Pence promised one of the biggest increases in the US defense budget since the Reagan administration

Pence promised one of the biggest increases in the US defense budget since the Reagan administration

According to the Vice-President of the United States, the White house intends to increase defense spending next year.

WASHINGTON, April 29. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The white house intends next year to increase spending on defense, this will be one of the most significant increases of the Pentagon budget since President Ronald Reagan (held office from 1981 to 1989 — approx. TASS). This was announced by Vice-President Michael Pence, speaking at the ceremony the so-called baptism of the nuclear submarine USS Indiana, which was followed by the traditional breaking of the champagne bottle on the side of the ship.

“In reality, the President (United States Donald trump) has already submitted a budget that will restore our armed forces, to revive the Arsenal of democracy. And next year we will go with the increase in defense spending, which will be one of the largest since the days of President Ronald Reagan,” said Pence at the ceremony, which took place in the shipyards in Virginia.

He also said that next week Congress will “take over the budget bill, which sets out the long-overdue funding” to strengthen the country’s defense. Therefore, these funds will be available to the Pentagon before the end of the current fiscal year which will end on 30 September 2017 calendar year.

Indiana belongs to the class submarines Virginia. Its nuclear reactor is designed for the entire service life of the vehicle. This submarine has in its Arsenal of Tomahawk cruise missiles and capable of hitting targets ashore, as well as monitoring for a long time.

