completed the procedure of identification of the bodies, they were three of the Russian citizen. Was confirmed those names that were called in the press (Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orkhan Jemal.— “Kommersant”)”, — said Ms. Zakharova. According to the representative of the foreign Ministry, the procedure of identification was complicated by the fact that the dead Russians were not in possession of passports. Neither they nor the people they were sent to some company or a representative office, announced the Russian foreign Ministry, neither our Embassy in the Central African Republic or about the purpose of their trip, nor

Unknown stole the crown of Charles IX and his wife from Church in Sweden

Unknown stole the crown of Charles IX and his wife from Church in Sweden Moscow. August 1. INTERFAX.RU — Thieves have taken the crown of king of Sweden Karl IX and his wife, and the Royal power of the Cathedral in the Swedish city of Strängnäs to the North of Stockholm, said on Wednesday the British newspaper the Guardian. “We contacted the police and reported that something was stolen from the Cathedral,” the newspaper quoted eyewitnesses Tom Rowell. “Stealing things from the Holy and historic buildings — a low act,” he said. In turn, the employee of the Cathedral Catarina Fraud called the incident “a great loss for the Cathedral, both culturally and financially”. The guards conducted a large-scale operation to find the thieves, but so far the police have failed to establish their whereabouts. According to the representative of police Thomas Agnevik, the exact value of the stolen from

In the Central African Republic spoke about the attackers on Russian journalists

In the Central African Republic spoke about the attackers on Russian journalists The crew that collected in the Central African Republic the material for a documentary about so-called private military companies (PMCs) Wagner, before the murder, seized approximately 10 people. They spoke in Arabic, the Associated Press reports, citing officials of the city of sibut (Sibut) Marceline yo-Yo. He said that the journalists left the city around 7pm local time. They were attacked by 23 kilometers from sibut. The security forces advised them not to leave because it was already dark. They captured about 10 people. They were in turbans and spoke only Arabic.Marceline Yoyoceramic city sibyu (Sibut) Earlier the mayor of sibut Henri Debele said that the attack on the crew survived the driver who drove the filmmakers to the destination. He informed the local authorities that around midnight on July 31, they were fired from the bushes at