The country of Pinochet is destroyed by the Indians

Chile for & nbsp; Russian & nbsp; & mdash; exotic country. Its only & nbsp; historical period, which is more or less known in our Palestinians, is the period of the pro-Soviet President Salvador Allende and the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet that killed him. In such cases, it is more convenient to explain the features of a particular statehood beyond the & nbsp; seven seas using & nbsp; analogies from & nbsp; Russian life. The Araucanian Indian people (self-name & nbsp; & mdash; Mapuche), living in & nbsp; most of the & nbsp; Chilean region of Araucania, can be compared with the & nbsp; highlanders of the North Caucasus, as if & nbsp; would they all speak & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; conditions in Chile & nbsp; & mdash; Spanish). Historical for & nbsp; Russia the concept of “ highlanders '' unites many peoples, and & nbsp; Mapuche seems to

Ice flowers appeared in Bryansk

Storm chaser Mikhail Gailish photographed a beautiful weather phenomenon in Bryansk. Here ice flowers appeared on the ice. Such oddly shaped ice crystals are formed in one of two ways. In the first method, water from excessively moist air condenses in the form of crystals on the cooled ice surface. Another method is more common on the seashore or ocean: salt water rises through the pores of the ice, reaches the cold air and forms crystals. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about nature

Main events of the week

Published a photo of Omicron The State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector” showed photos of the omicron strain of coronavirus. The Center infected the cell culture with omicron in the laboratory in order to conduct a study of its morphological characteristics. Meanwhile, a new strain of the coronavirus “omicron” has already been detected in 110 countries around the world. It spreads faster than the delta strain, but the course of the disease may be less severe. Due to the “march” of a new strain and uncertainty with possible future restrictions, the Davos Forum was postponed. It was supposed to take place from January 17 to January 21. Gazprom suspended transit to Germany via Yamal-Europe On December 21, Gazprom suspended fuel supplies along one of the main routes of Russian gas supplies to Europe, which passes through Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany. The exporter said that it acts according to

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine indicted the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

KYIV, 24 & nbsp; December./TASS /. The Prosecutor's Office in & nbsp; Ukraine reported & nbsp; the indictment of the current Minister of Transport & nbsp; RF Vitaly Savelyev, and & nbsp; also his deputy, whose name is not & nbsp; indicated, & nbsp; in & nbsp; organization of illegal transportation of persons across the & nbsp; state border of Ukraine & raquo ;. & Nbsp; This is stated in & nbsp; the message of the office of the Prosecutor General of the country, circulated on & nbsp; Friday. “ Under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General, the current Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and & nbsp; his deputy was informed about & nbsp; suspicion of & nbsp; organization of illegal transportation of persons across the & nbsp; state border of Ukraine (part 3 of article & nbsp; 332 of the Criminal Code &

Putin assessed the situation with the spread of coronavirus in Russia

“The epidemic has not receded yet. Unfortunately, the number of daily infections and losses is too high. Therefore, I ask you to continue to keep issues of health care support, the whole range of anti-epidemic measures under special control, and pay increased attention to them during the holidays,” Putin said on the Rossiya 24 TV channel. According to the operational headquarters on December 24, for the last day in In Russia, coronavirus was detected in 24,703 people. This indicator fell below 25,000 for the first time since October 1 and became the lowest since the same date. The total number of infected citizens during the pandemic reached 10,343,353. 998 patients with COVID-19 died within 24 hours. Before that, since October 18, the daily value was above 1000. In general, 302,269 Russians died from coronavirus. At the moment, 860,705 citizens are sick with COVID-19. Yesterday, the virus was detected in 25,667 people,

The actor from “Sherlock Holmes” Vladimir Tatosov has passed away

People’s Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Tatosov died at the 96th year of his life. This is reported by the radio station “Moscow Speaks” with reference to the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drapeko. The deputy noted that the actor had an oncological disease, which worsened against the background of the coronavirus. “In real life, he was an absolutely wonderful storyteller, very cheerful, very cheerful. A few days before his death, he called me that he had been admitted to the hospital. We transferred him to another hospital, where he had a profile disease, but he was infected with CoViD-19. He died as a result of the combination of these two strange diseases,” the parliamentarian said. Drapeko stressed that this is a very big loss for her, since they had a long-term friendship with the actor. The parliamentarian noted that Tatosov was a wonderful

Solovyov said that his media refused accreditation for Putin’s press conference

The annual press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin was held in Moscow on December 23. Journalist Vladimir Solovyov told the Daily Storm that his media “Solovyov LIVE” wanted to get to the event, but he was denied accreditation to meet with the head of state. Some of the “journalists” who came to the meeting seemed strange to the TV presenter: Shnurov attended a press conference “out of boredom,” and Sobchak came there with a personal cameraman because she was “an important person.” “Solovyov LIVE” submitted [an application for accreditation], but they said, “Guys, sorry, not this time.” Well, I can understand, because there were a lot of us in one form or another,” Solovyov said. Solovyov admitted that the refusal of accreditation did not offend him, because journalists from VGTRK, of which he is also a person, managed to get to the event: “Pavel Zarubin worked there, but I

Scientists will search for aliens using laser “spies”

If we assume that somewhere in space there is an intelligent civilization similar to a human one, then, most likely, it is also trying to detect life outside its planet. It is likely that it sends laser signals to the universe, but until recently scientists could not detect such messages due to the lack of the necessary tools. However, the situation has finally changed. According to the University of Hawaii, two fundamentally new devices detecting laser signals were recently installed on the top of the Haleakala volcano. They will work together with similar instruments installed at the Robert Ferguson California Observatory in Sonoma. Together, these scanners will explore the sky in the hope of detecting powerful laser pulses sent by an extraterrestrial civilization. Unlike the previous SETI project, which searches for strange radio signals, this optical network is ready to detect artificially created light signals. It is quite logical that “advanced

The most unusual records of 2021 have been named

View this post on Instagram Publication from 17-year-old Nilanshi Patel from Modas in India entered the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest hair among teenagers. Their length at the time of the record was 190 centimeters, but soon reached 2 meters. Shortly before her 18th birthday in July, Nilanshi decided to say goodbye to her record-breaking hair and donated it to charity. The tiniest baby Little Curtis from the USA was born at the age of only 21 weeks and 1 day. He spent 275 days in the hospital, where doctors fought for his life. The baby managed to survive despite all the dangers. Having gained weight and recovered, he went home with his happy parents. The longest fingernails View this post on Instagram Post by Ice Cream Conversations (@icecreamconvos_) Ayanna Williams from the USA has grown nails on her hands with a total length

Lavrov announced the risk of a large-scale conflict due to the drawing of Kiev into NATO

The text of the interview was published on the & nbsp; website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. & laquo; Course towards & nbsp; pulling Kiev into & nbsp; NATO, with & nbsp; the prospect of attack missile systems appearing at & nbsp; our borders, creates unacceptable threats to the security of Russia, provoking serious military risks for & nbsp; all parties involved, up to & nbsp; a large-scale conflict in & nbsp; Europe & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Lavrov said. On December 17 & nbsp; the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published draft agreements with & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; agreements with & nbsp; NATO on & nbsp; guarantees and & nbsp; security. The documents imply a refusal to & nbsp; the alliance's refusal to deploy intermediate and & nbsp; short-range ground-based missiles outside its territory and & nbsp; refusal to & nbsp;