Khodorkovsky: poisoning Peter Verzilova due to the death of journalists in the Central African Republic

Khodorkovsky: poisoning Peter Verzilova due to the death of journalists in the Central African Republic The publisher “media zones” and the participant art-groups “War” Peter Verzilova have been poisoned because he was investigating the death of journalists in the Central African Republic. This opinion on 20 September expressed “MBKH-media” businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Upstairs Khodorkovsky said that he and his colleagues are investigating the circumstances of the death of Alexander Rastorguev, Orhan Cemal and Kirill Radchenko in the CARS in London. He said he initially understood that the investigation “will be dangerous”, so didn’t want to attract people from Moscow, in particular Verzilova. The businessman noted that, despite the precautions against one of the employees “control Center investigations” in Moscow “was preparing a provocation with the prosecution in gathering information for preparation of a terrorist act against Putin.” Khodorkovsky added that they received a timely warning and offered the man to

The number of terrorist attacks in the world decreased by a quarter

The number of terrorist attacks in the world decreased by a quarter The US state Department published a report on terrorism. Upstairs According to the annual U.S. state Department report on global terrorism, in 2017, the number of terrorist acts decreased by 27% and the number of deaths in terrorist attacks by 23%. The main contribution of the foreign Ministry sees in the actions of the US and its international partners. The report notes that threats from terrorist organizations are becoming more serious, the responsibility for most attacks remains banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG), and the main sponsor of terrorism in the world, according to the state Department, Iran remains. As noted in the new U.S. state Department report, in 2017 the world was made 8584 of terrorist attacks, which killed more than 18.7 thousand people and more than 19.4 thousand were injured. Even 8937 people were kidnapped

Poisonous jellyfish have appeared at beaches in Italy

Poisonous jellyfish have appeared at beaches in Italy MOSCOW, September 20 — RIA Novosti. Poisonous jellyfish — jellyfish with the body in the form of a bell — appeared on the beaches in the Italian region of Apulia, according to Ambienteambienti. Upstairs “From the beginning of June in the Adriatic sea observed toxic cuboid jellyfish. They were seen in the waters off the Gargano promontory in the lagoon of Varano, near Bari”, — writes the edition. NewsWhere there are unique Jellyfish Lake (photo) This species of jellyfish inhabits the waters of the Atlantic ocean. The reason for their appearance in the Adriatic sea off the coast of Italy has become, according to scientists, the excessive multiplication in the ocean due to commercial fishing, which feeds on the larvae of jellyfish. “Jellyfish close to the coast due to the artificial lighting of beaches. Therefore, tourists should avoid swimming at night. Burns

A car with four fishermen went under water in the Khabarovsk region

A car with four fishermen went under water in the Khabarovsk region KHABAROVSK, September 20. /TASS/. A car with four fishermen in the night of Thursday went under water near the village of Upper Econ near Komsomolsk (Khabarovsk Krai). According to preliminary data, the survivors in the incident no. About TASS reported the press service of the main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Khabarovsk region. Upstairs “The message on incident arrived in the night. Directly on the scene left the rescuers, but because of the darkness it was impossible to see the place where the car went under water. In the morning, the police together with the relatives completed the operation to lift the vehicle out of the water, now the police are working on clarifying the circumstances of the incident. According to preliminary information, in the car were four men, information that someone has survived not received,”

Mountains and prejudices

Mountains and prejudices The dispute over the battle of the eighteenth century led to clashes in Kabardino-Balkaria. Upstairs In Kabardino-Balkaria are continuing ethnic unrest and clashes with police in the village of kendelen. The reason for the conflict was the holding of the Kabardian organizations equestrian March in honor of the 310th anniversary of the battle of cengelkoy: they believe that while the Circassians defeated the troops of the Crimean Tatars. The outcome of this battle is still sensitive to the Turkic activists, so the residents of the Balkar villages kendelen forbade the cavalry to pass through their territory. To help the Balkars in the village arrived the participants of the Circassian youth organizations; the outbreak of the conflict tried to stop the forces of Ashwaria, which in the end had to use batons and even fired in the air. Now the village is blocked by law enforcement agencies, the

SK has begun check of circumstances of the conflict in Kabardino-Balkaria village of kendelen

SK has begun check of circumstances of the conflict in Kabardino-Balkaria village of kendelen Russia’s investigative Committee began preliminary examination in connection with the conflict in the village of kendelen of Elbrus area Kabardino-Balkar Republic. On the eve of local residents did not let the participants of the horse campaign. Upstairs According to the investigation Department of the RF IC in the CBD on 18 September, members of the horse campaign in honor of the 310th anniversary of the battle of cengelkoy was stopped on the way to the village of kendelen. To prevent the collision of parties, the place of profit employees of the Republican Department of the MIA and Regardie. While an unidentified person, refusing to comply with the lawful requirements of the police used physical violence against representatives of the authorities and tried to provoke a clash of parties. In particular, they were placed in social networks

In the village of kendelen in the CBD riots

In the village of kendelen in the CBD riots NALCHIK, September 19 — RIA Novosti. Investigative bodies Kabardino-Balkaria nuzzled preliminary examination on the fact of unrest in the village of kendelen in the Elbrus district of the Republic, reports SUCK in the region. Upstairs “Eighteenth of September, 2018 participants equestrian March in honor of the 310th anniversary of the battle of cengelkoy was stopped on the way to the village of kendelen. To the place of events in order to prevent the collision of the party arrived employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs on KBR and the Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the message. View this post in Instagram Publication of Alania (Karachay & Balkariya) (@alan_nations) Sep 19, 2018 at 4:13 PDT During the download an error has occurred. As noted in the Department, unidentified persons, refusing to fulfill legal demands

The total observation in the colonies and jail and video storage requires 16 billion rubles

The total observation in the colonies and jail and video storage requires 16 billion rubles MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. Total vehicle DVRs corrections officers and cameras — premises, as well as video storage for a period of not less than one year will require the allocation of more than 16 billion rubles from the budget. Upstairs This was announced by first Deputy Director of the Federal penitentiary service Anatoly Rudy at the meeting of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation on human rights and development of civil society (HRC). “The total demand of territorial bodies of the FSIN of Russia in portable DVRs is more than 28 thousand sets, the purchase of which will require half a billion rubles. In surveillance cameras, CCTV systems — 34 thousand This will require about 1 billion rubles. To implement the increase in storage time videos of up to one year will require

The scandal with the needles in strawberries in Australia: police have arrested a teenager

The scandal with the needles in strawberries in Australia: police have arrested a teenager Australian police arrested a teenager who admitted that he planted the needles in the strawberries. Fruit with metal needles, sold in local stores, previously caused panic across the country. Upstairs As reported by the assistant Commissioner of police of the state of New South Wales Stewart Smith, arrested the boy, most likely, put the needle into the strawberries for fun. “We found a young man who admitted a number of pranks, including putting a needle in the strawberries; they will be engaged in service work with youth,” said Smith. NewsThallium has become a tool of revenge The first event of the discovery of needles in strawberries was recorded in Queensland. Then the fruit with needles began to fall and residents of other States. Buyers also reported a sharp metal objects in bananas and apples. The exact

The published list of those killed in the crash of Il-20 in Syria

The published list of those killed in the crash of Il-20 in Syria The REN TV channel, citing its sources have published a list of those killed in the crash of a Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20 in Syria. Наверх7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий List is 15 names: Sergei Avrutin, Konstantin Nazarov, Alexander Vechernin, Timofey Baranov, Pavel Tkachenko, Oleksandr Burlaka, Grigory Zinoviev, Denis Gordov, Roman Dolmatov, Victor Kvasenkov, Alexei IP Sedunov, Vladimir Yakovlev, Alexey Arzumanov, Andrey sergeenkov. The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu said that the Israeli air force was covered by a Russian Il-20 and said that the attack warning F-16 arrived exactly one minute before the strike. In the Kremlin, stressed that the incident with the Il-20 — a result of a breach of the Russian-Israeli agreement on preventing dangerous incidents. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised to send to Moscow the