From Syrian air defenses, Israeli F-16 hid behind a Russian Il-20

From Syrian air defenses, Israeli F-16 hid behind a Russian Il-20 The defense Ministry explained the reasons for the crash with 15 military on Board. Upstairs The defense Ministry explained yesterday the disappearance of the plane Il-20 over the Mediterranean sea. According to the Ministry, he was shot down by Syrian air defense, but the fault of the Israeli pilots, put him at risk. Israel has refused to comment on the incident, but Moscow is not going to turn a blind eye to “irresponsible actions” and promised “an adequate response”. The representative of the defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov was at the briefing said the reasons for the death of a Russian Il-20 aircraft over the Mediterranean sea. Recall that the disappearance of the aircraft, it became known last night. “Under the guise of a Russian plane that Israeli airmen had framed him for the fire of air defense of Syria.

The storm knocked down a bouncy castle with the children

The storm knocked down a bouncy castle with the children In China Typhoon “Mangkhut” brought down an inflatable children’s trampoline in the shape of a castle. Video appeared on the video portal Youku. Upstairs As informs edition Daily Mail, the incident occurred in Hunan province. According to the police, when the castle fell, there were two children. They escaped with bruises, while the woman fell out of an inflatable design, was hospitalized with serious leg injuries. The police confirmed that the castle fell because of super Typhoon “Mangkhut” that struck China last weekend of September 15-16. The wind speed reached 142 kilometers per hour. During the download an error has occurred. Across the country have been evacuated about three million people, mainly in the midst of the cyclone of Guangdong province. According to the newspaper China Daily, where four people were killed. To do this, “Mangkhut” hit the Hong Kong

Attending activist Pussy Riot German doctors believe that it could poison

Attending activist Pussy Riot German doctors believe that it could poison Doctors said that the life of Peter Verzilova in no danger. Upstairs BERLIN, September 18. /TASS/. German doctors treating the activist art group “War” and Pussy Riot Peter Verzilova in the Berlin clinic you “rummage”, I’m guessing, with high probability, could be poisoned. This was stated on Tuesday at a press conference in Berlin representative of the medical institution. “With a high probability there was poisoning,” said he. According to the clinic, Verzilov was exposed to a substance that affects the nervous system. As noted by the representative of the “Charite”, the patient’s life is not in danger. However, he did not specify what exactly was the cause of health problems.

Fragments of the bodies of the crew of Il-20 were taken aboard Russian ships in Syria

Fragments of the bodies of the crew of Il-20 were taken aboard Russian ships in Syria MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. Fragments of the bodies of the crew of the downed Il-20 and personal belongings, as well as the wreckage is lifted on Board the Russian ships in Syria, said the Russian defense Ministry. Upstairs “On Board the Russian ships lifted fragments of the bodies of the crew and personal belongings, as well as the wreckage of the plane”, — stated in the message. The defense Ministry announced that on September 17 at around 23.00 GMT connection lost returning to the base Hamim Russian plane Il-20, which was 35 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast. As stated in the Department, around the same time, four Israeli F-16 fighter attacked the Syrian objects in Latakia. According to the defense Ministry under the guise of a Russian plane that Israeli airmen had

The Daily Mail reported critical condition of poison in Salisbury

The Daily Mail reported critical condition of poison in Salisbury A man who became ill on September 16 at Prezzo restaurant in Salisbury, is in critical condition, the newspaper Daily Mail. Upstairs The article says that in cases of poisoning in the restaurant, in addition to the 40-year-old man hit a woman around the age of 30 years. Earlier media reported that symptoms in poisoned in the restaurant was similar to the symptoms in cases of poisoning with nerve substance “Beginner”, writes “the”. Later the British police denied that the victims were poisoned as a Novice. The Prezzo restaurant in Salisbury is 300 m from the restaurant Zizzi, where in March had dinner British agent and a former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia on the day of his poisoning, 4 Mar. London said they have been exposed to nerve agents allegedly made in Russia. In Moscow

Russian plane with 15 military shot down a Syrian air defense

Russian plane with 15 military shot down a Syrian air defense Russian military aircraft Il-20 was shot down over the Mediterranean sea air defense forces (PVO) Syria, according to the defense Ministry. Upstairs On Board were 15 people, all of them died. According to the Ministry, the Il-20 was shot down because of the actions of Israel, which is yesterday, September 17, fired at the territory of Syria. On the planned missile attack Israel has warned the Russian side for a minute before impact, causing the Il-20 did not have time to withdraw to a safe area. ⚡This is a screenshot from the briefing MO — visible trajectory of the Israeli F-16 (blue) and our Il-20 (red) — RT in Russian (@RT_russian) September 18, 2018. According to the Ministry of defense, Israeli F-16 fighters “hid behind a Russian aircraft”, substituting it under the fire of air defense of Syria.

The defense Ministry reported the disappearance in Syria of the Il-20

The defense Ministry reported the disappearance in Syria of the Il-20 The command of the Russian base in the Syrian province of Hamim in the evening on September 17 lost contact with the crew of the aircraft Il-20 of the aerospace defence forces of Russia, about that on the night of September 18, reported the Ministry of defense. Upstairs “The seventeenth of September, about 23.00 GMT, when returned to the base Hamim above the waters of the Mediterranean sea, 35 kilometers off the coast of Syria has lost communication with the crew of Russian Il-20 aircraft,” — said the Russian defense Ministry. The incident occurred during the attack of four F-16 aircraft of the Israeli air force on the Syrian province of Latakia. Also, the Russian military have been recorded missile launch from a frigate of the French Navy “Auvergne”, which has been deployed in the area, the Ministry added.

Money the Railways have paid for bogus insurance

Money the Railways have paid for bogus insurance Arrested accused in the embezzlement of 1.2 billion rubles. Upstairs Yesterday the Tver regional court of Moscow has arrested the General Director of OOO “Transport company “Asia TRANS”” Evgenia Matveeva, accused the investigation Department of the MIA in the theft of 1.26 billion rubles from OAO RZD. Protection of mister Matveeva argues that victims it has not been claims. Evgeniy Matveev sent to jail at the second attempt. The first time a petition was filed in the Tver court in early August, after the investigation Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs has charged Evgeniy Matveev charges under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially large size). But then the court ruled against the defendant Matveeva house arrest. The same measure of restraint was elected to another defendant in the case — former CEO of “Spotlight —

With the loss of the Il-20 is recorded missile launch from a French frigate

With the loss of the Il-20 is recorded missile launch from a French frigate MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. During the disappearance of Il-20 In the course of communication loss with the Il-20 HQs taken off from the air base Hamim, Russian radar controls air space has recorded the missile tests were in the area of French frigate “Auvergne” (Auvergne). About it reports the Ministry of defense. Upstairs Earlier the defense Ministry reported that the Il-20 HQs disappeared from radar screens during the attack, four Israeli F-16 aircraft on the Syrian objects in the province of Latakia. On Board the plane were 14 soldiers, their fate unknown. Organized search and rescue operation.

The base Hamim lost plane Il-20 HQs in the attack by Israeli aircraft

The base Hamim lost plane Il-20 HQs in the attack by Israeli aircraft MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. Hamim air base in Syria on the evening of September 17 lost communication with the crew of Russian Il-20 aircraft, according to the Ministry of defense. Upstairs “The seventeenth of September, about 23.00 GMT, when returned to the base Hamim above the waters of the Mediterranean sea, 35 kilometers off the coast of Syria has lost communication with the crew of Russian Il-20 aircraft”, — stated in the message. Adds that Il-20 was gone from the radar control of aircraft during the attack, four Israeli F-16 aircraft on the Syrian objects in the province of Latakia. In addition, at the same time, the Russian radar control of the airspace were recorded to launch missiles were in the area of French frigate “the Auvergne” (“Auvergne”). According to the Russian military establishment, on