Went for a passport: ex-mayor of Tula caught in Cyprus

Went for a passport: ex-mayor of Tula caught in Cyprus

The former mayor of Tula, arrested in Cyprus for following Tolkachev.

The ex-mayor of Tula Alisa Tolkacheva, Russian security forces accused of fraud, detained in Cyprus by employees of the Interpol. At the moment the issue of her extradition. Tolkachev was Tula gradonacalnik from March 2010 to March 2011. Few years against her was filed six criminal cases.

The consequence considers that the management company REMS, the founder of which is Tolkacheva, has not paid for supplied electricity in amount exceeding 22 million roubles.

Cyprus detained the former mayor of Tula and the founder of the company REMS, which is engaged in repair in apartment buildings, Alice Tolkacheva. She is accused by Russian authorities of fraud in especially large size with use of office position.

Tolkachev was arrested by Interpol at Russia’s request. According to media reports, the arrest took place after an official attempted to change the passport at the Russian Consulate. The ex-mayor were put on the international wanted list in autumn 2017.

“The Embassy confirms the fact of its detention. She was detained at the request of the Russian authorities, it was in the international wanted list,” — told “Interfax” in the Russian diplomatic mission in Cyprus.

The Russian Embassy noted that at the moment the former official is in prison and expects an extradition to his homeland. Meanwhile, as told the newspaper “the Tula news” itself Tolkachev, the court on the question of her expulsion has already taken place. Russian police allegedly refused to extradite an ex-mayor.

As explained Tolkacheva, crimes that she is charged with home, have no criminal prosecution in the European Union.

She has added that feels good and also full of energy and desire to defend his innocence.

Alisa Tolkacheva was elected head of Tula from the party “United Russia” in March 2010. She became the first female mayor in the city’s history. However, the on-duty clerk did not last long — in March 2011, the deputies of the Tula municipal Duma has accepted the decision on its resignation.

Alisa Tolkacheva is the migration center on Кипреhttps://t.co/J7pDHH5B7s pic.twitter.com/l9CTXY9fzW

— MAZ Andrew (@Mazov_Tula) 2 Feb 2019

As reported by “Vedomosti” the Deputy Gordumy Sergey Filatov, Tolkacheva lost his post because of a conflict with the local United Russia. The city alleged there was a struggle for control over financial flows, during which Alisa Tolkacheva refused to consider several bills relating to the distribution of urban incomes. They promoted city Manager Mikhail Ivantsov, says the source publication.

As writes “MK”, Tolkachev didn’t want to leave voluntarily, so opponents have reportedly decided to push her business management company REMS, which enters into contracts for management, maintenance and repair in apartment houses.

According to the newspaper, rivals began to take home from the company, and then sued the company in court.

Since August 30, 2016 Alice Tolkachev was opened six criminal cases, including under article “fraud in especially large size” and also excess of powers of office. The case was also filed against other leaders REMS — among them the General Director of the management company.

