In the state of Virginia imposed a state of emergency because of the approaching hurricane “Florence”

In the state of Virginia imposed a state of emergency because of the approaching hurricane “Florence” Moscow. September 11. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Tuesday announced the introduction of a state of emergency in Virginia in connection with the approaching hurricane “Florence,” said the American newspaper the Hill. Upstairs The announcement of state of emergency in Virginia was done in less than 24 hours after the imposition of emergency rule in the States of North and South Carolina. The three States that declared a state of emergency, decided to evacuate residents of some areas in connection with the approaching storm. Earlier Tuesday, trump said that the administration is “totally prepared” for a hurricane. On the eve of the meteorological service of the USA has warned about the strengthening hurricane “Florence” approaching the East coast of the United States, before the storm of the fourth category.

In the United States honored the memory of victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

In the United States honored the memory of victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 Moscow. September 11. INTERFAX.RU — IN the United States held events on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, which killed about 3 thousand people, reported on Tuesday the American media. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий At 8:46 local time (15:46 Moscow) with a minute of silence at the national memorial and Museum of September 11 in new York began the ceremony in memory of victims of terrorist attacks. It was attended by relatives of the victims, the survivors of the terrorist attack, as well as members of the rescue operation. During the ceremony, read the names of the victims, a minute of silence was declared six times: to mark the time when the captured planes crashed into the world trade center towers in new York when the towers collapsed, when he was

Yuri Ushakov commented on the appearance of “Apollo” in Skrobala

Yuri Ushakov commented on the appearance of “Apollo” in Skrobala MOSCOW, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti. Presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said he did not know about a Russian diplomat who allegedly helped the UK to identify suspects in the incident with Sergey and Yulia Skripal. Upstairs Previously the British newspaper Daily Express, citing anonymous sources in the intelligence said that to identify and recognize, who arrived in London for allegedly poisoning Skrypalia “Alexander Petrov” and “Ruslan Bashirov” helped recruited by the Russian diplomat. “I didn’t hear anything,” — said Ushakov. “Fantasies and fairy tales” State Duma Deputy Andrei Lugovoi, in turn, said that the version of a certain Russian diplomat is another tale, which appear due to the lack of specific facts. He noted that fantasy and fairy tales around the case Sripala has already reached critical values. NewsTravel Petrov and Bashirova “To blame the British side, which instead present

RBC: three arrested over assassination testified the Senator from KCR

RBC: three arrested over assassination testified the Senator from KCR Rasul Adzhiev, arrested for the murder in 2010 of an activist of the Circassian youth Aslan Zhukov movement, called the customer of the crime of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Republic (KCHR) Rauf Arashukov, according to RBC with reference to the Protocol of interrogation of the accused. The authenticity of the document publication confirmed a source familiar with the investigation. Upstairs According to RBC, earlier testimony on Senator gave two more people who investigators believe was involved in the murder of the adviser of the President of KCHR Frala Shebzukhova in 2010. As claimed by the accused during interrogation, Rauf Arashukov was allocated by 500 thousand rbl. to “to intimidate and beat” Frala Shebzukhova, and 1 million roubles to the murder of Aslan Zhukov. Since September, family members of the slain pickets at the building of investigative management of SKR on

Crimean students defeated the spades night club and drank soda in it

Crimean students defeated the spades night club and drank soda in it In Crimea, two schoolboys defeated the spades night club and opened the empty safe. This was reported by the Crimean news Agency the owner of the club “Gallery” Vladimir Heberlein. Upstairs The incident occurred in the village of Petrovka, Krasnogvardeyskiy district. “Two young children from third and sixth classes entered the premises of the institution and smashed with shovels all can see. They destroyed all the equipment. After that, the children all filled with foam from fire extinguishers, sat on the sofa and drank “Pepsi-Cola”Mr Keberlanjutan institutions Students also broke into the safe at the club, but the money was not found, because entertainment does not work for three months. According to the owner of the club, the children were caught red-handed, but they denied it. “Their involvement in the defeat confirmed by the surveillance cameras. Now the

Troops detained the head of the Ministry of health of the Kamchatka Peninsula on suspicion of embezzling 22 million rubles

Troops detained the head of the Ministry of health of the Kamchatka Peninsula on suspicion of embezzling 22 million rubles The head of the Ministry of health of the Kamchatka region Tatiana Lemeshko detained, according to the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). It is suspected of embezzling at least 22 million rubles, a Criminal case was initiated under part 4 of article 160 of the RF criminal code (embezzlement, i.e. theft of funds in especially large size), said in a statement. Upstairs Similar proceedings have been initiated against two more defendants — a lawyer and a founder of a commercial organization, their names and company name of the TFR did not specify. They reportedly also detained, the consequence will petition the court to conclude them into custody. According to the TFR, in 2017 the suspects, in collusion, had a deal to buy at an inflated price of non-residential premises for

NASA showed the hurricane “Florence” from space

NASA showed the hurricane “Florence” from space It may be the most powerful hurricane in decades. Upstairs Hurricane “Florence”, the strength of which is estimated at four out of five, coming on the East coast of the United States. NASA has published a video from space, which shows an increase in “Nightingale” over the Atlantic ocean. During the download an error has occurred. At risk of the hurricane was North and South Carolina, is the total evacuation. According to forecasts, “Nightingale” gets to the mainland on Thursday, September 13. It will hit the coast with wind speeds above 230 km/h. “It seems to be a direct attack on Virginia, North and South Carolina,” said the US President Donald trump. He advised citizens to follow the recommendations of authorities. During the download an error has occurred. Hurricane decades in the United States remains “Irma”. It was played at the end of

Detained in the US for major fraud the Russians partially admitted guilt

Detained in the US for major fraud the Russians partially admitted guilt NEW YORK, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti, Irina Andreeva. The citizens of Russia detained in late July in the U.S. on suspicion of large fraud of $ 4.5 million, partially admitted his guilt, told RIA Novosti in the Consulate General of Russia in new York Upstairs “A few days ago, all the suspects were transferred to a prison in new York and appeared before the court at the first hearing, they announced a partial confession of his guilt,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the suspects they have already retrained in the accused. “They were formally charged and was denied release on bail pending trial”, — said the representative of the Russian Consulate. He added that the free lawyers for the accused provided by the American justice. The Consulate General also added that the next hearing

British media reported on the “Cleaners” in Skrobala

British media reported on the “Cleaners” in Skrobala MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. In the case of poisoning ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury included the four suspects from Russia, writes tabloid the Mirror, citing sources in the British secret service. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий They were part of the “group of murderers”, known in Russia under the code name “Cleaners”, says the publication. Just “team” had six participants, among them — Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, which in Britain had previously accused of attempted Skrobala. “They needed a safety net to keep Skrobala under surveillance. Petrov and Bashirov had to know that those will not return until they are spraying “Beginner,” said one of the sources of the tabloid. Fourth of March in Salisbury was poisoned, former GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia. In London blamed Russia, Moscow categorically denies it. The Russian side proposed to