Reuters: US sanctions in case of Russian attack on Ukraine will affect the supply of smartphones

According to the & nbsp; source, the & nbsp; number of goods whose import into & nbsp; Russia may be limited & nbsp; & mdash; smartphones, automotive and & nbsp; aviation components, and & nbsp; also materials from & nbsp; a number of other sectors. The scenario is being considered & nbsp; in the event that Russia attacks & nbsp; Ukraine. The restrictions, & nbsp; according to the agency's source, could seriously affect & nbsp; consumers, industry and & nbsp; & nbsp; employment in & nbsp; Russia. Their & nbsp; is planned to be discussed at the & nbsp; meeting of high-ranking officials in the & nbsp; White House. The sanctions will be implemented through legal instruments laid down by Mr Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, before the & nbsp; ban on & nbsp; the supply of advanced semiconductor technologies to the Chinese company Huawei, a source added to Reuters …

Blinken: the United States is engaged in both diplomacy and containment in relation to Russia

WASHINGTON, December 21 & nbsp;/TASS /. The United States is engaged in & nbsp; in relation to Russia, both diplomacy and & nbsp; containment, ready to respond toughly to those steps of Moscow, which, according to Washington's version, are aggressive. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said this on & nbsp; Tuesday, answering & nbsp; questions from journalists in the & nbsp; State Department. Russia on & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; US actions in & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; this. “ We are & nbsp; engaged [in relation to & nbsp; RF] diplomacy and & nbsp; deterrence at the same time. They run in parallel. President [US Joe] Biden, during his first meeting with President [Russian Federation Vladimir] Putin in Geneva a few months ago, told President Putin that & nbsp; we & nbsp; strongly prioritize a more predictable and & nbsp; stable relationship between Russia and the

British Supreme Court denies Nicolas Maduro access to Venezuelan gold

This is & nbsp; the third decision of the British courts on & nbsp; gold of Venezuela: the Supreme Court of Britain overturned the decision of the Court of Appeal in July this year overturned the decision of the High Court of England and & nbsp; Wales. As a result, at & nbsp; at the moment, from the & nbsp; point of view of the British judicial system, the only one who & nbsp; can dispose of Venezuela's gold reserves & nbsp; & mdash; this is the opposition leader Juan Guaido, whom Britain recognizes as the legitimate leader of the country. At & nbsp; while & nbsp; at the same time, de facto Britain is in contact with the Maduro government, since it is he who controls the country. In the & nbsp; first half of last year, the Maduro government tried to take gold from the Bank of England,

Ministry of Health: Omicron’s symptoms are similar to the flu

“We see that the clinical picture of omicron is dominated by such signs of acute respiratory viral infections as sore throat, subfebrile fever, myalgia. General symptoms, intoxication are sometimes very similar to the course of the flu, ” Murashko said at a meeting on the fight against coronavirus. Popova said that in Russia has already identified 41 cases of infection with omicron. All patients are in the hospital. “And already today an important result of our research: we clearly see that mice and rats are infected with the new omicron strain. We have not observed this for the previous types of strains,” the head of Rospotrebnadzor said. “Omicron” began to spread from Africa in November. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people who have been ill and vaccinated get sick with it, and the effectiveness of existing vaccines against the new strain has not yet been confirmed. Rospotrebnadzor called this

Remains of five Ice Age mammoths found in England

“ . . . twice or three times the weight of an African elephant” Richard Dawkins — Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) December 19, 2021 An unusual find was made by archaeologists in the county of Gloucestershire in the south-east of England. During the excavation of a gravel pit in Cotswolds experts have discovered the remains of five mammoths more than 220 thousand years old. It is reported that the bones belonged to two adults, two young and one cub. All of them were nearby and preserved in almost perfect condition. Next to the bones, archaeologists found various tools that were probably used by Neanderthals to hunt mammoths.  Scientists call this excavation site a real gold mine. In addition to mammoths, archaeologists discovered the remains of ancient giant moose in the quarry, which were twice as large as modern ones and had horns up to three meters. There, researchers also unearthed very tiny

Putin signed law expanding police powers

The law, in & nbsp; in particular, gives police officers the right to enter & nbsp; residential and & nbsp; other premises, & nbsp; land and for & nbsp; detention, and & nbsp; also cordon off buildings and & nbsp; territories. The police are allowed to introduce themselves to the detainee & nbsp; after he stops & nbsp; illegal actions. In addition, the police get the right to open cars to & nbsp; save lives and & nbsp; ensure the safety of citizens or public safety in & nbsp; riots and & nbsp; emergencies, for & nbsp ; detention of suspects or accused, and & nbsp; also in case of & nbsp; threat of a terrorist attack. Also, police officers now have the right to demand from & nbsp; citizens in the & nbsp; case of their & nbsp; address to give their last name, first name and & nbsp;

The cosmic “pinch of salt” was shown in the photo

The scattered cluster NGC 1755 in the constellation Goldfish looks a bit like a pinch of salt scattered on a black tablecloth. This beautiful shining object in the Large Magellanic Cloud next to our galaxy was photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Although NGC 1755 has an impressive size – 120 light-years wide — it belongs to small star clusters containing young stars. But giant globular clusters can contain millions of old stars. Hubble is studying NGC 1755 to better understand how different populations of stars can coexist in the same cluster. It is convenient to observe this object, since it is relatively close. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about nature

Putin signed the law on the organization of regional power

& nbsp; & mdash; “ head of the subject of & nbsp; RF ''. In this case, the constitution or charter of the region may provide for an additional name for this position, but it is & nbsp; forbidden to use the word “ president. '' The law was adopted by the State Duma on December 14 & nbsp; and & nbsp; approved by the Federation Council on December 15 & nbsp;. It & nbsp; will enter into force & nbsp; June 1 & nbsp; with the exception of certain provisions.