At the bottom of the sea put the Christmas tree

At the bottom of the sea put the Christmas tree

For those who want to celebrate a favorite holiday not only on land but under water, the Cyprus divers have installed a Christmas tree in the Mediterranean sea at a depth of over 40 metres!

Christmas tree divers set close to Larnaca on the deck of the Swedish ferry, Zenobia, sank on her maiden voyage with a cargo of cars in 1980. The ship sank to the bottom as a result of problems with the control system, after which a decision was made to tow it away from shore for about 1.5 km into the Bay, where it will not interfere with navigation. To this day, the Zenobia lies on her port side at a depth of forty-two metres, this place has become popular among divers, who come from different countries to explore all the compartments of the sunken ship. Now, they can still admire on the Christmas tree!

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