Named a way to increase Russians ‘ life expectancy to 80 years

Named a way to increase Russians ‘ life expectancy to 80 years

To increase Russians ‘ life expectancy to 80 years by using the complex of measures: prevention and formation of healthy lifestyle, medical examination and improve the quality and accessibility of medical services. This was told “Izvestia” Minister of healthcare Veronika Skvortsova, an interview which the newspaper published Monday, may 28.

“The culture of healthy living must be instilled in the kindergarten, school, universities and colleges. Approximately 60 percent of success give these fairly simple steps that lead the man away from bad habits and correct his way of life,” explained the Minister.

Commenting on preventative measures, she noted that the screening system will be developed in particular in the direction of personalized genetic technologies.

Speaking about the quality and accessibility of medical services, the Minister noted that there are several major causes of death. Major cardiovascular disease and cancer, which account for 48 percent and 15 percent of all deaths, respectively.

“Worldwide, the number of cancers increases with the increase in life expectancy. People began to live before the cancer and before dying from preventable nowadays reasons. Including acute coronary syndrome and stroke. Now we can save such patients,” concluded the Minister.

Earlier in may, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the country needs to be among the most advanced on the duration and quality of life.

