The authorities of Guinea-Bissau took custody of the 11 Russian sailors

The authorities of Guinea-Bissau took custody of the 11 Russian sailors The court of Guinea-Bissau issued a decision on detention of 11 Russian seamen after their ship 9.5 tons of cocaine. “The trial took place. The measure of restraint — detention,” — said TASS in the Russian Embassy. Currently, the Russians detained in the prison located in the city Praia, the capital of the country. The authorities of Guinea-Bissau detained Russian sailors 1 Feb. The ship ESER under the flag of Panama was flying from this country to Morocco and made a stop in the port of Praia in Cape Verde after he died one of the crew members. Then the local police found on Board 9.5 tons of cocaine. See also: the authorities of Guinea-Bissau suspect detained Russians in the smuggling of drugs

The driver crashed the bus twice in a year was cited for traffic violations

The driver crashed the bus twice in a year was cited for traffic violations Moscow. 3 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the bus Driver, overturned in the Kaluga region, was twice brought to administrative responsibility for traffic violations in the past year. “In 2018 for traffic violations the driver of the bus 2 times brought to administrative responsibility”, — said the “Interfax” representatives of the Russian traffic police working at the scene of the accident. According to them, the scene was conducted the examination of the bus driver, signs of intoxication were detected. In the traffic police explained that the driver was prosecuted under part 4 of article 12.23 of the administrative code (Organized carriage of groups of children by buses that do not match the requirements of the Rules of the organized transport groups of children), paid a fine in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. Also under part 1 of

Medvedev instructed healthcare to help the victims in an accident in Kaluga region

Medvedev instructed healthcare to help the victims in an accident in Kaluga region MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Russian Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova to provide all necessary medical assistance to the victims in a traffic accident with a bus in the Kaluga region, told journalists the press-Secretary of the head of the government Oleg Osipov. A bus carrying children overturned on Sunday morning in the Kaluga region. In the EMERCOM of Russia reported 21 injured, among them 20 children. Ministry of internal Affairs of the region reported about four victims, later Edinaya dispetcherskaya SLUZHBA Yukhnovsky district of Kaluga region, said about seven dead. The bus drove a group of children to the Philharmonic for performances in the competition. “Dmitry Medvedev called the Minister Skvortsova, listened to her report on the status of victims in road accident with bus in the Kaluga region

Kaluga has turned over the bus with children, going to the dance contest

Kaluga has turned over the bus with children, going to the dance contest Killed at least seven people, the driver was involved in a criminal case. In the Kaluga region overturned a passenger bus, a MAN with children, killing at least seven people, injured nearly 30 people. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the press service of the regional Central Directorate of police. The accident occurred around 9: 15 on the 128-km road Vyazma — Kaluga near the village of Izvekovo: the driver, according to preliminary data, lost control, the bus slid into a ditch on the side of the road and overturned. The interior Ministry said that killed four children and three adults. In medical institutions in the state of moderate severity hospitalized 28 people, including 22 children, reported the Ministry of health. Students, engaged in a private dance club in the city Yartsevo Smolensk region, accompanied by

The number of deaths in road accident near Kaluga increased to seven

The number of deaths in road accident near Kaluga increased to seven TASS, February 3 — the dead included four children. The number of people killed Sunday in a bus accident near Kaluga, increased to seven, four of them children, reported TASS the chief a press-services UMVD across the region Natalia Gorokhova. Two people died in a traffic accident with a bus in the Kaluga region, said the representative of the STSI in the region — RT in Russian (@RT_russian) 3 Feb 2019 “The accident killed seven people, among them four children,” she said. As reported, at about 09:15 GMT 3 Feb on 128 km of road Kaluga — Vyazma bus overturned in a ditch. The fact of the accident two criminal cases: under article 264 of the criminal code (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles”) and article 238 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Rendering

In the Kaluga region opened a case after an accident with a bus carrying children

In the Kaluga region opened a case after an accident with a bus carrying children YAROSLAVL, February 3 — RIA Novosti. A criminal case on violation of traffic rules started after overturning the bus with children in the Kaluga region, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the region Natalia Gorokhova. Earlier it was reported that a bus carrying children overturned in the Kaluga region. In the EMERCOM of Russia reported 21 injured, among them 20 children. According to traffic police, two people were killed. The bus drove a group of children to the Philharmonic for performances in the competition. “The fact of the accident the police opened a criminal case under article 264 of the criminal code (violation of traffic rules — Ed.)”, — said Gorokhov. According to her, the emergency personnel evacuate people from the bus crash, some passengers are caught, for their

In a bus accident near Kaluga injured 20 children

In a bus accident near Kaluga injured 20 children Moscow. 3 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Only the bus drove 47 people, most of them children. Twenty children were injured in the bus crash in the Kaluga region, have informed “Interfax” on Sunday in the traffic police of Russia. At 09:15 on the 128-kilometer highway Kaluga — Vyazma the bus “MAN” fell over to the right facing the ditch, the Ministry said. “As a result of an accident previously suffered 20 minors,” — said the traffic police. According to authorities, the bus belongs to the individual entrepreneur, has followed from the settlement of Yartsevo in Kaluga and was carrying 47 passengers, including 31 minors. The kids followed the competition. In turn, the press service of EMERCOM of Russia reported 21 injured. “At 10:00 on 3 February at the 37th km of road of regional value in Babyninskaya area, near the settlement of Izvekovo

In Greece, in the tavern exploded gas cylinder

In Greece, in the tavern exploded gas cylinder ATHENS, Feb 2 — RIA Novosti. A gas cylinder exploded in a tavern on the waterfront of the city of Kalamata in the southern Peloponnese, there are reports of wounded and dead, according to the edition of During the download an error has occurred. According to him, the explosion of the tank with liquid gas occurred on Saturday at 21.15 local time (22.15 GMT), when the tavern had a lot of visitors and employees. Severely wounded at least three people, they are hospitalized. According to preliminary data, has died, the newspaper reports. The exact number of victims specified. At the site there are three fire trucks at the moment, the open fire is not. In Greece gas cylinders are used in the winter in taverns and cafes for heating.

Went for a passport: ex-mayor of Tula caught in Cyprus

Went for a passport: ex-mayor of Tula caught in Cyprus The former mayor of Tula, arrested in Cyprus for following Tolkachev. The ex-mayor of Tula Alisa Tolkacheva, Russian security forces accused of fraud, detained in Cyprus by employees of the Interpol. At the moment the issue of her extradition. Tolkachev was Tula gradonacalnik from March 2010 to March 2011. Few years against her was filed six criminal cases. The consequence considers that the management company REMS, the founder of which is Tolkacheva, has not paid for supplied electricity in amount exceeding 22 million roubles. Cyprus detained the former mayor of Tula and the founder of the company REMS, which is engaged in repair in apartment buildings, Alice Tolkacheva. She is accused by Russian authorities of fraud in especially large size with use of office position. Tolkachev was arrested by Interpol at Russia’s request. According to media reports, the arrest took

Saratova for the first time in Russia, was arrested for extremism on the new article of the administrative code

Saratova for the first time in Russia, was arrested for extremism on the new article of the administrative code Moscow. 2 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Inhabitant of Saratov was the first arrested in the administrative order for inciting hatred and animosity after partial decriminalisation corresponding criminal article. “Court ruling Alekseev, A. V. convicted of an offence under article 20.3.1 of the administrative code, he was sentenced to administrative detention for five days with confiscation of materials and equipment used for production and distribution of extremist materials”, — reported “Interfax” on Saturday in the Kirov district court of Saratov. According to the analytical center “Owl”, is the first known case of application of the new article of the administrative code, the composition of which corresponds to the composition of part 1 of article 282 of the criminal code. According to the materials of the administrative case, saratovec registered in “Vkontakte”, under