It looks like the Zone of silence in Mexico, where most of the meteorites fall
One of the most mystical places on the planet.
The so-called Zone of silence (Zona del silencio) is located in the Mexican desert near the States of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila in the Mapimi reserve.
During the download an error has occurred.This place got its name from the fact that here, for unknown reasons, stops any radio signals, and not electrical work, compasses and watches.
About this strange stretch of desert, very little is known. The first study was carried out here in 1964 as a chemical engineer Harry de La Pena. The area he found by accident, when during an expedition he refused the radio, but back at the base, the device was completely intact.
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There is no military base, which could act on the technique here. And because scientists usually attribute the suppression of radio and electromagnetic waves with rich deposits of iron ore and uranium. But that doesn’t explain the fact that in the Zone of silence is often on the planet falling meteorites. In addition, the local claim that here there are other mysterious phenomena (for example, the appearance of unusual lights which are associated with UFOs).
Also recently in the area found the ruins, similar to the ancient Observatory, which age exceeds a thousand years. So, what is the mysterious attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.
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During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
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