The Englishman had prepared meals from Lord of the rings and eat them simultaneously with the characters

The Englishman had prepared meals from Lord of the rings and eat them simultaneously with the characters

Englishman Nate Crowley and his girlfriend Ashley made 14 dishes from the trilogy “the Lord of the rings”, that is, simultaneously with the characters in the film. So the couple decided to honor the memory of father and mother, and Nate, who were fans of the series Director Peter Jackson, reports the Evening Express.

“Both my parents really loved these movies, and I watched them with them. So I think that the marathon is “the Lord of the rings” is a kind way to honor their memory,” said Nate. But you cannot begin the 11-hour movie marathon without a little training, so the young man made a special menu with cake, bacon, Elvish bread, cheese, a drink of orcs and other items.

Here’s the menu, which is entirely based of my rough memory of the key eating scenes in LOTR. Feel free to follow along if you like. LET’S GO

— Regular Frog (@FrogCroakley) 18 Feb 2018

The marathon started with tea and cake that Nate and his girlfriend eating at the same time with a constantly hungry hobbits. After an hour it was time for the second Breakfast. A fan of the trilogy, shared their impressions and photos of meals on Twitter.

We just saw a hobbit scarf a cake onscreen, so it’s time to begin breakfast

— Regular Frog (@FrogCroakley) 18 Feb 2018

What about second breakfast?

Nailed it.

— Regular Frog (@FrogCroakley) 18 Feb 2018

Sometimes Nate had to improvise. “On the way to Lorien, it is time for the elven bread (biscuits, Jacob’s cream Puffs) and some hummus with grapes. I think it ate elves”, — said the young man.

Heading out of Lothlorien now, so it’s time for some Lembas bread (Jacob’s butter puffs) with some pesto hummus and grapes because elves I guess

— Regular Frog (@FrogCroakley) 18 Feb 2018

A review of the entire trilogy took more than 15 hours. The last dish was the tea and cake, with which began the marathon.

And there we are. After 15 hours and 21 courses, we’ve been there and back again, and are finishing the way we started at 6am – with cake and tea in the shire.

— Regular Frog (@FrogCroakley) 18 Feb 2018

Thanks for following us on our journey xx

— Regular Frog (@FrogCroakley) 18 Feb 2018

