Astronaut Procopius showed how to patch a hole on the ISS

Astronaut Procopius showed how to patch a hole on the ISS Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev recorded a video message in which he commented on the recent incident with the discovery of the hole in a manned spacecraft “Soyuz-МС09”. Upstairs On 29 August it became known that the ISS suddenly began to slowly lose air, then the crew with the help of the ultrasonic device was discovered drilled into the hull hole next to the sewage disposal device. The astronauts taped his first special kapetanovo tape, then sealant, currently the hole is completely patched. Now the main question — who drilled a hole, to answer this question at RSC Energia, a special Commission. During the download an error has occurred. “As you can see, we are peaceful here without space suits, one finger on plug, — said cosmonaut, inside the orbital module of the Soyuz spacecraft. — In the evening of

As chef Jamie Oliver caught the robber

As chef Jamie Oliver caught the robber The famous English chef Jamie Oliver’s own hand detained the malefactor who tried to enter his home in the prestigious London district of Highgate. Upstairs Oliver with his wife and five children was at home in his mansion valued at 8 million pounds, when he heard a strange noise. Out on the street, he saw a stranger trying to get into his house. “Jamie was just beside himself, he rushed in pursuit of this man,” says one of the neighbors. NewsPolice from Australia showed a very bad sketch of robber 43-year-old Oliver caught up to the hapless thief and knocked him to the ground. The scene by the noise the neighbors have to call the police, but Jamie held him until, until they drove the outfit. The man who, according to the British press, previously tried to get into other homes on this

From ISIS and the security service of the Donetsk commander saved FSB

From ISIS and the security service of the Donetsk commander saved FSB In Smolensk prevented the explosion, prepared by the native of Dagestan. Upstairs The staff of the office of the Federal security service (UFSB) across the Smolensk region have detained an alleged member of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. According to the FSB, it is the job of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) were preparing an attempt on one of the commanders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND). SBU communication with the suspect deny. The battalion commander Sergei Fomchenkov, who allegedly wanted to blow up in Smolensk, was at this time in DNI. Under version UFSB, 30-the summer native of Dagestan Magomedov medzhid had to organize an explosion in Smolensk, to eliminate a high-ranking soldier of the DNI. During the search the FSB officers seized from the detainee a pistol with a silencer and a homemade

Voids under the starting table in the “East” was formed because of poor concrete

Voids under the starting table in the “East” was formed because of poor concrete Moscow. September 10. INTERFAX.RU —On launch complex of the cosmodrome “East” found poorly filled concrete. This was reported “Interfax” the press service of the Center for operation of ground space infrastructure (TsENKI). Upstairs “The specialists of the FSUE “TsENKI” revealed the presence of poor quality concrete under the skin of the launch pad at the cosmodrome “East”, however, this civil marriage is not of critical nature and will be addressed on its own state Corporation “Roscosmos” to 5 October of the current year”, — said the press service. According to the audit results, noted in a press-service, substandard concrete casting was made by the previous contractor — Spetsstroy of the Russian Federation. NewsOn the ISS has been leaked: where “Roscosmos” is looking for the guilty “In addition to this observation, FSUE “TsENKI” there is still a

FSB detained member of ISIS who planned the murder of one of leaders of DNR at the direction of the SBU

FSB detained member of ISIS who planned the murder of one of leaders of DNR at the direction of the SBU FSB Sunday, September 9, detained in Smolensk region member of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia), who collaborated with the Ukrainian special services, “Interfax” with reference to press release of the FSB. Upstairs According to the Russian security services, gunman on the instructions of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the “Right sector” (banned in Russia) prepared the murder of one of the leaders of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND). According to authorities, the detainee — Magomedov medzhid Habibullaevich born in 1988, a native of Dagestan. He seized the explosive power of 1.5 kg of TNT and a pistol with a silencer and ammunition. During the interrogation, the alleged offender said that the Ukrainian intelligence agencies are assisting the militants to organize terrorist acts

Under the launch complex of the Vostochny space centre found emptiness

Under the launch complex of the Vostochny space centre found emptiness MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. In the ground under the starting complex of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2” at the Baikonur East found emptiness, “Roskosmos” has concluded an agreement to eliminate them for 4.6 million rubles, the relevant documents posted on the procurement website. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Execution of works on elimination of voids under the concrete base specpure mobile tower maintenance facilities one of the launch complex of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2” at the cosmodrome “East”, — stated in the tender documentation. The customer of works was organized by the Center for exploitation of ground space infrastructure division “Roscosmos”, dedicated to the service of the cosmodrome. The contract was signed on 5 September, work will fulfill the company “Adonis” from Blagoveshchensk. The Vostochny cosmodrome is being built near the town of Tsiolkovsky (formerly the village of Uglegorsk) in the Amur region

Posted a video of the accident with the motorcade of Dodon

Posted a video of the accident with the motorcade of Dodon The state security service of Moldova has posted a video of the accident with the motorcade of the President of the Republic Igor Dodon. Upstairs MOSCOW, 9 sen — news. The record shows, as the truck passed into the oncoming lane, then the vehicle crashed into a car head of state, pushing it to the side of the road. Earlier it became known that the motorcade of Dodona was in an accident on the road Straseni — Calarasi. According to the Service of the state, as a result of incident three persons have got traumas of easy and average weight. He said he feels good, the medical care he needed, said Advisor to the President Maxim Lebedinsky. As noted in the administration of the Moldavian leader, none of his family received injuries in the accident. “In mass media appeared

None of the family of Dodona in the accident were not injured

None of the family of Dodona in the accident were not injured None of the family of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon was not injured in the accident involving the convoy of the head of the Republic, told RIA Novosti in the presidential administration. The motorcade of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon Sunday had an accident, the President feels well, the medical care he needed, reported earlier, adviser to the President Maxim Lebedinsky. Upstairs The motorcade of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon Sunday had an accident, the President feels well, the medical care he needed, reported earlier, adviser to the President Maxim Lebedinsky. “In mass media appeared information that the mother of Igor Dodon was seriously injured in an accident, it is not true. None of the President’s family has not suffered”, — have informed in a press-service of Dodona. According to the state security Service, as

The media reported serious injuries to the mother of the President of Moldova in the accident

The media reported serious injuries to the mother of the President of Moldova in the accident Moscow. September 9. INTERFAX.RU the Mother of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon was seriously injured in a car accident involving the presidential motorcade, reports close to the head of the state information portal “Bloknot-Moldova”. Upstairs “As a result of a road traffic accident seriously injured the mother of Igor Dodona”, — writes the edition. “The accident occurred on the highway Ungheni — Chisinau, near the town of Straseni. Made overtaking of the car a truck drove into the oncoming lane. There he crashed into the car of the President of Moldova and the jeep of his protection, — is spoken in the message. — As a result of collision the car of the head of state and his security jeep overturned”. As reported, on Sunday, Igor Dodon was involved in a road accident

Igor Dodon was hospitalized after the accident

Igor Dodon was hospitalized after the accident The motorcade of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon Sunday had an accident on the road Straseni-Calarasi, the head of state were hospitalized, according to Moldovan TV channel Publika. md. Upstairs CHISINAU, 9 September — RIA Novosti. “The President’s motorcade got in an accident on the road Straseni-Calarasi. According to preliminary data, the President was taken to hospital”, — stated in the message. According to the channel, the President’s motorcade got in an accident with a truck, resulting in one of the cars overturned. Police confirmed the accident but declined to provide details. In a press-service of the head of Moldova the information about the incident, RIA Novosti has not yet confirmed.