“Blue bloody supermoon”: where to look and what to fear

“Blue bloody supermoon”: where to look and what to fear

31 January, many of the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to see the supermoon — a phenomena when the Moon approaches the planet on the minimum distance of 358 thousand kilometers.


What is the significance of today’s supermoon?

A supermoon is a fairly ordinary astronomical phenomenon occurring several times a year. For example, in January of this year, two of SUPERLINE. At this point, any observer with the Earth (with its night side, of course) sees the moon in a slightly larger size than usual.

However, such an observer should be sverhodarennym person with an exceptional eye: after distinguishing a normal from the supermoon full moon is about the same as to distinguish at a glance two elephants, one of which is higher than the other a couple of inches.

But on January 31, 2018 will not just be a supermoon, and “blue blood supermoon”. The color of the earth of the satellite varies greatly depending on the composition of the earth’s atmosphere, time of year etc. At this time, according to the calculations of NASA, the Moon will first turn in a “bloody” color, and then take a blue tint.

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Even “blue moon” referred to the second full moon in a month (the first was January 1). In addition, at this time these two events coincide with a full lunar Eclipse in two in the afternoon Moscow time the Moon touches the earth’s penumbra, completely immersed to 15.51 and finally out of the shadows in 19.09.

Why happen SUPERLINE?

A supermoon means that only the coincidence of two events. First, our satellite the Moon, which revolves around the Earth in an elliptical orbit, is one of the closest to the Earth points, that is at perigee (generally the distance from the moon to the Earth varies from 357 thousand to 406 thousand km). And second, she at this moment to the earthly observer in a state of either full moon (the lunar disc is fully open to view, the Earth is between the satellite and the Sun) or the moon (the Moon is exactly between Earth and the Sun, it is almost not visible at night).

