Discovered the connection between cancer and “ready food”

Discovered the connection between cancer and “ready food”

The inhabitants of the developed countries to half of the daily diet is necessary for products that do not require cooking.

A group of scientists from France and Brazil, a new article which was published in the journal the BMJ, has examined the link between diet and cancer risk. First and foremost, researchers interested in food, in a very high degree subjected to technological processing (ultra-processed food).

That is, the ones so popular in the modern world, ready or requires minimal cooking food products that clogged the shelves of supermarkets, a variety of cereals, cookies, snacks, candy bars, sweets, bread industrial production, sausage, sausages, soups in sachets, sodas, and so on and so forth.

As a rule, these products contain a lot of sugar, fat and salt, but few vitamins, minerals and fiber. Previously it has been scientifically proven that the addiction to such foods is associated with a high risk of obesity, hypertension and increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

