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The Ministry of justice of Iraq has declared that in the South the execution of a death sentence against 38 ex-militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports The Independent.
It clarifies the issue, currently in the prisons of Iraq are tens of thousands of people who are accused of involvement in IG. In accordance with the laws of the country, for participation in an extremist organization, the suspect could face the death penalty or life imprisonment.
Human rights activists from Human Rights Watch warned earlier this month that the death sentences against former fighters submitted in violation of procedural rules, defendants often are not given opportunity to appeal the decision of the court of first instance. The authorities, in turn, argue that all avenues for appeals of convicts was given to them.
Previous mass execution of convicted militants took place on 25 September. Then, the death sentence was carried out in relation to 42 prisoners.
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