Died: U.S. Senator John McCain

Died: U.S. Senator John McCain At the age of 81 years died in USA Republican Senator John McCain. This was reported in the office politics. Upstairs He fought a long time with cancer of the brain. August 24 family McCain announced the suspension of treatment. About the disease of the Senator from Arizona became known last year. Because of the tumor he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from his left eye. A year later due to progressive disease, the McCain family decided to stop treatment. 29 Aug policy would be 82 years old. McCain was considered one of the most influential American politicians. He has always advocated a tough foreign policy, including sanctions against Russia. The President of the United States Donald trump in connection with the death of the policy expressed condolences to his family. “My deepest condolences and respect to the family of Senator John McCain.

The defense Ministry has described the purpose of the impact of the West on Syria

The defense Ministry has described the purpose of the impact of the West on Syria The West is preparing a provocation using chemical weapons to strike at Syria in order to support the advance of the militants, said the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Alexey Tsygankov. Upstairs “Provocation is planned with the active participation of British intelligence and should serve as an occasion for drawing the United States, Britain and France another missile and air strikes on government targets industrial and economic infrastructure of Syria, to ensure the impending attack of the militants in Hama and Aleppo”, — quotes its TASS. He noted that in the province of Idlib concentrated several thousand fighters, including the group “Hayat Tahrir al-sham” (formerly “dzhebhat an-Nusra”, banned in Russia). They are all armed with heavy armor. In addition, the province already delivered tanks with chlorine to

FSB officer arrested with 8 kilos of drugs in the wheels of the car

FSB officer arrested with 8 kilos of drugs in the wheels of the car Employees of the Federal security service (FSB) detained at a traffic police checkpoint in Volgograd — he was carrying in the car eight kilograms of drugs. On Saturday, August 25, according to RBC, citing a source in the secret service. Upstairs The detention of the representative of the security forces confirms the source of “Interfax”. It is noted that he may have served in the Crimea. The man said the interlocutor of the Agency, drove a private car from 8 to 10 kilograms of drugs — convolution found in the wheels. The FSB has not officially confirmed this information. In late July, it was reported that the arrested investigating corruption in the Federal penitentiary service officers of the FSB. They were accused of fraud: the security forces made an illegal deal with the owner of the

In Bulgaria, the result of an accident with a bus killed at least 15 people

In Bulgaria, the result of an accident with a bus killed at least 15 people SOFIA, August 25. /TASS/. Tourist bus overturned in Bulgaria iskyrskogo defile near the town of Svoge, about 17:30 (time coincides with Moscow). Upstairs According to the bgnes Agency, citing emergency physicians, the accident killed at least 15 people, 27 people were injured. Only the bus was carrying 50 passengers. On a place of incident sent more than 20 teams from Sofia and the nearby towns. The President of Bulgaria rumen Radev canceled solemn event dedicated to the 141-th anniversary of the heroic battles of SHIPKA in the Russo-Turkish liberation war of 1877-1878. According to preliminary information, the cause of the accident was poor visibility.

Two tons of cocaine with the logo “United Russia” has intercepted in Belgium

Two tons of cocaine with the logo “United Russia” has intercepted in Belgium In the port of the Belgian city of Ghent, police intercepted approximately two tons of cocaine, informs television channel VRT. On shots of operative shooting on blocks with drugs can see the logo of the party “United Russia”, however, journalists that did not pay attention. Upstairs It is noted that this is the largest consignment of drugs ever seized in the port of Ghent. She was discovered by police on August 21. The cocaine was hidden in three containers on the ship which has come from Brazil. The drugs were packaged in 1900 briquettes. The total cost of delivery is estimated at 100 million euros when selling to the final consumer or 56 million euros at market price, say at Federal judicial police of East Flanders. Upon detection of record quantities of cocaine, the Prosecutor’s office of

The disappearance of seized billion of the Colonel Zakharchenko brought the case

The disappearance of seized billion of the Colonel Zakharchenko brought the case A criminal case into the theft of nearly three million euros (230 million) from the money seized from Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to sources. Upstairs By results of check were prosecuted for theft in especially large size. According to others, a criminal case was filed “against unidentified persons”. The official review of the investigation at the moment. May 30, it became known that of the 8.5 billion rubles, seized the Colonel Zakharchenko and his family, lost more than 230 million rubles. As it turned out, the money was delivered to one of the divisions of the savings Bank employees “Rosinkas”, and the shortfall was identified during the recalculation. It is the employees of the savings Bank and reported it missing. In December 2017, the court decided to draw seized the Colonel and his

It was in “Pushkino”

It was in “Pushkino” The owner of the Bank Alexey Alyakin was skimming through a classmate. Upstairs Pushkin city court of Moscow region has sentenced the accomplices of the former owner of the Bank “Pushkino” Alexey Alyakin. For the theft of 600 million rubles of this credit institution, former Deputy head of administration of Tver Denis Gontarev received four years in prison, and businessman Anatoly Semenov was sentenced to three years imprisonment. The guilt none of them recognized. A criminal case on embezzlement of funds (part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code) of the Bank “Pushkino” was initiated GSU SKR across the Moscow region in June 2016 on the application of ASV. Understanding financial documents of the Bank (disbarred September 30, 2013), the Agency discovered that the money from this credit institution were abducted under the guise of granting loans to various legal entities — in total there

The officer repented on half a billion

The officer repented on half a billion His daughter was allowed to go home, and he remained in jail. Upstairs The former head of the office of Rostekhnadzor in the North-West Federal district Grigory Slabikov, accused of especially large plunders, has given the result of 500 million rubles. the Official, pleaded guilty, hoped for the active repentance of his release from prison. However, returned home, his daughter Elena, passing one with the father. As reported by “Kommersant” in United a press-service of the courts of St. Petersburg, on Friday, the Dzerzhinsky district court ruled that the extension until December 11 of a measure of restraint in form of detention against Gregory Slabikova accused in a large fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code). Mister Slabikov asked to be transferred from prison under house arrest, citing the fact that he and his daughter, passing as the accused in

Consulate of Russia in Kiev threw smoke bombs

Consulate of Russia in Kiev threw smoke bombs In the Pechersk district of Kiev unknown man threw smoke bombs Consulate of Russia. In accident nobody suffered, reports “Strenia”. Upstairs According to the publication, the attack said the soldier of the national guard, which took up protection of the consular Department. According to him, one of the smoke grenades flew into the territory of the diplomatic mission of Russia in Ukraine, and the other fell at the fence. Checkers was quickly extinguished, a fire, or significant damage is not fixed. Solves a question on excitation of criminal case under article about hooliganism with the use of pre-prepared items. Earlier on April 13, it was reported that in the center of Kiev from the anti-tank grenade fired at the building company “Kyivmiskbud”, which is about a kilometer from the Parliament and government of the country. In March, unknown shot from a grenade

Rosaviation: the engine of the plane the Red Wings caught fire due to the destruction of the compressor blades

Rosaviation: the engine of the plane the Red Wings caught fire due to the destruction of the compressor blades The head of Department Alexander Neradko added that the crew members of the flight Ufa — Sochi reacted to the situation smoothly. Upstairs TASS, August 24. Cause of ignition engine airplane Red Wings, EN route from Ufa to Sochi in Wednesday, was the destruction of the blades of the high pressure compressor. Members of the flight crew reacted to the situation smoothly, for which Agency submitted them to the state awards, announced on Friday on air of TV channel “Russia 24” the head of Federal air transport Agency Alexander Neradko. “Was the destruction of the compressor blades of the high pressure part of the compressor blades hit the clearance between the rotor and stator. This resulted in a titanium fire. Titanium fire is a very serious event, rarely seen, but nonetheless,